Pandemic 2020

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Reports are that in South Africa, when omicron hit the health care system lost 20% of it's workers to illness. If it's so infectious that PPE becomes less effective and it sickens a large percentage of health care workers it may not matter if it's milder.
Boost, stay home and upgrade to an N95 mask are all we can do, the unvaxxed and unmasked are fucked, the rest of us should muddle through. It's moving too fast to vaccinate or boost, though they just started a massive boost program in Ontario and may do the same here in NS.
That’s great but my issue is there is no vaccine. I actually am able to get it on the 21st of Dec. but every place I called is waiting for supply :(.

and we can all thank you know who for one year of federal inaction, throwing it on the governors then working against them cancelling their orders and bidding against overseas..what he did affected you and your country.
January marks two years with this and Uncle Joe cut our benefits a little too early (September) he promised there was 'more where this came from' when talking about the extra UI benefit and that he wouldn't let us down..we didn't even have delta when he took over and now were two out from Covid19.

I've been without UI since the beginning of September because their brand new system pays out fraudulent claims and no matter what they do it has a bunch of glitches...received some back cash from...MAY! they must hand process all claims now:shock:

seriously though i don't think we know enough about omicron yet and i feel like lambs to the slaughter no matter how upbeat the press releases from the WH are.
and we can all thank you know who for one year of federal inaction, throwing it on the governors then working against them cancelling their orders and bidding against overseas..what he did affected you and your country.
We started vaccinating a couple of months later than America, but the uptake is much higher now than in the states. If America had followed the same course as Canada, there would have been less than 300,000 dead and not 800,000 people. We lost 30,000 so far and America has a pop about 8.4 times greater than Canada. Yet we are 27th in per capital death rates, nothing exceptional.
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just in from Schuylaar's mind: Donald Trump Jr will take over the family grift; become a false prophet and say he can channel his father.
We started vaccinating a couple of months later than America, but the uptake is much higher now than in the states. If America had followed the same course as Canada, there would have been less than 300,000 dead and not 800,000 people. We lost 30,000 so far and America has a pop about 8.4 times greater than Canada. Yet we are 27th in per capital death rates, nothing exceptional.

we just effect each other with open border until they closed it and since Rumpy did nothing for a year sure didn't help.
Here is some good news about boosters.
Data Plainly Shows Benefits Of Covid Vaccine Booster In Reducing Case Rates

Dr. David Kessler, chief science officer for the Biden admnistration's Covid response, talks with Rachel Maddow about whether evidence showing the value of a Covid vaccine booster in reducing case rates in nursing homes can be applied to the general population, and what is known so far about the Omicron variant.
Doubling every 2-3 days this thing will peak in Jan here, the sheeple have no clue what's coming.
And yet it looks like the States are experiencing a downturn. More impressively, India which was savaged by Delta is showing steady decay to baseline. I expected a sharper rise in both nations. I’m guardedly optimistic.
This roller coaster is making a lot of people sick.
We might be sick of the reality presented to us, but none the less we have to deal with it. Fortunately, the wise now have options, a year ago we had none, we also have a lot of experience with this monster and fortunately it didn't make this kind of adaptation earlier in the pandemic, also the original mRNA vaccines were so effective they can still be used, even with new variants.

Another winter of masks and distancing will not be popular, but with omicron there is no other way besides vaccination to keep the hospitals from over flowing.
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