Pelosi VS China

When I first saw pictures I thought the one guy in her security detail was Lloyd Austin. I was thinking that was a little too bold to send the SOD. But a closer look revealed it was just a man that looked similar. It was hard to tell with the mask at first.

After she leaves they fire some missiles. Okay. They proved what? We already know they have missiles. If they had any balls they would have fired some while she was there.

China needs the USA more than the USA needs China. Here in the USA we can build anything we need. We only went to China for the lower prices. The USA is responsible for the growth in the Chinese economy. Their economy can't survive without the United States. They need us more than we need them. Pelosi's visit was a warning not to screw around.

China has some serious internal problems they need to worry about. They're not going to bust a grape.
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I cannot read that without seeing

View attachment 5174928

We don't need anything Russian has either. We have better stuff than the Chinese and Russian junk.

The USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, etc... Those are our allies.

We've won the space race. United States industry is the best in the world.


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We don't need anything Russian has either. We have better stuff than the Chinese and Russian junk.

The USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, etc... Those are are allies.

We've won the space race. United States industry is the best in the world.


With competing private firms, we are set for some interesting growth.

As a stargazer, I do disapprove of swarmsats like Starlink.
With competing private firms, we are set for some interesting growth.

As a stargazer, I do disapprove of swarmsats like Starlink.

I have a Celestron NextStar Evolution 6" telescope. It was an impulse buy and if I made it again I would get the 8" or maybe the 10. I don't take it anywhere so a bigger one would have been better.

Many people think that you'll see images like from the hubble or something but that's far from the case. I can however see the spot on Jupiter and some of its moons. I can see the ring around saturn but it's not like other images you see.

Overall I'm happy with the telescope. I don't use it much but if I get it all setup and the coordinates set correctly it's just a scroll through the database to go to a target and follow it along its trajectory. It usually gets off track but close enough to go in and manually adjust to look at the target planet, star, etc...
We need to stop sending new products to China to be manufactured. That way they wouldn't be able to continue stealing our intellectual property.

Time to shut off the spigot.
Yeah, but no one wants to pay for the cost of US labor, which is what's gotten us in this situation in the first place. I'm all for US manufactured goods, but folks better be ready to buckle up for a ride next time they go to buy an electric coffee pot, and wonder why it's 3 times as expensive as before.
Yeah, but no one wants to pay for the cost of US labor, which is what's gotten us in this situation in the first place. I'm all for US manufactured goods, but folks better be ready to buckle up for a ride next time they go to buy an electric coffee pot, and wonder why it's 3 times as expensive as before.

I hear you but I still remember Curtis Mathis televisions. They lasted decades. We need to go back to products that lasted. They can still be made. This cheap crap you're supposed to replace every couple of years is pure Bovine Dung.
We need to stop sending new products to China to be manufactured. That way they wouldn't be able to continue stealing our intellectual property.

Time to shut off the spigot.
It sucks because there are so many good people living in China and working hard to make it a better place, but their government is really making it hard to justify maintaining a close trusting relationship (in my weak ass opinion based on just the shit I have read over the years and no actual inside information) with them.

Yeah, but no one wants to pay for the cost of US labor, which is what's gotten us in this situation in the first place. I'm all for US manufactured goods, but folks better be ready to buckle up for a ride next time they go to buy an electric coffee pot, and wonder why it's 3 times as expensive as before.
Better be made to last 3x as long then. Plus side there would be less garbage, and packaging/pollution of shipping would be drastically reduced, so many ways to think about the price we pay for things.
I have a Celestron NextStar Evolution 6" telescope. It was an impulse buy and if I made it again I would get the 8" or maybe the 10. I don't take it anywhere so a bigger one would have been better.

Many people think that you'll see images like from the hubble or something but that's far from the case. I can however see the spot on Jupiter and some of its moons. I can see the ring around saturn but it's not like other images you see.

Overall I'm happy with the telescope. I don't use it much but if I get it all setup and the coordinates set correctly it's just a scroll through the database to go to a target and follow it along its trajectory. It usually gets off track but close enough to go in and manually adjust to look at the target planet, star, etc...
The one bit of advice I give other stargazers is to buy the biggest best pair of binos that you can hold on target. From a dark-sky night I have seen every Messier object (some barely!) with my 30-year old Fujinon 10x70 pair.

i also have some cheap Russian 20x90s that weigh 8 pounds and are superb trainers for the muscles we use working binos.

Goid binoculars and a set of Burnham’s Handbook is the ideal stargazer start pack.

A fun activity that teaches the night sky really well: watch satellite passes. For that (and keeping tab of comets and other transients) I use heavens-above dot com.
I hear you but I still remember Curtis Mathis televisions. They lasted decades. We need to go back to products that lasted. They can still be made. This cheap crap you're supposed to replace every couple of years is pure Bovine Dung.
I cannot find a bedsheet that lasts a full year. Linens used to wear for decades. Now you have to buy like Italian boutique stuff
Yeah, but no one wants to pay for the cost of US labor, which is what's gotten us in this situation in the first place. I'm all for US manufactured goods, but folks better be ready to buckle up for a ride next time they go to buy an electric coffee pot, and wonder why it's 3 times as expensive as before.

They did last at least last 3 times longer though.
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Will toss in that when you buy American you are keeping money in our economic system. In theory, yes probably not reality, it should result in wage growth that goes along with the higher price of the goods.

I dont think people are willing to pay the higher price though. We have been shooting ourselves in the foot for decades. Low priced goods require low priced inputs, the people buying the goods are the inputs in many of these cases, just further pushing their earning potential down.
They did at least last 3 times longer though.
I have found thst the premium products are also not as durable as they were. All three of my CD transports, some sorta big money, crapped out because the bit from Sony, that they stopped making, failed.