Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

Damn. I've had two Jock Horror seeds in the dirt now for 14 days with no sign of life. WTF? It's almost like whenever I get seeds from Nirvana, I get the first two to sprout no problem. Then the next two are a chore. WTF?
Sup fellas.

Dropped another Jock Horror in soil today. I am really hoping that this last seed I have sprouts. So far on the Jock Horror, I am 2 of 4 with successful germination. Never really had this problem before.

Group B(Northern Lights): Currently Day 71 and 65 of Flower
Group C(Northern Lights): Currently Day 35 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): Currently Day 20 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): Currently Day 0 of Veg
Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower

So, group B, I decided I will be chopping this weekend or shortly thereafter. So I decided to clip the top half of the mature plant, and see if the bottom half will develop shortly. The other 'mutant' plant in group B looks horrible. The buds just appear like they haven't 'busted'. Obviously this is due to her mistreatment during early vegg where too much of her foilage was removed.

I don't know about that one? It doesn't even smell that great. I'm thinking of just turning the whole thing into iso or something..... Maybe I'll water cure the entire thing?

Group C and D look fantabulous though. I think I learned a lot with this Group B, and now see that GREEN is GOOD! Those plants in Group C and D are just thriving. By that I mean they have just about EVERY leaf they have grown, and all the leaves look green and beautiful! When those things are ready to harvest I''m pretty sure I will have some awesome buds at that time.

Here are some pics from Group B:

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Here is a pic of how the cab has been re-arranged. Temporarily Group D will be getting a bit less light until I move Group B completely out of the cab.

lookin great man. as far as the seeds go, i was on a streak of like 6 seeds that never germed. pissed me off so much money i wasted haha o well. so had a talk with my dad. might be gettng his house sooner than i though so this guy will be building a new dresser box sometime beofre the end of the year.yeah buddy!!!
so wait ur gunna transplant ur plants that are in their final home to something smaller just so u can put it in the veg box so it could fit,that dont make sense to me man id just leave them in their final home no reason to transplant at all and just6 put like one on two cfl on the plants outside a box for a hour or two or however long its gunna take u to puyt in ur hps, but wouldnt take to long if uy think about it, they would be fine, seems to me like ur plantys went through some transplant shock by transplanting em,thats just my opionion just ill keep an eye on ur grow man
I got my 150 watt HPS in today. It will be a while before I put it to use, as I'll probably wait till my grow bags get here so I can repot my plants and be able to fit both of the bags in my vegging chamber whilst I install the HPS in my main chamber.

Let me say i think I'm a pretty handy guy. And these instructions from HTG are some of the most confusing I've ever used in my life!!!
so wait ur gunna transplant ur plants that are in their final home to something smaller just so u can put it in the veg box so it could fit,that dont make sense to me man.......

Thanks for stopping by. But the plants that are in early flowering, I am droppping them into a BIGGER pot when I move out the others. So I do them in a small bag for veg, early flower, then transplant to larger pots when I move out the others. Kinda a staged grow I suppose.
ok fer sure i see what u were doing , i thought u were going to move em back into those plastic pots, fer sure man, looking good imma be following the seemore buds book and hopefully i get the same resaults got any questions hit me up man
Day 19 since planting, Day 16 since Sprout

Things are progressing ok. The girls are doing their best to recover from the stress of the transplant which I didn't do the best job of. I think that was necessary though as now I know I won't be using such wide pots. Any transplanting in the future for these cabs I have now will be going from the 1/2 gallon bags to the 2 gallon bags, which should be no stress at all as I'll just have to cut the 1/2 gal bag off and drop it into a larger bag.

You can see some of the pruning I did to cut off the really stressed portions of the plant, most of which was contained to the bottom part of it. I had intended to start the 12/12 at around day 19-20, but we'll see how my plants continue to recover. I also wanted to get a few sessions of LST in while they were vegging. As soon as these go in the flowering chamber, I'll be starting another 2 seedlings, and shortly after that I should have some clones from the first two plants going.

So we will jsut have to see. Still need to come up with a way to mount my CFLs in my flowering chamber as the HPS prohibits hanging them from the top.

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++ Rep for checking it out meng!

I too read that Seemore book and liked it very much and gave me most of my inspiration for my grow initially.
definitely 2 250 watts crazy train fer sure, cuz youll have more grow space cuz ur plants will be able to get cvery close to the lights with proper ventilation, not to mention u wont have as much heat problems as ur would with a 150 hps
right on dude sounds good. ive been going back and forth. what do you think would be more efficient 2 250w clf's or one 150 hps in a box like that?
yeah he definitely had a good setup, im currently in the progrees of making my own grow box from scratch already made one before but this ones a lil smaller 2 feet by 3 feet by 3.5 feet high. gunna be using a 200 watt cfl at the very top then many more 27 w cfls all around for even distributiuon of the light gunna run a vent that sucks air rightform outside hopefully everything goes well ill be seting up a grom journal pretty soon here
Just some INITIAL weight numbers from the 4 nugs I harvested off my large plant. I should be getting the rest this weekend, at least from one of them.

These 4 nugs in the picture that have been drying for 1 day, the weights in grams are:

  • 11.7
  • 7.6
  • 5.0
  • 17.5


Group C(Northern Lights): Currently Day 41 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): Currently Day 26 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): Currently Day 2 of Veg
Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower
Group B(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 71 and 72 of Flower

Updating my days. Pulled "Group B" out last night. Not happy at all with "Group B." I think I have the process nailed down now though. I will be trimming and hanging these things up either tonight or tomorrow night.

"Group C" is doing very well. It looks like this one in the smaller 1/2 gallon pot will have some really nice colas when she's done.

"Group D" is also doing very well. These two girls need to be moved into larger 2 gallon pots which I'll be doing very soon.

"Group E" is a new seedling planted a few days ago. IT was the last Jock Horror seed I had, and it sprouted. So I had 3 of 5 of my Jock HOrror seeds sprout which sucks.

I'm also thinking about starting some bag seed in 1/2 gallon pots. I should be able to get some nice bud from what grows in the half gallon pots based on what I'm seeing with "Group C," without taking up too much space for my seeds I have paid for.
Here are some pics of the REPOT and how the grow space looks now with the other two plants in the dark awaiting chop.

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