i think i found the in depth way to make it:
Otherwise the uninformed person may ask questions that have already been asked and answered a hundred times over.
Other useful threads . . .
Quick reference guide to Flake Cooked Opium
Papaver Somniferum Botany and Selective Breeding.
Laudanum, The Godzilla of HomeBrews.
Making Morphine the simple way. (Crude Morphine production).
For informational or research purposes only . . . in hypothetical situations and theoretical discussions . .
The following is a fictional story compiled by a 3 toed sloth . .
Some quick background.
Poppy growers in third world countries have been "cooking" Opium for countless years. In fact there is only one tribe which is known of that does not cook their Opium before consumption. Google will show up a fair number of histories and guides which will confirm this. The bricks of Opium generally for sale in these third world countries are all bricks of "cooked" opium. SWIM makes his own cooked opium in the same way and has adapted this guide so that other starting materials can also be used such as fresh poppy pods, freshly dried poppy pods, sourced poppy pods and if one REALLY wanted to . . poppy seed. When the procedure is done properly with raw opium latex the results can be hypothetically astounding, this is also true of doing the procedure with freshly dried pods. Medical alkaloid companies all use the "water threshing" method of harvesting opium. This is to say that all alkaloids are suspended in a water solution to be shipped to a production plant for further processing. The basic theory is to return this latex dissolved in water to close to its original state . . . . leading too . . .
Cooked Flake Opium . . . .
OK, First one would like to thank everyone else's friends for the support SWIM received in the previous thread. One has created THIS thread as an improved guide at SWIM's request because he thought that the information that One provided was at some points a little vague and could be elaborated on for those whom wish to have more accurate research.
- EVERYTHING mentioned in this guide will assume that one is starting with 10 grams of material and all calculation will be based on that starting amount, further calculations for different amounts are easily obtained by simple maths. This material can either be the latex (raw opium gum), poppy pods (either fresh or dried) and poppy seed. (One must mention here that SWIM says that although poppy seed can be used for this method, it produces a lower grade of resulting material. The reason it is mentioned here is because some SWIY's only have access to poppy seed.)
NOTE: At no point should ANY boiling or bubbling occur at any time, if it has then one would end up with something that is low grade at best.
STEP 1: For opium gum, cut it up into small match head size pieces - the same goes for fresh poppy heads. For dried poppy heads and / or poppy seed, grind it up into a coarse powder. The reason for this is that extraction takes place easier and quicker because alot of small particles have a larger surface area to extract from than one large particle.
STEP 2: You need a pot containing 10 times the weight / volume (W/V) of water than that of the starting material. Since hypothetically we are starting with 10 grams we will need 100ml of water. (for 1 gram you would need 10ml, for 3 - 30ml etc etc). Bring this volume of water up to 70 degrees Celsius (158 F).
STEP 3: Add your material to this liquid and let it steep for 2 hours stirring occasionally. One should notice the level of the water on the side of the pot, if this level drops down due to evaporation then water is added from a warm kettle kept on hand during this period. (The reason SWIM has extended the time period is because different densities will extract at different rates, so 2 hours is preferred to allow for this.)
STEP 4: Once the steeping period is over the liquid should have gone an amber / brown color. Take it off the heat and strain it immediately through 4 stacked fine coffee filters. One will notice (for gum and fresh material) that a lot of gray wax-like sludge is left in the filter, this is a latex by-product and is discarded because it contains nothing of use. For dry material and seeds you will have the same wax like substance along with a heap of sludge left over from the ground pods or seeds, this is also now useless and should be discarded. The reason for it being strained immediately is because of heat expansion. Heat will expand all other particles in the liquid but the filter will not let them pass through, this filters almost everything except for the alkaloids and some other water soluble materials.
