please tell me you opinions guys because they are valued. Also there is no thread dealing with parabolic type reflectors. Thanks
Hiya Pandabear
Firstly, I've never used one, (and have no intention of ever using one either) so I can't comment from personal experience of them. Secondly, it all depends on what you're looking for from a reflector - people look for different things.
I know of highly experienced and extremely competent growers who swear by parabolic reflectors, but I suspect that's primarily because of two very specific reasons 1) they like the very even light distribution parabolic reflectors give and 2) they're already using the most efficient indoor light on the planet - a 600w HPS and so actual lumen outputs is less of a concern to them that evenly lighting a large and wide area.
So there you have it basically - vertical parabolics are excellent at even light distribution over a wide area but not so good at actual light intensity reflection - ie you lose more lumens with a vertical parabolic than you will with a horizontal bulb and reflector.
This makes plenty of sense if you think about it - a vertically mounted bulb has far less surface area to actually project light downwards - in fact you're really only talking about the very end of the bulb - the rest of the light is emitted from the sides of bulb and reflected downwards from the sides of the reflector - hence the reason for good overall light distribution, (the parabolic reflector is a large surface area to reflect from) but reduced lumen intensity due to the high percentage of reflected light. The further light has to travel to it's subject (particularly reflected light) the less intense it is when it arrives.
Horizontally mounted bulbs in horizontal reflectors are far more efficient in terms of the light intensity they project, (no wonder, they're using the whole 'half' of a bulb to emit light down from) but at an expense of area coverage - horizontal reflectors are less efficient at light distribution than vertical parabolics. Personally I think the Adjust a wing reflectors with heat shield are probably the most efficient non-air cooled reflectors on the market.
Forget cool tubes, they really are a waste of space - only good for when heat build up is a real problem - their light distribution from the pathetic internal reflector really is extremely poor and the lower people use them on the tops of their plants the worse the light distribution gets - yet supposedly sane people still use them. Way beyond my comprehension.