Party Cup Competition

Yea Fuc the shot glasses lol

This is the second time i just threw some seeds in there and they aint doing shit, the soil just compacts to easily

I even remember trying to defend it too :lol: :wall:

It was fun tho, worth a shot, other people better success then me, but i think it would work better in a shit glass type container, in my party cups i usually lights squeeze the cups to keep the soil loose.

Good to hear thing are going smoothly Sly, like i have been saying its a part cup revolution!!!

viva la resistance haha

Good to hear some more opinions on the root thing as well, i think that way have been my unknown secret, its pretty legit it that it hard to over water with a lil dopper haha

Set up some mouse traps Grow, that sounds really shity, at least they didnt kill the whole the lot :(
be on most of the day tomorrow man gettin this shit figured out on how im gonna post the vids since its gonna be the only way to do it for me
[QUOTE="SICC";3625201]You got a youtube account right?

its just like uploading pic's[/QUOTE]
nah i dont ima have to get one and have u walk me through it we can do it on my thread so we dont clutter this one up
yo people, i have atleast 1 female in a partycup:)(preflowers showing,updated a pic...+ a tight nug pic(my burnables:)).........i also said this:
"i may not be around for afew weeks, my ex-gf(common law wife) is moving out, this is her laptop. im trying ti buy it off her but dont know how thats going to go,she can be a worst things worse ill go to an internet cafe and upload my updates(probly once a week to get my rollitup fix if it comes down too it......shitty but funny.....wish me luck with the ex bullshit.....) "(she has signed a paper stating my grow is half hers to prove she would never call the cops on me,myself and mylawer have a copy:))
so thats that. all the updates looking good,cant wait for the buds to show im guessing biggest yeild will be 52.5 g's lol(28+14+7+3.5=52.5 im sure yall see the pattern i speak of).............................................................................................................................................PEACE goodluck to all.
I transplanted two into party cups a couple days ago.....

I hope you'll forgive I didn't update right after....

I had to go to the hospital.....
okay,so now it's atleast 2 females in partycups.....(another showing preflowers).......
does anyone know why chicken fried rice has eggs in it??eating some boom asian food and their's egg peices in it...weird!?!?!
hell most of the fried rice Ive had has eggs in it..More Japanese than Chinese tho...I prefer the scrabled eggs in my fried rice...The Hibachi places here, some do and some dont..I like the Do's..LOL..Enjoy
where is sicc ive got my viids but dont know how to get em on here ima try be back sicc when u get on go to my thread and lets get this goodness up. obw yall r gonna pick my entries for me too!!
There is a youtube code which is

[ youtube ] [ /youtube ]

no spaces

so here is your original link

then you take the last part of it


and put it in between the youtube code

[ youtube ] JjMZuv08SLs [/youtube ]

with no space's

so like this

ok and i do that when i go to upload it here like when i click manage attachments? im not good with computers at all bro lol, or can i jus upload the vid straight from my computer to here
haha its all good dogg

I thought you had uploaded it already, when you go on the main page of youtube after you logg in, in the top right hand corner there is an upload video option,
which is just like your uploading pics, you just find your video then upload it, then when its done, you go to my video's and just copy and paste the URL like the one i just posted

each video will have it own lil end code like the on above


and thats what you use in between the youtube code
ok well i got it ploaded to youtube but it wont play it is saying its still processing im on another tab on youtube goin back an fourth tryin to figure this shit out
Aight yeah after you upload it you have to let it finish or whatever, then it will work, it takes like 10 mins tho which is annoying haha but it will work
That code dosnt work here

you have to use the youtube one, your shit is set to private tho so it wont play