Peak Weed

At the sitting of the Great and General Council last January I was passed an instance of Arengo that has done much to discuss: that "for the legalization of psychotropic substances for therapeutic use."
Now the State Congress has started the procedure to make it operational. With a resolution dated May 24 it has in fact established the "Commission for the study of measures for the production of psychotropic substances for therapeutic use."
These include: the Health Authority Director or his delegate who presides over and coordinates; the director of the Economics Department or his representative; the director of the Department of Institutional Affairs and Justice or his delegate; the director of the Department of Foreign Affairs or his delegate; the Director of Health and Socio-Sanitary Activities Iss or his delegate; ISS General or his deputy director; the Education Department Director or his delegate; a representative of the Secretariat of State for Health and Social Security.
In addition, the resolution provides that the Commission may be integrated by professionals and / or experts in the healthcare sector also external to the Pa.
The government has granted 90 day Group of time, therefore that expire at the end of August to draw up a document setting out priorities, procedures, operating mode primarily to "regulate the production of drugs and specifically the drugs as well as their distribution and clinical use, proposing appropriate delegated decree pursuant to Law 21 January 2010 no. 7, in which will be specified the following aspects:
a) Health Authority tasks in the control of narcotic drugs for medical purposes;
b) requirements for the production of drugs derived from cannabis;
c) how to import cannabis seeds and substances that contain cannabinoids;
d) requirements concerning the distribution, storage and use, are limited to the Republic of San Marino;
e) exclusivity of the prescription by doctors of the ISS;
f) procedural rules for the use of drugs containing cannabinoids, both for proven therapies for experimental therapies, including with regard to the law 29 January 2010 n. 34 and the Delegate Decree 17 January 2011 n. 2;
g) the responsibility of the manufacturer to the State charges;
h) sanctions. "
In addition to this, the group will" prepare a draft public call to select cannabis producers, conforming as much as possible to what is already happening in countries of 'EU who already have experience with the therapeutic use of products derived from cannabis. "
Last task finally" define a diagnostic and treatment path for patients who use these substances. "

In the debate advise the Secretaries of State for Health Francesco Mussoni (photo) had expressed a favorable opinion to the instance but on the other side had made clear: "We are opposed to the legalization of substances derived from cannabis. We must insert ourselves with prudence in this debate by seizing the best opportunities and not preclude us of useful therapies to relieve particular diseases. "
Then he explained that" in our country there is already a user, and limited clinical, derived from cannabis for therapeutic use, recognized around the world. So the new instance is partial. Our system does not prevent the use of such substances. Another thing is the more full and clear recognition of the effects on particular mentioned diseases, such as amyotrophic ".

These types of drugs are mainly used to combat nausea and vomiting, anorexia and cachexia, spasticity, painful conditions (especially neurogenic pain), movement disorders, asthma and glaucoma. But also allergies, inflammation, infection, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, addiction, withdrawal syndrome.
they already have them..They're LIVE (: and in person.,right outside the front door of the airport. lol
I guess their government is sick of losing out to the people :lol:

I remember my first trip, after puling into a 10 room villa with pool gardener maid and cook...
we all realized we grabbed way to much shwag in between arriving and getting to our villa.
There was 7 of us and we each had a couple bags..which we didnt even burn as we had our eyes on the old red haired sensi gum mon.... nothing compares! those days are gone.. :(
For Sale by Owner

Hi I am selling my fishing boat, great for family outings....

Well if this wanna be LP can sell things that are not theirs then I can sell things that aren't mine too right ??? I will through the planes in for free....

Selling my summer cottage...a bit of a fixer upper...just can't get rid of that smell...might be good for a medical cannabis growing co-op
enough fertilizer there to grow really well
I had my realtor drive by. This is what he told me:
- Place must have been used as an insane asylum, whackos all over running around unsupervised,
- High up keep ,place is run down from previous owners,
- place is infested with coach roaches, lawyercocksuckerous (Latin name) was the type of coach roaches and they are very hard to get ride of due to their sense of entitlement.
- the smell was also terrible, smelled like Liberal lies, very similar to cat urine, that smell aint coming out.
- and the taxes are very high too.
I had my realtor drive by. This is what he told me:
- Place must have been used as an insane asylum, whackos all over running around unsupervised,
- High up keep ,place is run down from previous owners,
- place is infested with coach roaches, lawyercocksuckerous (Latin name) was the type of coach roaches and they are very hard to get ride of due to their sense of entitlement.
- the smell was also terrible, smelled like Liberal lies, very similar to cat urine, that smell aint coming out.
- and the taxes are very high too.
you'll never get that smell out