Pandemic 2020

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Trumpmutants have adopted his lack of compassion and his penchant of humiliating others. I hope I never cross paths with one.

Over a half of the World, 100's of millions of individuals are desperately waiting for even basic help, like PPE's, forget about a vaccination & here in this fucking madhouse called the United States (that was a joke, right?) we are actually physically & verbally attacking each other over wearing a mask or getting a vaccination.
What the fuck is wrong with us?
Are we that fucked up?
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!
Of course we are & EVERYONE on this Planet knows it now.
A Nation of Fools, that's what we have become.
No fucking hope at all for change
We chose our path to oblivion.
Make America Great Again?
How about making America sane again.
Let's start there.

It's tune time and this definitely fits.

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that will get someone at least told the fuck off, even without's called personal space, look it up...over there...
Yes. In the face fuck off to scare the shit out of hm for sure. Then maybe he would t do it again. Some people are so out of touch with reality. That happened to my husband once and he got in the guys face and scared the living fuck out of him and then he backed off real quick like a bitch ass pussy apologizing scared for his pathetic life.
Yes. In the face fuck off to scare the shit out of hm for sure. Then maybe he would t do it again. Some people are so out of touch with reality. That happened to my husband once and he got in the guys face and scared the living fuck out of him and then he backed off real quick like a bitch ass pussy apologizing scared for his pathetic life.
i don't actually want to scare anyone, i just don't know where you've been or who or what you've been get the fuck away from me, and stay there...i'm not a obsessive/compulsive person, i've just seen enough of what people think is good hygiene to not want them to touch me....

Veronica Wolski, a well-known QAnon supporter who was skeptical of COVID-19 vaccines, died of the virus early Monday. According to reports, she was 64 years old. A Cook County medical examiner’s office representative told the Chicago Tribune she died of pneumonia due to her COVID-19 infection, and hypothyroidism was a contributing factor.
That’s too bad. She needed a more thorough deworming, I guess.

i just saw some guy downtown on a hoverboard which he couldn't operate and kept falling off; wearing a white hazmat type of onsie with an upside down American Flag and a sign that says 'My Body My Choice'. he was making certain each business window could see as he was whizzing by falling off and down because he can't balance.

it was quite the spectacle; then there's the homeless guy who's not really homeless. sits in the center of town takes his peg leg off and uses it to pan handle. i asked him how come he's still homeless with all the money he gets every day- he looked away..another con.
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