STEP 5: Once filtered off into another pot allow this liquid to cool to room temperature. This is where one needs to adjust pH level of the liquid. The pH of 7.00 is considered neutral at 25 ℃ (77 F) because at this pH the concentration of
H3O+ approximately equals the concentration of
OH− in pure water. pH below 7.0 is considered "acidic" and it is an acidic solution one needs to proceed. Adjust the pH of the liquid to 6.5 with citric acid once it has cooled to room temperature using pH test strips available from an aquarium and garden supply stores. The reason for the pH adjustment is that the week acid binds to specific opiates making them more active and in certain circumstances binding to an alkaloid making it into a higher level alkaloid. The pH also dictates how readily available the alkaloids are in the blood, for more information on this Google for pH.
STEP 6: preheat an oven to 50 degrees Celsius (122 F). Put the resulting pH adjusted liquid into shallow glass baking dishes. Place the baking dishes into the oven to allow the water content to be evaporated off. This is a safe way for evaporation to take place because the point at which opiate alkaloids are dispersed and destroyed into vapor is 80 degrees Celsius (176 F). This is also the reason why water extraction should take place at 70 degrees Celsius.
STEP 7: Once the liquid has lost almost all of its water content turn the oven off and open the oven door leaving the baking dishes in there so that the substance in the dishes can loose the rest of its water content naturally. This will usually happen rather rapidly as the oven and surrounding atmosphere cools. It is easy to visually determine when something has lost the majority of its water content, the liquid will appear to look muddy and "stiffer".
STEP 8: Once the material has lost all of its water content one would be left with an amber / brown crystalline substance on the bottom of the baking dishes. This is scraped up carefully (it is very light and can "flick" off into oblivion) with a plastic scraper, SWIM uses an old credit card
. The resulting scraped up material is still rather pliable even though it is rather crystalline in appearance and is easily pushed back into a ball. When you do this the color of it gets a little darker again.
RESULT: If one has performed this correctly then one would be left with a substance known as "flake" or the "cooked" form of opium. When it is smoked correctly it should melt and vaporize pretty much the same as H does rather than slightly burn and and sizzle like raw opium. It should leave very little residue when smoked unlike raw opium which turns into a hard little ball once it is expended. This form is also good for eating, dissolving into liquid to drink, making capsules out of, etc etc. . . This is (in SWIM's opinion a little more dangerous because cooked opium is much more potent than poppy pod tea or poppy grounds in equivalent quantity. Smoking is more controlled in his opinion because you can start by smoking a smaller quantity and working your way up.
NOTE: If one were to want this process to go a little quicker one could evaporate off a fair amount of the water before introducing the liquid into the baking trays. If one is to do this the temperature should be kept at or under 70 degrees Celsius to prevent alkaloid loss. SWIM's opinion though is "the slower the evaporation and the lower the temperatures - the better the result".
APPROXIMATES: Water can contain only a certain amount of alkaloids before it reaches what is known as the "saturation point". This is the point at which no more alkaloids will be absorbed into the water because there are no bonding points left in the water to bind to. This usually occurs at around 500mg per 100ml @ 70 degrees Celsius. Once that bonding occurs no opiate molecule loss should occur if the solution is kept under that temperature. This is not to say that the molecules are not still in the solution as the water evaporates, it is merely stating that as the water evaporates the molecules then bond back onto themselves resulting in the cooked form of opium SWIM described. SWIM's tests and experience in equivalences seems to indicate that 1 gram of cooked opium contains around 500mg of opiate alkaloids. Research shows that farmed varieties of Papaver Somniferum contain on average around 10 to 15 percent morphine in that alkaloid content. Using this scale one would deduce that 1 gram of cooked opium would contain on average around 50mg of morphine. Therefor a match head sized piece weighing in at 0.1 grams should contain on average around 5mg of morphine (not including other alkaloids remember). Using the reverse mathematics should tell one the alkaloid content of the starting liquid once cooled and pH adjusted. Happy research and remember, this is all for research purposes only. SWIM and One are not suggesting in any way to perform this operation or to perform any activity deemed to be illegal in ones own country.
Hope this has helped more . . . . cheers