There is NO covid!
All vaccines, already since birth are a formula to sabotage and override the mechanics of Organic Creation, blocking Chakras(Endocrine System), diminishing Life Force Chi/Kundalini Energy and Pineal Gland functions, impacting the in and out BREATH patterns, repelling the spiritual intelligence from out of the HuMan Organic Biology’s natural breathing pattern. Not to mention the physical retardations, like down syndrome, paralysis caused by vaccines, etc. Breath is everything, the Incredible Life Force...Different breathing patterns activate our brain networks related to mood, attention, and awareness.
Vaccines are responsible for wiping out the Organic DNA Source Code and its Etheric/Astral & Physical(Biological) functions. DNA is precious as Our Soul. All outward communication as information is received inwardly(DNA is at the center of a cell), and modifies the organization of the internal system(Etheric/Astral body), altering its vibratory frequency and outer appearance(material structure).
DNA is composed of a liquid crystalline substance that’s both Etheric and Physical in nature, and acts as a medium for the transfer and decoding of information between the Etheric/Astral holographic fields of astral light, and the material body. Because DNA is primarily composed of etheric substance(liquid light), it’s modulated through an exchange of information that works intuitively on the etheric body, which is what’s used to re-inform the cellular structure and specialization process of the material-molecular body. The exchange of information occurs within the inner core of all things as a form of receiver that picks up on waves being transmitted through the ether, which modifies the “informational structure” of the core. Just as the Pineal Gland acts as the receiver and decoder of information from higher realms, the DNA of the body acts as a receiver and decoder for complementary information that instantaneously changes the state of every organic cell(energetic entanglement) through the integration and assimilation, altering the whole body based on the energetic state of the etheric body as the subtle electromagnetic field of information. Pineal Gland is deeply connected with the very core of our primordial 12 strand DNA.
The Pineal Gland, via Melatonin, Protects DNA, Coordinates the Endocrine System(Kundalini Energy Portals of Chakras/Powerhouse of Chakras) with the Immune System. DNA is sensitive to a couple of things. It’s sensitive to electromagneticity, radiation, like that of 5G vaccine nano implants, pharmekia and all other artificial inorganic drugs. It can alter and destroy DNA. DNA is sensitive to magnetism, electromagnetism. You mess with the magnetic fields, you mess with the DNA, you mess with Soul and Consciousness. Just like its blocking the natural currents and flows that would normally come into the planet, it does the same thing to the biology’s on this planet.
The New World Order agendas aim is to utterly destroy the Krystal Spiral and all Organic Creation Code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own imposter versions of Base 10 Math, distorting and changing all of the proportions in original Christos architecture to invert and split(fracture) consciousness energy to co-create the distorted reversal structures that feed and generate Inorganic Artificial Egregore Matrix. Disconnecting one from Source Organic Life Force electromagnetic Chi energy, and connecting one to inorganic radioactive Artificial Egregore Matrix. Ultimate sorcery.
Impacting the in and out BREATH patterns, repelling the spiritual intelligence from out of the HuMan Organic Biology’s natural breathing pattern. Our natural breath pattern is supposed to attract our living SOUL-SPIRIT ORGANIC Divine Matrix to run effortlessly through our BREATH, and this imposter architecture interferes with that process.
The cosmic Heart center of the God Source. This cosmic Heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the Eternal Source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the Crystal Heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint of Organic Source DNA

When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted from the loss of Organic Source Code DNA energy present. This eventually leads to energetic collapse and internal implosion of the Divine Organic Spirit blueprint DNA system, which manifests as fallen finite consciousness and then potential annihilation