Pandemic 2020

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at what point do we say enough? how long do we let profoundly stupid, ignorant people stay a public health risk? how many innocent people have anti vaxxers killed with their "right" to not get vaccinated? do you think a single one of them cares, even a little bit, when they infect those around them? i don't. do you think they see the hypocrisy when they take up hospital beds and people with pre existing conditions die because they can't get treatment? i don't think most of them know what hypocrisy means. do you think they'll ever wake up and realize that the ignorant garbage they swallow and regurgitate is influencing other simple minded people to also become a risk to public health?
what do you do to a disobedient child throwing a tantrum? you try to talk to the child first, which is usually a fruitless effort, then you take the child and isolate it, against it's will, until it calms down and agrees to what you know has to happen...we've tried talking to these children for more than a year's time to start putting them in a corner and keeping them there till they quit acting like children
and before you tell me these aren't children, they're adults, let me say that they aren't adults till they act like adults...either vaccinate or isolate, period, no discussion.
IMO refund the mental health system that Reagan and the Republicans ended.

And a federally funded (preferrably by taxing the shit out of the businesses that profited off the attack) outreach program to help the people who have been under attack for the last decade that has brainwashed them into dangerous death cultists, understand exactly how and when they were turned into domestic terrorists.
IMO refund the mental health system that Reagan and the Republicans ended.

And a federally funded (preferrably by taxing the shit out of the businesses that profited off the attack) outreach program to help the people who have been under attack for the last decade that has brainwashed them into dangerous death cultists, understand exactly how and when they were turned into domestic terrorists.
Yeah, these 2 mental cases need help. I just passed them in our car. They are standing on the corner of a busy intersection with the trump flag and blasting god bless America. Lol. Bat shit crazy. Just look at that guy. He looked like a total southern redneck waving a confederate flag shit. Suspenders? Who wears suspenders anymore. And that mustache. Lol. 75993023-C3BA-42AA-A586-6291C508CD65.jpeg573A2936-B90B-4BF0-9782-E8ED83CBF2E9.jpeg
IMO refund the mental health system that Reagan and the Republicans ended.

And a federally funded (preferrably by taxing the shit out of the businesses that profited off the attack) outreach program to help the people who have been under attack for the last decade that has brainwashed them into dangerous death cultists, understand exactly how and when they were turned into domestic terrorists.
do you think the people who have become dangerous death cultist will volunteer for this program? i think they'll take reprogramming before they can ever be trusted in society again. and then i'd watch every single one of them, every single day...they don't want to be "rehabilitated"...not everyone has the ability to think rationally, they swallow the first line they're thrown, and once they swallow it, good fucking luck getting them to regurgitate it.
i'm not sure who profited by the attacks, except the major news outlets..good luck getting them to pay for fuck all, they'll litigate that shit till 2100
Yeah, these 2 mental cases need help. I just passed them in our car. They are standing on the corner of a busy intersection with the trump flag and blasting god bless America. Lol. Bat shit crazy. Just look at that guy. He looked like a total southern redneck waving a confederate flag shit. Suspenders? Who wears suspenders anymore. And that mustache. Lol. View attachment 5010740View attachment 5010741
and you expect rational thought from these magats?
Yeah, these 2 mental cases need help. I just passed them in our car. They are standing on the corner of a busy intersection with the trump flag and blasting god bless America. Lol. Bat shit crazy. Just look at that guy. He looked like a total southern redneck waving a confederate flag shit. Suspenders? Who wears suspenders anymore. And that mustache. Lol. View attachment 5010740View attachment 5010741
I wonder if they got sent a domestic terrorist starter kit? Those flags look like they just came out of the packaging. And the traveling PA system good lord.

What is the under/over on that guy just being there for beer money?
Did you miss the part I said about mental health facilities? said federally funded outreach program...if you want to institutionalize them, i'm all for that..because institutions do not have to release you until they consider you to not be a threat to yourself and most of them would die of old age in the institutions...
I wonder if they got sent a domestic terrorist starter kit? Those flags look like they just came out of the packaging. And the traveling PA system good lord.

What is the under/over on that guy just being there for beer money?
These kind of grandparents have the young grandkids with guns and confederate flags and plot school shootings.
do you think the people who have become dangerous death cultist will volunteer for this program? i think they'll take reprogramming before they can ever be trusted in society again. and then i'd watch every single one of them, every single day...they don't want to be "rehabilitated"...not everyone has the ability to think rationally, they swallow the first line they're thrown, and once they swallow it, good fucking luck getting them to regurgitate it.
I would just provide the outreach and not have it need to be asked for.

i'm not sure who profited by the attacks, except the major news outlets..good luck getting them to pay for fuck all, they'll litigate that shit till 2100
To start, Facebook, RNC, Trump, Bannon, bullshit propaganda website, bullshit news companies like OANN, the Hill, the Nation, Epoch Times, mega rich like Koch. There is a lot of bad actors, and set up tarriffs on businesses selling their services overseas too. It might take a while, but it should be a lot like cigarette companies.

