Passing A Hair Follicle Test - Questions

THC Mikey

The information provided / methods being performed below may be overkill. I apologize and sincerely appreciate any feedback. Also, I apologize in advance that this isn't all marijuana related. I'm hoping some of you have some knowledge on it though:

My System
I smoked marijuana daily for about 2-4 months. I was a daily smoker. Maybe 4 bowls a day at most. The last time I smoked was May 17 (74 days ago as of this post). I had smoked plenty in the past, but not within a relevant time frame for this test. Also, a couple of weeks ago I took six 5/325 hydrocodone (total of 30mg) in one night. These were prescribed to me in December of 2015 after having my wisdom teeth extracted. I doubt this is relevant, but I also take 20mg of fluoxetine (Prozac) daily for anxiety, these are also prescribed.

About Me
I am a 21 year old male. I'm 6'3 and currently weigh 185 pounds. Not sure this is relevant to a hair test, but I have lost 1-2 pounds a week since before I quit smoking. I'd like to think my hair grows pretty quickly, maybe slightly faster than normal? It is currently about 2" tall from the scalp with the sides / back shaved basically to skin. It was recently cut down from a disconnected undercut (shaved sides / back, long on top) that was about 6" - 8" long. I am willing to cut this down to 1.5" on test day, but worry this may cause issues. I am also willing / considering shaving my body hair to avoid them pulling from anywhere else. Frankly, I don't have a whole lot of body hair that I don't intentionally shave anyway. What hair is there (leg hair, arm hair) isn't very long.

My Test
I have a hair follicle test for pre-employment that must be taken between now and August 11. To avoid suspicion and hopefully get an answer before my work start date (August 15) I am hoping to test on Monday, August 8 instead. This would allow me 9 more days on top of the 2 I have under my belt. I’m concerned that I’ll test positive for either marijuana or opiates. The test being performed reads below:

eScreen (an Alere company)
Regulation: NON-DOT
Reason: Pre-employment

Services to be performed:
Hair – H5P – 5 Panel Standard Hair(H5P)

I’ve found very little information regarding the hair follicle test by eScreen. Their urine test (so I’m told) is simply a cup you pee into with a test strip, much like an at-home test. From what I have read (and this very well may be incorrect) the hair follicle test is run “instantly” in the clinic, not sent off to a lab. Would this potentially increase or decrease my chance of passing? I saw in a video that eScreen “partners” with Psychemedics and Omega for training purposes, not sure if that’s relevant.

My Methods
I am currently performing a cocktail of the Macujo and Jerry G Methods:

Step 1 – Vinegar / 30 minutes
Step 2 – Add Clean & Clear / 30 minutes
Step 3 – Rinse.
Step 4 – Tide / 30 minutes
Step 5 – Rinse.
Step 6 – Baking Soda Paste / 30 minutes
Step 7 – Rinse / Wash with T/Sal

I have also bleached and dyed my hair once and I plan to do it an additional 2-3 times before test day (once on test day).. I have also purchased Ultimate Gold Biowash from my local head shop, as well as two packs of Zydot Ultra Clear. The Ultra Clear will arrive on Tuesday. I plan on using one during a Macujo cleanse and another on test day. I’ve also considered getting the Nexxus Aloe Rid Shampoo (original formula) or Toxin Wash, but I’d hate to purchase these if the opiates are going to be enough to fail me.

My Questions
Assuming I do everything mentioned above, is it at all likely I’ll pass?

Is hydrocodone typically tested for on a NON-DOT standard 5 panel hair test? I’ve gotten conflicting answers on this. Some say only an "expanded" test that is not typically used for pre-employment will discover hydrocodone. Others say any test will pick it up.

Are opiates cleansed using the Macujo / Jerry G methods?

If I did test positive for opiates (and not marijuana) would a prescription from December be sufficient to pass me through?

From what I understand a hair follicle tests CAN detect frequency / amount / time of use. But without reason WOULD they? I’m concerned if the prescription was a valid reason that the amount taken in one sitting will disqualify me.


Once again, I would appreciate any (hopefully factual) information or advice on this. It’s causing me quite a bit of anxiety. I’ve gotten close to just pulling a hail merry (bleach, dye, shampoo) and going in to test just to put an end to the waiting. I've found a lot of information from people in my situation posting in forums. Hopefully this will also become a future reference for others. Thank you!


Edit: So after some more research it looks like any DOT or NON-DOT "Standard" hair follicle tests does not test for hydrocodone, unless an optional "expanded opiates" test is chosen? I assume the "Standard" in "5 Panel Standard Hair(H5P)" means without these expanded opiates?

...At which point it would say "5 Panel Expanded Hair" or "10 Panel Standard Hair" or something?

