Pandemic 2020

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I see the antivaxxers have made a "safe space" for themselves, be sure to drop by and call them the fucking idiots and cowards they are, ridicule these losers, don't worry, you won't convince them to get vaxxed, they are far too stupid for that.

Drop by and drop some shit on their heads while they MAGA by fucking themselves!:D

This is great! How do you get rid of bad racist cops, here's one way. Wanna bet that almost every one who resigns voted for Trump and is a racist, because everybody who voted for Trump in 2020 is a racist with very few exceptions. Good riddance and there are plenty of black and brown people looking for good paying cop jobs.

I figure they will be just like everybody else, there will be a 98% to 99% compliance rate to vaccine mandates. They talk a big game, but fold real fast when told what to do, authoritarians operate like that, they just need a firm hand, to warm their asses.

According to the findings, about 50% of those studied experienced several adverse health issues for six months after recovering from COVID-19. This includes:

  • More than half of all patients reported weight loss, fatigue, fever or pain.
  • Roughly one in five experienced a decrease in mobility.
  • Nearly one in four experienced difficulty concentrating.
  • Nearly one in three patients were diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorders.
  • Six in 10 survivors had chest imaging abnormality and more than a quarter of patients had difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain and palpitations were among the commonly reported conditions.
  • Nearly one in five patients experienced hair loss or rashes.
  • Stomach pain, lack of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting were among the commonly reported conditions.

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Big businesses are siding against Texas in mandate fight
American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, which are both based in the Lone Star State, say they will defy Abbott’s order that no business in the state can impose a vaccine mandate on employees or customers and comply with President Biden’s mandate that all companies with at least 100 employees require vaccines or weekly testing for employees.

Other companies based in Texas have already imposed vaccine mandates and have given no indication they will change their positions in the wake of Abbott’s executive order.

Texas-based Dell Technologies has required vaccinations or testing since January. A few major technology companies not based in Texas do have hubs in Austin, like Google and Facebook, and already require employees be vaccinated.

Southwest downplayed any fight with the home-state governor, saying Biden’s order “superseded any state mandate or law.” The airline has ordered its thousands of employees to be vaccinated by Dec. 8.

American Airlines also said it believes a federal mandate supersedes state laws.

Witold Henisz, the Deloitte & Touche professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, said the conflicting orders are a “hassle.” He also said that most big corporations favor vaccine mandates, since it makes it easier for them to do business. That will put them on the side of Biden and against Abbott, even if they avoid advertising a political stance

“The large companies — the airlines, the big retailers — they want to get to the point where it’s safe for their employees to come in. So they’re overall happy with the mandate, and this political appeal from Abbott is the last thing they wanted. It’s a hassle for them,” Henisz said.

The Business Roundtable, which represents CEOs, warned against state and local governments getting in the way of companies keeping their workers safe.

“Since the pandemic began, America’s business leaders have been focused on keeping their employees and customers safe, including requiring vaccines for some or all of their employees,” said Joshua Bolten, the group’s president and CEO and a former White House chief of staff to former President George W. Bush.

“New regulations in some states would attempt to prevent private sector companies from taking these steps,” he added.

He said the Business Roundtable “urges state and local governments to support and not impede companies’ ability to keep their workplaces safe.”

Abbott's office, in defending the governor's move, blamed the Biden administration for leaving people in Texas in a position to choose between being fired or getting the vaccine.

“Governor Abbott has talked to countless Texans who are worried about losing their jobs because of this federal overreach. The Biden Administration has left Texans in the impossible position of having to choose between providing for their families or being fired for not getting the COVID vaccine because of their religious belief, medical condition, or personal conscience," said Renae Eze, Abbott's press secretary.

"And they have left employers with the unfair choice of either violating federal regulations or losing their valued employees. The Governor’s executive order will help protect Texans from having to make that choice,” she added.
Big businesses are siding against Texas in mandate fight
American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, which are both based in the Lone Star State, say they will defy Abbott’s order that no business in the state can impose a vaccine mandate on employees or customers and comply with President Biden’s mandate that all companies with at least 100 employees require vaccines or weekly testing for employees.

Other companies based in Texas have already imposed vaccine mandates and have given no indication they will change their positions in the wake of Abbott’s executive order.

Texas-based Dell Technologies has required vaccinations or testing since January. A few major technology companies not based in Texas do have hubs in Austin, like Google and Facebook, and already require employees be vaccinated.

