Yes I do, I tell them when the ice cream truck drives by and plays "music" it means they are out of ice cream.
Ohh, and Santa is real. So is the easter bunny.
He is doing them a favor. One day they will realize that dear old dad lied about stupid stuff because ideology. Combined with the other failings that correlate, he is setting them up to break the generational cycle of misery.
makes no difference...trump will run, split their base, alienate more voters in general, desatanis will lose, and it'll be 4 more democratic years with a clear majority in both the mean time, the DOJ will be locking up republicans by the dozens, if not hundreds...people who will then have felony records and be barred from serving in any government office again in most states.
some heavy duty domestic terrorism laws will pull the teeth of the republican's private army of white supremacist militia freaks, and the entire republican agenda of stealing what they can't win will fail...just like everything else republicans do