Edit 2: Apparently the test would display "(H5PEO)" if it were an expanded test. So I should be good on the hydrocodone front.
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never took one.. but from my understanding.. you have to cut all your hair off.. head to toe, even your taint hairs
never took one.. but from my understanding.. you have to cut all your hair off.. head to toe, even your taint hairs

If your hair is a minimum 1.5" on your head, they'll usually pull from there. If it's under 1.5" they can pull from anywhere else on the body. If you don't have any hair 1.5" or longer, they can reject testing. Shaving from the neck down is a precaution, I suppose. They can't test what isn't there, forcing them to test your head hair.
If your hair is a minimum 1.5" on your head, they'll usually pull from there. If it's under 1.5" they can pull from anywhere else on the body. If you don't have any hair 1.5" or longer, they can reject testing. Shaving from the neck down is a precaution, I suppose. They can't test what isn't there, forcing them to test your head hair.
lol i really dont know man.. but i have heard those tests arent right. i also heard something about a shampoo or some shit for it. could be wrong though. ive only been piss tested and we all know the only way to pass those is to poop in the cup.
If your hair is a minimum 1.5" on your head, they'll usually pull from there. If it's under 1.5" they can pull from anywhere else on the body. If you don't have any hair 1.5" or longer, they can reject testing. Shaving from the neck down is a precaution, I suppose. They can't test what isn't there, forcing them to test your head hair.

not true..
if less than 2" they can use a dif source
arm pit, your nuts, etc they will prefer to just shave yiur arm. they need a certain amount as in weight, i cant remember off the dome exact number.
if yiur body is completely shaved thet can ask for a retest or fail yiu right there..sort of like if your piss is to clear. intentionally altering/trying to cheat is an instant fail.

or even take a finger nail

the script is good for a pass..however as mentioned the test looks for eines not ones lol.. as in hydro oxy etc will pass morph will not..

as hair dye is absorbed so are many things.. the hair cleaners do actually work
if used properly! key word

oh an average of a half inch just over will appear on most nogins every month.

i get tested often..and pretty extensively
but not enough to take concern..of course imo any amout is terrible.
fought fpr a long time to get it lowered
why put something in a drug specifically to prevent od and misuse but the avg person has no idea what is a safe dose at once or over a period

ive gone on rants about Tylenol.. so ill just stop tjere
The information provided / methods being performed below may be overkill. I apologize and sincerely appreciate any feedback. Also, I apologize in advance that this isn't all marijuana related. I'm hoping some of you have some knowledge on it though:

My System
I smoked marijuana daily for about 2-4 months. I was a daily smoker. Maybe 4 bowls a day at most. The last time I smoked was May 17 (74 days ago as of this post). I had smoked plenty in the past, but not within a relevant time frame for this test. Also, a couple of weeks ago I took six 5/325 hydrocodone (total of 30mg) in one night. These were prescribed to me in December of 2015 after having my wisdom teeth extracted. I doubt this is relevant, but I also take 20mg of fluoxetine (Prozac) daily for anxiety, these are also prescribed.

About Me
I am a 21 year old male. I'm 6'3 and currently weigh 185 pounds. Not sure this is relevant to a hair test, but I have lost 1-2 pounds a week since before I quit smoking. I'd like to think my hair grows pretty quickly, maybe slightly faster than normal? It is currently about 2" tall from the scalp with the sides / back shaved basically to skin. It was recently cut down from a disconnected undercut (shaved sides / back, long on top) that was about 6" - 8" long. I am willing to cut this down to 1.5" on test day, but worry this may cause issues. I am also willing / considering shaving my body hair to avoid them pulling from anywhere else. Frankly, I don't have a whole lot of body hair that I don't intentionally shave anyway. What hair is there (leg hair, arm hair) isn't very long.

My Test
I have a hair follicle test for pre-employment that must be taken between now and August 11. To avoid suspicion and hopefully get an answer before my work start date (August 15) I am hoping to test on Monday, August 8 instead. This would allow me 9 more days on top of the 2 I have under my belt. I’m concerned that I’ll test positive for either marijuana or opiates. The test being performed reads below:

eScreen (an Alere company)
Regulation: NON-DOT
Reason: Pre-employment

Services to be performed:
Hair – H5P – 5 Panel Standard Hair(H5P)

I’ve found very little information regarding the hair follicle test by eScreen. Their urine test (so I’m told) is simply a cup you pee into with a test strip, much like an at-home test. From what I have read (and this very well may be incorrect) the hair follicle test is run “instantly” in the clinic, not sent off to a lab. Would this potentially increase or decrease my chance of passing? I saw in a video that eScreen “partners” with Psychemedics and Omega for training purposes, not sure if that’s relevant.

