Pentagon Denounces American Nazis While Arming Ukrainian Nazis

mmm many of those things you listed are things he started on day 1. You cannot simply snap your fingers and have it done. The establishment republicans and democrats are fighting him tooth and nail on bringing jobs back to the country and fighting for our independent rights.

95% of the dems and I'd say 80% of the Rep are globalists.

Good gawd. You really are too stupid for words.
sebastian gorka is literally a nazi, vitezi rend.

stephen miller is avowed neo-nazi richard spencer's best friend.

avowed neo-nazi richard spencer calls his neo-nazi movement the "alt-right" because it sounds better than nazi, and steve bannon called his website "the platform of the alt-right (nazis, to be clear)".

all 3 work for trump in senior positions you retarded nazi bitch.

Actually the word Nazi is a derogatory word that was used to call fascists in WWII. It just kind of stuck since then.

Fascists are socialists. Something that the Dem would love and envy.. I'm not going to deny that Rep are very leaning towards being a socialists as well. Dems want 5% Gov growth a year while Rep want 3-3.5%. Little difference in both really.
Prescott Bush was a Nazi and was found guilty of helping the enemy when he worked at Merriam Bros bank. Huge bank at the time much like Goldman Sachs is now. Apple isn't going to fall that far from the tree so you know that H Bush (Poppy Bush) and W. Bush are much in line with the same thought. The Clintons and bush's are like family with each other even prior to the 92 election. Fascism is a world wide goal with major corporations working in tandem with Gov in establishing a world order in which they control.

Animal Rights
Socialized Medicine
Socialized education
Protection of the Environment
National Socialists German workers party (NSDAP)
Denounced Christianity
Loved Islam and its ideology
etc etc

He never would have had his war machine if it wasn't for the US. Same can be said for the Soviet Union as well we funded and supplied them as well. Also helped armed the Chinese.
Actually the word Nazi is a derogatory word that was used to call fascists in WWII. It just kind of stuck since then.

Fascists are socialists. Something that the Dem would love and envy.. I'm not going to deny that Rep are very leaning towards being a socialists as well. Dems want 5% Gov growth a year while Rep want 3-3.5%. Little difference in both really.
Prescott Bush was a Nazi and was found guilty of helping the enemy when he worked at Merriam Bros bank. Huge bank at the time much like Goldman Sachs is now. Apple isn't going to fall that far from the tree so you know that H Bush (Poppy Bush) and W. Bush are much in line with the same thought. The Clintons and bush's are like family with each other even prior to the 92 election. Fascism is a world wide goal with major corporations working in tandem with Gov in establishing a world order in which they control.

Animal Rights
Socialized Medicine
Socialized education
Protection of the Environment
National Socialists German workers party (NSDAP)
Denounced Christianity
Loved Islam and its ideology
etc etc

He never would have had his war machine if it wasn't for the US. Same can be said for the Soviet Union as well we funded and supplied them as well. Also helped armed the Chinese.
Nazi was the name the party gave itself.

Socialism is the opposite of fascism, and any sociological studies major knows it.

But keep up with the propaganda word salad, all it does is make you ever less credible.

So far, you're a Nazi apologist and sympathizer. What i find funny is that your ilk rush to deny it so vociferously. Why not be proud of your racist, Fascist Outlook? Are you ashamed of being called out as a hater who cares nothing for others?

Maybe that should tell you something. But you won't bother to examine your own beliefs.

The arrogance of the stupid is strong in you.
there is literally zero evidence of that, much less evidence of 3 million instances of that you blithering fucktard.

those 489 counties make up 80% of the population and 65% of our economy.

those 2600 counties represent our opioid addiciton epidemic, disability due to "bad backs" epidemic, and the decaying, racist, rural shitholes that bring down america's overall upward economic mobility.

trump was due in court to face pedophilia charges and settled a $25 million fraud case while he was campaigning you dumb spambot fucktard.

tell that to the people of somalia. they have s small a government as you can possibly get. what do you think corruption is like over there?

and by the way, do you get paid to spam this bullshit, or are you just literally mentally retarded?
