Go search in your ass, idiot.
Just because someone does it doesn't mean it is ok. One shouldn't justify their own action by how others act.
Cocaine, opium, and heroin all come from plants. Opium isn't processed. This doesn't change what these things are.
Whether someone chooses to hide what they do or not has nothing to do with it. That doesn't change right or wrong.
I thought the point of the OP was to ask our opinions about this. He would not have asked if he didn't feel that what he was doing was somehow wrong, would he have? It isn't about judging people. That was my opinion. I don't hold anyone else to it, it is just how I feel about it and that was the entire point of this thread, wasn't it? It is messed up that no one really had an issue with someone saying something like they taught their 12 year old to grow marijuana and trim is but saying that children shouldn't be around grow rooms or drugs was an instant attack fest. It is no wonder such a big chunk of the country looks down on marijuana smokers.
You seem to be implying that I don't care about crackheads doing drug deals in front of their children or that I am attacking marijuana in particular. I'm not. If the guy would not have asked the question then we wouldn't even be talking about this, would we? It isn't like I popped into a conversation that wasn't about this and started bashing someone for letting their kids play in their grow room. You need to grow up. I think it is pretty easy to tell who is being the jackass here.
My ass is clean I just took a huge dump.
Have you ever been to a liquor store? BBQ? Family function or reunion? etc? Tell me for a second that people (adults) don't openly purchase or consume alcoholic beverages around children of all ages. We're not talking about "someone" singular and this is far from person-who reasoning. This is a social fucking
norm we're talking about, at least where I am from, and from the East to the West coast of the USA. People bring their children to liquor stores. People bring their children to breweries. People brew beer in the presence of children. People consume alcohol in the presence of children. Not
some people...
many people...
frequently. We all agree that alcohol is or can be significantly more intoxicating than Cannabis, right?
So I'm implying you're a moron by saying shit like:
One shouldn't justify their own action by how others act.
When justifying/assesing one's own actions based upon how others act collectively is the virtual definition
of normal.
And also by saying shit like:
How often do grow houses have crimes vs breweries? How many brewers get murdered vs growers?
Which, in my opinion,
is judging parents who grow. As if you must know what is best for their children or what their fate might be. As if you think you know how everything goes everywhere as a matter of circumstances and so forth. Do you honestly think parents would grow, let alone be at all open about it, if they figured it would get them or their children killed or injured? Sure
some would just as
some people would do virtually anything without thinking of the consequences (case in point, selling crack around children). The fact is, though, that in many places including many parts of the US it simply is not like that. That is pure melodrama.
Also cocaine and heroin definitely ARE processed. Heroin doesn't come from
any plant directly. It's processed from morphine (acetylated) which is processed from opium, which is a far cry from heroin. Even opium sap, it
comes from a plant but it is
not a plant. Then of course pure morphine has a markedly different effect profile than raw opium. Morphine, cocaine and heroin are all refined substances. Cannabis is a plant, which is merely a plant, which does not contain any seriously addictive substances of any kind. Even cocaine is present in Coca plants in such small quantities (half of 1%) so as not even to be addictive if consumed in it's natural form. Opium is addictive in it's 'natural' form, but not exactly like morphine or heroin is. Both diamorphine (Heroin) and morphine are significantly more addictive than natural opium. God created opium to give us this wonderful class of compounds to ease our pain and aid our sick (case in point Tuberculosis). It didn't give it to us without stipulation or limitation, because pain is part of life and the one who attempts needlessly to dream it
all away will only perpetuate more of it in the long run.
That's exactly what I'm going to tell my child about opium/opioids/drugs in general when the time comes and I wish someone had told me that instead of "Drugs R bad mmmkay?". Because half-truths, misinformation, stern warnings and adults beating around the bush is exactly what gets kids curious about drugs in the first place. Again most children/adolescents are not stupid, in fact the more intelligent they are the more likely they are to see through it and deem it an attempt to conceal something from them. In fact, studies have demonstrated that kids with higher IQs are more likely to use drugs. The exact reasoning is yet unknown and I don't think the BCS1970 even assessed drug education curriculum/attitudes of authority figures, which may actually be an important third variable.
Of course, opium is absolutely nothing like Cannabis, which should be obvious. Even so, people
do grow the opium poppy (
Papaver somniferum) in their gardens all across the country. There are different varieties of poppy such as the California poppy (
Eschscholzia californica) which produce an all-together different set of alkaloids. However, opium poppy is still grown for ornamental purposes despite it being technically illegal and despite the potential someone may scratch the pods to harvest any opium.
So what I am saying is that in a world where Cannabis is legal and socially acceptable like alcohol (as it should be) this should be a non-issue, especially considering that Cannabis isn't a lethal, damaging or addictive substance like alcohol is. It's not a refined substance like hard liquor is; even refined forms of Cannabis are not
nearly as dangerous. Remember, alcohol actually kills people and is
physically addictive. Not to mention that alcohol withdrawal can kill you too. Yet, children actually brew beer as a hobby as well. Children help their parents brew beer. Some teachers use beer brewing as a biology assignment. Not without some controversy, but all of that is perfectly legal as long as little Billy doesn't drink the finished product.
http://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=232562 <<< Home-brewing parents discuss brewing with children.
Does that make it right? Well, maybe that's not for you or me to say. I'll worry about my child, my parenting and nobody else's- except in a case where I could say beyond reasonable doubt that someone else's parenting (or lack-thereof) is putting a child in direct harm. Otherwise, not my kid not my call. Don't tread on me, bitches, and I'll return the favor.
Me personally? I don't even like beer! Nor do I necessarily agree with teaching a 12 year old how to manicure, but that just isn't my call and I still don't think it posses any direct harm to the child in most cases. Most dangerous factor there is they are handling scissors. Scissors are notoriously prone to leading to injuries with children.