Southwest downplayed any fight with the home-state governor, saying Biden’s order “superseded any state mandate or law.” The airline has ordered its thousands of employees to be vaccinated by Dec. 8.

American Airlines also said it believes a federal mandate supersedes state laws.

Witold Henisz, the Deloitte & Touche professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, said the conflicting orders are a “hassle.” He also said that most big corporations favor vaccine mandates, since it makes it easier for them to do business. That will put them on the side of Biden and against Abbott, even if they avoid advertising a political stance

“The large companies — the airlines, the big retailers — they want to get to the point where it’s safe for their employees to come in. So they’re overall happy with the mandate, and this political appeal from Abbott is the last thing they wanted. It’s a hassle for them,” Henisz said.

The Business Roundtable, which represents CEOs, warned against state and local governments getting in the way of companies keeping their workers safe.

“Since the pandemic began, America’s business leaders have been focused on keeping their employees and customers safe, including requiring vaccines for some or all of their employees,” said Joshua Bolten, the group’s president and CEO and a former White House chief of staff to former President George W. Bush.

“New regulations in some states would attempt to prevent private sector companies from taking these steps,” he added.

He said the Business Roundtable “urges state and local governments to support and not impede companies’ ability to keep their workplaces safe.”

Abbott's office, in defending the governor's move, blamed the Biden administration for leaving people in Texas in a position to choose between being fired or getting the vaccine.

“Governor Abbott has talked to countless Texans who are worried about losing their jobs because of this federal overreach. The Biden Administration has left Texans in the impossible position of having to choose between providing for their families or being fired for not getting the COVID vaccine because of their religious belief, medical condition, or personal conscience," said Renae Eze, Abbott's press secretary.

"And they have left employers with the unfair choice of either violating federal regulations or losing their valued employees. The Governor’s executive order will help protect Texans from having to make that choice,” she added.
Smart. You never know which industry will need the next government bailout.
Big businesses are siding against Texas in mandate fight
Abbott's office, in defending the governor's move, blamed the Biden administration for leaving people in Texas in a position to choose between being fired or getting the vaccine.

“Governor Abbott has talked to countless Texans who are worried about losing their jobs because of this federal overreach. The Biden Administration has left Texans in the impossible position of having to choose between providing for their families or being fired for not getting the COVID vaccine because of their religious belief, medical condition, or personal conscience," said Renae Eze, Abbott's press secretary.

"And they have left employers with the unfair choice of either violating federal regulations or losing their valued employees. The Governor’s executive order will help protect Texans from having to make that choice,” she added.

Abbott is a fucking tool...he wants to protect Texans from having to make a choice...because he wants them to do what he decides, not what they decide for themselves. the feds should just shut down ALL funding to texas, let them get by on their own for a little while, if ted cruz has left them any money after his latest vacation
Remember this?

March, 2020:

Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy

After doing a brief, weeklong impression of a semiresponsible human being, on Monday, Donald Trump got back to the business of being a reckless, anti-science moron, floating the idea that we should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to “save” the economy from the coronavirus. (We’re using scare quotes here because apparently the president hasn’t considered the fact that if hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans die, the economy will be in worse shape than it is now.)

Trump told reporters during an evening press conference that while the death toll is “bad,” and “the numbers are going to increase with time,” we’re “going to be opening our country up for business, because our country was meant to be open.“ That suggestion was obviously horrifying to people who still take the word of health experts over that of a brainless carnival barker and who understand that extreme social distancing needs to last for at least several months if not longer. One person who thought it was downright inspired? Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is of the opinion that old people, i.e. those most at risk, should volunteer to die to save the economy.

One should be careful of what they wish for.

so does everyone still see civil war coming? it's looks to me like it's going to be a pretty lopsided civil war...the hard core trumpists vs. EVERYONE ELSE...and everyone else is already pretty fucking irritated at the trumptards, and apparently, trump himself....i wish we had an emoji of laughing evilly and rubbing your hands together like a fly....this will have to do for now.... :hump:
Look how close we came to our local version of the Reichstag Fire.
Scary close.
I am not ready to relax until That Man is forced to wear his signature color.
Remember this?

March, 2020:

Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy

After doing a brief, weeklong impression of a semiresponsible human being, on Monday, Donald Trump got back to the business of being a reckless, anti-science moron, floating the idea that we should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to “save” the economy from the coronavirus. (We’re using scare quotes here because apparently the president hasn’t considered the fact that if hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans die, the economy will be in worse shape than it is now.)