These kind of grandparents have the young grandkids with guns and confederate flags and plot school shootings.
I was thinking that lady just picked up some rando that has the hots for her and would be willing to wave a flag for a few bucks, or was tricked into thinking it was a job interview/date.
we didn't really come close...some fucking idiots tried to do something you for one minute think they would have seized the building and started making demands? they might have killed some congress people, tried to make some sort of show, then the national guard would have been called in and they would have been wiped the fuck out...they didn't have a standing army waiting for them to secure the building. i never once thought they came close to doing anything except getting trump hung for treason...i kind of hoped it would go that little extra so we could get rid of a lot of the most dangerous of them, AND have an excuse to summarily execute trump
Yes actually.
I would just provide the outreach and not have it need to be asked for.

To start, Facebook, RNC, Trump, Bannon, bullshit propaganda website, bullshit news companies like OANN, the Hill, the Nation, Epoch Times, mega rich like Koch. There is a lot of bad actors, and set up tarriffs on businesses selling their services overseas too. It might take a while, but it should be a lot like cigarette companies.

I was thinking that lady just picked up some rando that has the hots for her and would be willing to wave a flag for a few bucks, or was tricked into thinking it was a job interview/date.

you think they'd jump at the chance to be deprogrammed? i think you'd have to track them down, and drag them off in straight jackets before they'd ever seek help themselves, they don't even realize they're crazy

good fucking luck getting one thin dime out of any of those entities, they'd break themselves paying lawyers before they'd ever volunteer one red cent

does it matter? crazy is as crazy does...and they're all fucking crazy
you think they'd jump at the chance to be deprogrammed? i think you'd have to track them down, and drag them off in straight jackets before they'd ever seek help themselves, they don't even realize they're crazy

good fucking luck getting one thin dime out of any of those entities, they'd break themselves paying lawyers before they'd ever volunteer one red cent

does it matter? crazy is as crazy does...and they're all fucking crazy
Tax their internet/cable providers to the point they start to choke off propaganda (Fox/OANN/internet propaganda websites) to those people to stop them getting their fix until they are ready to accept the help or become somewhat detoxed.
Tax their internet/cable providers to the point they start to choke off propaganda (Fox/OANN/internet propaganda websites) to those people to stop them getting their fix until they are ready to accept the help or become somewhat detoxed.
won't work, you can't tax businesses at different rates for the same services...until you go through a lengthy legal process that first, has to assert that what they are doing is harmful, and then you have to prove culpability, that they knew what they were doing is harmful...and then you have the free speech argument, which will take decades to fight through, and then you have private networks that take subpoenas to would be so much easier to snatch the lunatics up, and commit them to a facility where they can't get out till the people monitoring them say they can....
and yes, i get it, that opens up a can of civil rights worms...but your idea will never do anything at all...if you wait for all of that to happen, the people you want to "help" will have died of old age, after committing more acts of terrorism, and training their children and grand children to do the same
won't work, you can't tax businesses at different rates for the same services...until you go through a lengthy legal process that first, has to assert that what they are doing is harmful, and then you have to prove culpability, that they knew what they were doing is harmful...and then you have the free speech argument, which will take decades to fight through, and then you have private networks that take subpoenas to would be so much easier to snatch the lunatics up, and commit them to a facility where they can't get out till the people monitoring them say they can....
and yes, i get it, that opens up a can of civil rights worms...but your idea will never do anything at all...if you wait for all of that to happen, the people you want to "help" will have died of old age, after committing more acts of terrorism, and training their children and grand children to do the same

If you haven't, I recommend watching this hearing, because it goes into that directly on how what they are doing is known to be harmful by them.

If you haven't, I recommend watching this hearing, because it goes into that directly on how what they are doing is known to be harmful by them.
i did watch a good bit of it...that's a lot different than actually imposing sanctions on individual companies for "bad behavior" you can legislate that they cannot do or say certain things, but to impose different tax rates on those businesses based on that behavior is an entirely different issue that hasn't even been broached. if you think they won't fight back, making the legal battle take years, if not decades...hiding documents, covering up behavior, lying, threatening employs, compartmentalizing their business so that only certain people know certain things....
it would be better to impose large, strict, unavoidable fines for the same behavior...that could be done fairly rapidly, but you'd have to have a few sympathetic judges to back it up, and good luck finding that with this magat loaded supreme court...
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