Just finished reading the thread. That was very informative so thatnks a lot for all the time spent doing it. A quick question for you, if you had to do it again would you do anything different? thanks again
congrats on the harvest man, looks like it coulda used another week or so. how long was it in flowering? should smoke good though
I mean no disrespect by this but why did you harvest when most of the pistils are still white?? It would have been better to leave it a week or 2 more by the looks of things, but well done anyway mate
Great grow and PC case!
I had 2 questions, how loud are the fans now that you up graded to a larger size? And how was the smell coming from the pc case (slight / strong like stunk)? I havent done a lowrider before and was wondering?
hey dude thanks for checking it out. the fans aren't to loud. i mean you can hear it when you are in the room. the smell was pretty strong with lr before i did the mods since the case was open. now that i keep it closed and use an ona along with carbon filter sheets it does the job. click the link in my sig for the perpetual auto. most recent journal. have a blueberry auto going right now.
man that is sweet grab another and ill pay ya for it lol
I'll look around to see if there are any left, cant guaranty anything though. I know there's a few smoking rooms left that haven't been cleaned up yet. If there is any left I'll hit you up! And don't worry about being raped on the price for the "zontec". If I do find anymore, I'm getting it for free.
sounds good man if you do happen to find one ill deff pay the shipping