Pandemic 2020

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MAD worked for decades between Russia and America and unless the political situation stabilizes it would be a likely option. Imagination would fail everybody, Hitler only got 33% of the vote in Germany, they had a crashed economy and resentment over first world war too. Hitler was far more personable than Trump and far more electable, Trump got 47% of the vote. I can already smell the smoke from the chimneys of the death camps.
too bad we can't backtrack these posts and knock on some doors with a pistol in your pocket...i wouldn't even feel like i was doing anything wrong..just taking the fucking trash out...and dangerous trash, at that, full of medical waste...
I hate like Hell saying it, but America has become unstable and very dangerous to itself, it's neighbors and it's allies. It is likely the republicans will take the house in 2022, I pray they won't, but it seems likely. This will set up a perfect storm for 2024, Trump will be in prison, but only a psychopath can lead the republicans now. When it spirals downward there will be no bottom and there will be no shortage of brown and black shirts to make it all happen and staff the camps.
I hate like Hell saying it, but America has become unstable and very dangerous to itself, it's neighbors and it's allies. It is likely the republicans will take the house in 2022, I pray they won't, but it seems likely. This will set up a perfect storm for 2024, Trump will be in prison, but only a psychopath can lead the republicans now. When it spirals downward there will be no bottom and there will be no shortage of brown and black shirts to make it all happen and staff the camps.
i kind of think the party will split, with the more radical members forming their own insurgency, becoming domestic terrorists who see themselves as patriots and voices of truth, who will be hunted down and locked up for their own safety, and ours...and the "rational republicans" will lead the hunt, they know what kind of monsters they've let loose
I hate like Hell saying it, but America has become unstable and very dangerous to itself, it's neighbors and it's allies. It is likely the republicans will take the house in 2022, I pray they won't, but it seems likely. This will set up a perfect storm for 2024, Trump will be in prison, but only a psychopath can lead the republicans now. When it spirals downward there will be no bottom and there will be no shortage of brown and black shirts to make it all happen and staff the camps.

A bunch of broke ass republicans out of work from vaccination terminations will provide helpful labor.
i kind of think the party will split, with the more radical members forming their own insurgency, becoming domestic terrorists who see themselves as patriots and voices of truth, who will be hunted down and locked up for their own safety, and ours...and the "rational republicans" will lead the hunt, they know what kind of monsters they've let loose
I hope you are right and I'll do all I can to prevent these assholes from gaining power in America. Paradoxically the internet gives me and others outside of America more influence than an American with a single vote, who just votes. I wouldn't feel safe at all in Canada if these assholes were to gain power in America. Our own nukes would be our only insurance, once the death camps started cremating the brown folks and their liberal allies. There would be no shortage of guards for the camps, most are wearing MAGA hats now. Canada would be invaded by American refugees long before an American army. If America can mass murder it's own citizens and now their own republican fucking base, anything is possible with these racist lunatics.

Trump will be in a NY state prison, in the meantime he can rip the republicans apart and leave them high and dry with the GOP nomination in hand while doing time in a maximum security state prison cell. I hope he has every elected GOP member of congress on the courthouse steps in NY dancing and howling. I also hope he hoovers up all the republican small donor money for his endless legal defense. It's pretty obvious that Garland wants NY to imprison, break and muzzle Trump before he takes him down on federal charges. Also there is no federal pardon possible in NY state, Joe will have clean hands and they can have him on trial in NY during the election of 2022 and again in 2024. The closer to the election Donald's downfall is the better, the public has a short memory.
A bunch of broke ass republicans out of work from vaccination terminations will provide helpful labor.
If the democrats win in 2022 they will have little choice but to destroy the republicans as they are now constituted and they will be poisoned for a generation, probably to death. They will also have to regulate cable and the internet (social media), destroy the domestic disinformation system and put fox in a regulatory box at a minimum, while wiping out hate radio by turning AM radio digital. Election reform, voting rights, a domestic terrorist list and new laws to make it easy to nail the fucks. If they win big enough in 2022 they could pull the whole thing off in 6 months, if they own the house and enough seats in the senate to get rid of the filibuster. Also high speed internet and free basic cable for rural America with the major broadcasting networks only and no free propaganda stations. Foxnews should be put out of business over their pandemic coverage alone, there is only one truth and house divided cannot stand.
i kind of think the party will split, with the more radical members forming their own insurgency, becoming domestic terrorists who see themselves as patriots and voices of truth, who will be hunted down and locked up for their own safety, and ours...and the "rational republicans" will lead the hunt, they know what kind of monsters they've let loose
The tail is wagging the dog. trump’s base is driving Republican policy and not even trump can control them now.
I think Canada should consider an independent nuclear deterrent. Drop out of the treaty and get to work on our own nukes, a hundred should be enough, delivery systems are the key. We should start now, of course the targets will be in Russia, or anywhere we choose.
Weapons of moose destruction!
Intercontinental ballistic beavers!

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they'll try, its up to all of us to stop them
seriously...i'm listening for any slip of the tongue, any stupid remarks that will give away some planned bullshit, and i'll fucking crash it so hard their teeth will come out their asses...if i see someone like Umbrella Man starting any shit, i'm going to finish it on the spot...they say they're patriots...let's water the tree of liberty, patriots...
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Seeing some talk about when covid goes from a pandemic to endemic, sorry folks but it's not going to magically disappear. They are hoping that happens late next year but it will happen at different times across the globe depending on the number of previouse infections and how many are vaccinated. They expect that covid will still be more deadly than the flu which averages 30,000 deaths a year, the estimates based on the current situation and knowledge is 40,000 - 100,000 deaths per year by covid. The cats is out of the bag and scientists are finally admitting immunity from natural infection and vaccination doesn't last, yearly boosters are coming.
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