Pandemic 2020

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Just saying that doesn't make it true man.

You are at best brainwashed, and it is a bummer that people are so stuck in this rut of propangada that they think the things you are saying is true, and it is not.

Any 'evidence' that natural immunity is 'as good, even better' than the vaccine, there is a shit ton of snake oil sales-people trying to con people into thinking that is cherry picked. And if I was you (and you are a real person) I would seriously question where and why you are getting that information, or do you often visit pre-reviewed paper websites?

Here is some evidence that the CDC has that shows the vaccine is far more effective than the death cultist logic.
View attachment 4975928

This is at best outdated from the impression I am under.
Lol “unvaccinated”.

“ Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose
of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine; partially vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the first dose and <14 days after the second dose in a 2-dose series; and unvaccinated <14 days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available.”
I was under the impression that a vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

That would be your error. What you're talking about is a sub-category of vaccines. What you're suggesting is that a car isn't a car if it has a diesel engine. The means of propulsion is a sub-category.
That would be your error. What you're talking about is a sub-category of vaccines. What you're suggesting is that a car isn't a car if it has a diesel engine. The means of propulsion is a sub-category.
Lol this was the literal definition of vaccine in Merriam-Webster dictionary…..but okay.
Lol “unvaccinated”.

“ Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose
of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine; partially vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the first dose and <14 days after the second dose in a 2-dose series; and unvaccinated <14 days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available.”
lol are you really this invested in the death cult trolling?

Ok fine, where did you first see that paper that you thought was such good proof that you felt compelled to share it here?
lol are you really this invested in the death cult trolling?

Ok fine, where did you first see that paper that you thought was such good proof that you felt compelled to share it here?
Death cult? Ok. Anyways, I saw it on google when researching the latest studies regarding vaccinations and natural immunity.
Just thinking logically, the top level category is "vaccine" though, yes? And the method used for triggering the response would be the subset? One is an A type vaccine and one is a B type vaccine?
Death cult? Ok. Anyways, I saw it on google when researching the latest studies regarding vaccinations and natural immunity.
Im just going to assume that you have had vaccines before, and not actually felt the need to do 'research' on them prior to getting the shot. If I am wrong, feel free to let me know.

I am curious why you think you need to do that 'research' now?

That’s true. I’d refer to this as more of a leaky vaccine if you were to call it a vaccine.
It is this kind of shit that makes it really hard to not just consider you one of the endless line of paid propaganda death cult trolls man.
I was under the impression that a vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.
Keep resurchin.

Im just going to assume that you have had vaccines before, and not actually felt the need to do 'research' on them prior to getting the shot. If I am wrong, feel free to let me know.

I am curious why you think you need to do that 'research' now?

It is this kind of shit that makes it really hard to not just consider you one of the endless line of paid propaganda death cult trolls man.
Lol I research everything as it relates to my health and safety. I research the most comfortable and durable hand wraps and gloves for heavy bag work. I research certain foods effects on hormones. I research which red dot sights are best for people with astigmatism. Are we not supposed to research things to know if it is detrimental or beneficial ?
Lol I research everything as it relates to my health and safety. I research the most comfortable and durable hand wraps and gloves for heavy bag work. I research certain foods effects on hormones. I research which red dot sights are best for people with astigmatism. Are we not supposed to research things to know if it is detrimental or has benefit?
So is that a no you haven't researched vaccines before?

Ill assume that you haven't, feel free to once again school me if I am wrong. I ask because the science of it is pretty hard to understand unless you have studied it and been able to get a lot of feedback on what it is that you think you read to start to understand the nuance in them.

But that aside, when you researched wraps for your hands, would you have disregarded information that say 96% of professional fighters say was the ones they felt were the best ones for a handful of other scammers trying to link you to their product?
Lol I research everything as it relates to my health and safety. I research the most comfortable and durable hand wraps and gloves for heavy bag work. I research certain foods effects on hormones. I research which red dot sights are best for people with astigmatism. Are we not supposed to research things to know if it is detrimental or beneficial ?

Every strap in the world has a load rating and a lifespan, because UV and whatever else break them down over time. What is the rating and replacement date for your seatbelts?
So is that a no you haven't researched vaccines before?

Ill assume that you haven't, feel free to once again school me if I am wrong. I ask because the science of it is pretty hard to understand unless you have studied it and been able to get a lot of feedback on what it is that you think you read to start to understand the nuance in them.

But that aside, when you researched wraps for your hands, would you have disregarded information that say 96% of professional fighters say was the ones they felt were the best ones for a handful of other scammers trying to link you to their product?
I misunderstood the first question. Yes I have been researching vaccines for years.

Professional fighters could very well be pushing a certain set of wraps because of who is funding/sponsoring them. I look at all of the data and come to my own conclusions based on what I find.
Every strap in the world has a load rating and a lifespan, because UV and whatever else break them down over time. What is the rating and replacement date for your seatbelts?
How long have seatbelts been studied? If a seatbelt fails can I sue the manufacturer?
You tell me, I'm not the one claiming to have researched everything relating to my safety. Ain't nobody got time for that. I'm the only that lives in the scary world known as "outside". I'm saying that you don't actually do that and I think you have a "safety formula" that includes partisan things which depart from actually being concerned about safety.

What's the date of manufacture on your tires?
I misunderstood the first question. Yes I have been researching vaccines for years.

Professional fighters could very well be pushing a certain set of wraps because of who is funding/sponsoring them. I look at all of the data and come to my own conclusions based on what I find.
How many years? Do you think that you might have gotten radicalized over the years?

Or is it a religious thing for you?

Professional fighters could very well be pushing a certain set of wraps because of who is funding/sponsoring them. I look at all of the data and come to my own conclusions based on what I find.
So you would not decide to see what they are using, and when you find out you would assume that they are scamming you?

But you wouldn't do the same thing for the snake oil salesman?
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