PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho


Well-Known Member
So I will start with the new grow room.

For being 95$ can't beat the value on this 3x3ft tent.
Check it
100_3174.jpg100_3175.jpgSo inside for light I have the majority of the plants under 4 68 true watt CFLS. The big ones, 300w equiv.
Check it.
100_3176.jpg100_3178.jpg100_3177.jpgThe other soil seedlings are chilling under a 43 w CFL - until I can afford more CFL's and some pots. They start feeding when they can take some more water.
Check it.
100_3181.jpgi did mention above on my nutty accident with my lights, this fucker got toasted. Gonna let him chill and see what happens.
Check it
100_3179.jpgThen this fucker is just fucked, dunno what his deal is.

Thats it for now. Gonna be throwing a few of the PCK in to the flower box Once I can come up with something.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
damn ..nice tent for under a bill....pakis are lookin good...dunno whats up with that mutant fucker tho LOL...looks like a retard blueberry i had...it might grow out tho. Good thing you casevac'd the lil dude...i bet he soldiers on


Well-Known Member
Thinking of throwing all of these into flowering. I gotta make room for the soil ones.

From today.



Well-Known Member
Cut 4 clones off the strongest one. Hope it turns out to be female, and of course root!


Well-Known Member
I have left 5 Seedlings which still need to be transplanted, in the veg room.
While I put the other 8 PCK's in my flowerbox. FFS - My flower box has 16 plants in it. 2 hydro systems and 1 Pot of soil.
Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
First batch of seeds to sprout are in the flo box (hydro)
Second are in veg still.

Clones are off the hydro ones, more to come after sexing.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
there gettin bigger..they dont look like i thought they would..i thought theyd have giant indica leaves..they look mean !


Well-Known Member
there gettin bigger..they dont look like i thought they would..i thought theyd have giant indica leaves..they look mean !
I removed one's that were bigger than my hand. Also look at the first pic again...The top right plant has big ole fan leafs.

The one in the series of pics that hand is in, is a smaller seedling that didn't get the same attention as the others. Its pulling threw now. That is also the one I feel is female, then the other one with the tin foil on it I feel its male. Then there is a few where I think i see sac's , but still way to early to tell. I also think I see a lil white hair coming outta one. So I am sure by lights on tomorrow some will show.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I removed one's that were bigger than my hand. Also look at the first pic again...The top right plant has big ole fan leafs.

The one in the series of pics that hand is in, is a smaller seedling that didn't get the same attention as the others. Its pulling threw now. That is also the one I feel is female, then the other one with the tin foil on it I feel its male. Then there is a few where I think i see sac's , but still way to early to tell. I also think I see a lil white hair coming outta one. So I am sure by lights on tomorrow some will show.
there all males prolly...and they look like shit...the only thing you should make outa tin foil is a new helmet LOL

jus playin ninja


Well-Known Member
Dude I killed that shit , just like that on the net in country. My old gunner used to get pissed.


Well-Known Member
So far its been pretty straight with males showing before females. So I make a confident decision from now on to expect males before females when growing this strain from seed. So far its looking Like 2 males have sexed. One of them I felt was going to be female. So I cut clones ( Now the one that isnt able to produce good clones at this stage is female)(Imagine that). We'll since its going to be male, why not be my father cut? (I thought of it as being good enough to be my mother) If it was good enought to be my mother is passing expectations to be a father? The reason behind is I look at it before sexing as a possible cut for females on its inter node spacing and the color coming out its shell so if I can get that outta seed from a MALE that saves me time on picking a good females (seeing as that Im very PICKY and that my choices of females becmoes smaller by day. This plant so far exceded spacing patterns and branching that I look for in a potential father. So this really excited me to find this in a male plant, its going to save a bit. Cause usally I find trouble in finding a father not a mother. This really excited me as I needed a true breeding male into the mix, You agree?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
So far its been pretty straight with males showing before females. So I make a confident decision from now on to expect males before females when growing this strain from seed. So far its looking Like 2 males have sexed. One of them I felt was going to be female. So I cut clones ( Now the one that isnt able to produce good clones at this stage is female)(Imagine that). We'll since its going to be male, why not be my father cut? (I thought of it as being good enough to be my mother) If it was good enought to be my mother is passing expectations to be a father? The reason behind is I look at it before sexing as a possible cut for females on its inter node spacing and the color coming out its shell so if I can get that outta seed from a MALE that saves me time on picking a good females (seeing as that Im very PICKY and that my choices of females becmoes smaller by day. This plant so far exceded spacing patterns and branching that I look for in a potential father. So this really excited me to find this in a male plant, its going to save a bit. Cause usally I find trouble in finding a father not a mother. This really excited me as I needed a true breeding male into the mix, You agree?
i concuur! i think the C99 would be good...or some Northern lights to keep it indica


Well-Known Member
Dude I wish you can see this potential male I have.

At first it grew into the perfect female , so if I can find a female now , its fuckin skipping steps IMO.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
nah not really....males show first so yur gonna naturally take yur selctions or cull at that time...you got alota paki seedlings going so yur chances of finding a kickass mommy are pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Also I got some F3 c99 cuts you sent me!!!!!! I went to my bros house who still has not flowered that awesome c99 clone i gave him. I wont allow him to flower that until i get rooted f3 clones.