Trump told reporters during an evening press conference that while the death toll is “bad,” and “the numbers are going to increase with time,” we’re “going to be opening our country up for business, because our country was meant to be open.“ That suggestion was obviously horrifying to people who still take the word of health experts over that of a brainless carnival barker and who understand that extreme social distancing needs to last for at least several months if not longer. One person who thought it was downright inspired? Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is of the opinion that old people, i.e. those most at risk, should volunteer to die to save the economy.

One should be careful of what they wish for.
This is a golden moment for leadership by example.
Look how close we came to our local version of the Reichstag Fire.
Scary close.
I am not ready to relax until That Man is forced to wear his signature color.
we didn't really come close...some fucking idiots tried to do something you for one minute think they would have seized the building and started making demands? they might have killed some congress people, tried to make some sort of show, then the national guard would have been called in and they would have been wiped the fuck out...they didn't have a standing army waiting for them to secure the building. i never once thought they came close to doing anything except getting trump hung for treason...i kind of hoped it would go that little extra so we could get rid of a lot of the most dangerous of them, AND have an excuse to summarily execute trump
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Another notch on Grim Reaper’s belt …..

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So, by that guy's schtick is not just this one but any and all vaccines are considered to be the Mark of the Beast.

I admire the creativity. I could not make that up. It's a good story, starting with a discovery of sinister secrets, actual history, distrust of authority, dastardly deeds by the Sherriff of Nottingham, gunfights at the OK corral and ends with an old guy sucking the last bits of his life from a tube stuck down his throat.

That ending needs work. Anticlimactic.
you not comfortable with that Han? i am...hope they start doing it here soon...should have started a year ago
I look at it as those cops (or military hard to tell) are people, and having humans with that much power over other humans is something that can and does get ugly when in highly stressful situations 'just taking orders' from high above, no matter the good intentions (Hopefully) of those orders were meant to be.

So yeah it does make me sad that the lady was ripped out of her home to get a Covid test when they could have done it there. It is also a bummer that her kid had to watch something that traumatic happen, and it is also if she had already taken the test like she said that it might have been a mistake.

But also sad is that there is no real way to know what is going on all around in that outside of the subtitles, which could all be bullshit.

And while I am cool with dragging people out of a store that are going full Karen and not listening to the people employed there, but as we are in America, dragging someone out of their home to take a test is not something that I would agree with doing, which is good because it won't unless the Republicans are able to install a dictator, then who the hell knows what comes next.
I look at it as those cops (or military hard to tell) are people, and having humans with that much power over other humans is something that can and does get ugly when in highly stressful situations 'just taking orders' from high above, no matter the good intentions (Hopefully) of those orders were meant to be.

So yeah it does make me sad that the lady was ripped out of her home to get a Covid test when they could have done it there. It is also a bummer that her kid had to watch something that traumatic happen, and it is also if she had already taken the test like she said that it might have been a mistake.

But also sad is that there is no real way to know what is going on all around in that outside of the subtitles, which could all be bullshit.

And while I am cool with dragging people out of a store that are going full Karen and not listening to the people employed there, but as we are in America, dragging someone out of their home to take a test is not something that I would agree with doing, which is good because it won't unless the Republicans are able to install a dictator, then who the hell knows what comes next.

at what point do we say enough? how long do we let profoundly stupid, ignorant people stay a public health risk? how many innocent people have anti vaxxers killed with their "right" to not get vaccinated? do you think a single one of them cares, even a little bit, when they infect those around them? i don't. do you think they see the hypocrisy when they take up hospital beds and people with pre existing conditions die because they can't get treatment? i don't think most of them know what hypocrisy means. do you think they'll ever wake up and realize that the ignorant garbage they swallow and regurgitate is influencing other simple minded people to also become a risk to public health?
what do you do to a disobedient child throwing a tantrum? you try to talk to the child first, which is usually a fruitless effort, then you take the child and isolate it, against it's will, until it calms down and agrees to what you know has to happen...we've tried talking to these children for more than a year's time to start putting them in a corner and keeping them there till they quit acting like children
and before you tell me these aren't children, they're adults, let me say that they aren't adults till they act like adults...either vaccinate or isolate, period, no discussion.
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