My Methods
I am currently performing a cocktail of the Macujo and Jerry G Methods:

Step 1 – Vinegar / 30 minutes
Step 2 – Add Clean & Clear / 30 minutes
Step 3 – Rinse.
Step 4 – Tide / 30 minutes
Step 5 – Rinse.
Step 6 – Baking Soda Paste / 30 minutes
Step 7 – Rinse / Wash with T/Sal

I have also bleached and dyed my hair once and I plan to do it an additional 2-3 times before test day (once on test day).. I have also purchased Ultimate Gold Biowash from my local head shop, as well as two packs of Zydot Ultra Clear. The Ultra Clear will arrive on Tuesday. I plan on using one during a Macujo cleanse and another on test day. I’ve also considered getting the Nexxus Aloe Rid Shampoo (original formula) or Toxin Wash, but I’d hate to purchase these if the opiates are going to be enough to fail me.

My Questions
Assuming I do everything mentioned above, is it at all likely I’ll pass?

Is hydrocodone typically tested for on a NON-DOT standard 5 panel hair test? I’ve gotten conflicting answers on this. Some say only an "expanded" test that is not typically used for pre-employment will discover hydrocodone. Others say any test will pick it up.

Are opiates cleansed using the Macujo / Jerry G methods?

If I did test positive for opiates (and not marijuana) would a prescription from December be sufficient to pass me through?

From what I understand a hair follicle tests CAN detect frequency / amount / time of use. But without reason WOULD they? I’m concerned if the prescription was a valid reason that the amount taken in one sitting will disqualify me.


Once again, I would appreciate any (hopefully factual) information or advice on this. It’s causing me quite a bit of anxiety. I’ve gotten close to just pulling a hail merry (bleach, dye, shampoo) and going in to test just to put an end to the waiting. I've found a lot of information from people in my situation posting in forums. Hopefully this will also become a future reference for others. Thank you!


Edit: So after some more research it looks like any DOT or NON-DOT "Standard" hair follicle tests does not test for hydrocodone, unless an optional "expanded opiates" test is chosen? I assume the "Standard" in "5 Panel Standard Hair(H5P)" means without these expanded opiates?

...At which point it would say "5 Panel Expanded Hair" or "10 Panel Standard Hair" or something?

Edit 2: Apparently the test would display "(H5PEO)" if it were an expanded test. So I should be good on the hydrocodone front.

I believe most hair follicle tests that are standard use will not tell the specific time in your life when the drug was used, just positive or negative. SO a rx for an opiate should be enough to clear you from the positive for opiates.
:idea: There are laws in most states that limits who can cut hair for money. Would it not be illegal for an HR person to cut anyone's hair for any reason without a barber's license?:hump:

They do illegal things to find out if someone has used drugs in the past, sometimes near past, sometimes far past; depending how long the hair is:wall:.
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"chemicals" stay in hair for years - and at present there is NO way to pass - This type of testing is the most expensive to have done . Good Luck !!
I was injured at work several years ago.
At the time of the accident I was a daily smoker and had used cocaine approximately 2 weeks prior to the accident. Due to my injuries I was unable to work. I had been out about 2 weeks when got a call from the HR department requesting that I needed to be drug tested. They were sending paperwork VIA FedEx. When the paperwork arrived I quickly found out that they wanted me to have an hair follicle test. I did some research and found a system to beat the test close to the one you described.
I got the ingredients and followed the directions as I had read them . The next day I drove to the testing facility and had the test . All this happened because the company was looking for a way to relieve themselves of any financial responsibility regarding my injuries. 72 hours later I got the results back and the results were surprising all drugs they were testing for came back with negative results. Now I don't know if it was a fluke or if the procedure I followed removed or masked the contaminants they were looking for. That has been my only experience regarding hair follicle testing.
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I was injured at work several years ago.
At the time of the accident I was a daily smoker and had used cocaine approximately 2 weeks prior to the accident. Due to my injuries I was unable to work. I had been out about 2 weeks when got a call from the HR department requesting that I needed to be drug tested. They were sending paperwork VIA FedEx. When the paperwork arrived I quickly found out that they wanted me to have an hair follicle test. I did some research and found a system to beat the test close to the one you described.
I got the ingredients and followed the directions as I had read them . The next day I drove to the testing facility and had the test . All this happened because the company was looking for a way to relieve themselves of any financial responsibility regarding my injuries. 72 hours later I got the results back and the results were surprising all drugs they were testing for came back with negative results. Now I don't know if it was a fluke or if the procedure I followed removed or masked the contaminants they were looking . That has been my only experience regarding hair follicle testing.
Can you provide the particulars of what you did or where you found the info?
Can you provide the particulars of what you did or where you found the info?
I googled the subject and multiple sites came up I read several and they basically all were the same. I made a list of the required ingredients . I went to the drugstore and purchased all of the ingredients. Most of them if I remember correctly were hair care and skin products. The one that I went with recommended cutting your hair which I did first before applying any of the purchased ingredients.