People bein assholes


Well-Known Member
damn i really wish i could have read that thread it sounds like it was hilarious...

"i wanted a lighter coloured plant..... ill bleach it, then sell it as chronic!"
-genius grower


Well-Known Member
lol i never read the thread..

i am too high to proofread anything properly, but i got anefficincy award yesterday and am up for a raise, considering i spend all my time here when i am at work?! GO FIGURE!

as for all this nonsense what'd you do tell em to bleach em if hewants like planting roaches was goingto bloom into somthing other than amoldy mess?

well congrats. but someone screwed up. i can't read half the ramblings of your long work days. always a laugh though. i love you my friend.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so i have been working for loike 4 hours straigjt meeting status and some actually bleched a plant? (dumbass)

you wann leave for some stupid reason ... (wtf ? why your dying>>>?)

and med cant distinguish from sarcasm..... so med the internet democratic resource guide actually did some goofy ass thing like put corosive subtances on a living plant..... seriously now what did i miss,..?

oh yeah YOU GO NO WhERE

i love you


Well-Known Member
in like 20 years,,..... (or maybe like 4 or 5 years)

i am gonna be the crazy guy in the neighborhood building hot rodz in the garage, no one can understand what i am saying and i always smell like pot, oil, and gasoline.....

wow i cant wait!


Well-Known Member
damn i really wish i could have read that thread it sounds like it was hilarious...

"i wanted a lighter coloured plant..... ill bleach it, then sell it as chronic!"
-genius grower
Oh yeah, moderators misquoting people to insult them just induces the chuckles.:?


New Member
I think (what an idea) that most here as I am, are tired of the same old questions, that have been repeated over and over again. There are people here who read one sentence then reply without understand fully what has been wrote. Just to argue. Others wanna just destroy what they can't achieve so they give bad advice. But hell most of the questions I see can be looked up with a quick search of this site or any one of the many references regaurding cultavation. That is why I believe people act like asses here!

Just my friggen 2 cents though!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Theres arseholes everywhere, if you left everything because of them everytime, you wouldnt leave the house, people will continue to say things you dont like just try your best not to let it bother you and have the occasional blow out once in a while but should stay and come on there are things you can still get out of this site.
Nicley put mate! and graf dont leave everyone is a asshole really, mostly to the newbies who just join and ask the same questions over and over again.
ive probly come off ass an asshole to a couple people, but really im not that bad of a guy i can get along with people i may have my outbursts of anger but i cannot control that, FLD control's your emotions, how you think, how you speak, its the IGNITOR SWITCH to your brain.

If you have a Ballast without a IGNITOR switch, your bulb wont turn on.


Well-Known Member
tits are over-rated

speak for yourself. suddenly there's a major issue with stoner chicks. maybe you should just leave. hell maybe everyone who comes on here whining and bitching and begging should leave also. all the whining is taking the happy out of stoners. we are supposed to be giggly and full of love. what's up people?



Well-Known Member
I agree with fdd, what i think is everyone should Figure out how to get into chat, and chat in there so we can all be friends, and not hate on each other on the forums...

Scroll to the top, look at the color of green that is lighter then everyother one.
then you click on flashchat.

For those who did not know.


New Member
Who gives a fuck? People bitching at each other is very entertaining. Just because I may get a little irate with one person doesn't mean that it's going to ruin my day. In fact it can make me feel better.

Oh and just for the record, tits are certainly not over-rated. Personally, I love them. I'm sure if it were put to the vote the love of tits would win hands down.


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck? People bitching at each other is very entertaining. Just because I may get a little irate with one person doesn't mean that it's going to ruin my day. In fact it can make me feel better.

Oh and just for the record, tits are certainly not over-rated. Personally, I love them. I'm sure if it were put to the vote the love of tits would win hands down.

my hands would be up, 'bout chest level. hehehe boobies.


New Member
Only on my gf's more than generous pair. I know she reads my posts now and again! which is why I'm totally against porn. Why do I need porn when I have such a radiant beauty to look upon every day...


Well-Known Member
maybe I should leave??? because I said tits are overrated??? Okay Ill get right on that!!! not too sure if youre kidding or not..

and sorry Im not the "all giggly" type of guy, not sure about other "giggly" guys but I try to stay away from "giggling" as much as possible...

TO ME tits ARE overrated, sorry if you disagree, but I think there are prolly a couple more things that we disagree on too but Im not asking YOU to leave, Am I? no. blk, u must be cranky, Ive never seen you all pissy and shit!!


Well-Known Member
I think that something like "you should just leave" most likely turns this place into a "non-giggly" type of place, you got the hots for one of these stoner chicks or somethin??? what pisses me off is when people are quick to "suck dick" just to agree with someone else. (taking sides for no reason) I could make a list


Well-Known Member
I think that something like "you should just leave" most likely turns this place into a "non-giggly" type of place, you got the hots for one of these stoner chicks or somethin??? what pisses me off is when people are quick to "suck dick" just to agree with someone else. (taking sides for no reason) I could make a list

cranky? a little. giggly? all the time. i'm a man, don't need to be macho.

why would you even start such a thread? need a little love?

hots for a stoner chick? married, but i love meeting new people, wife could care less about an avatar. i need not resort to name calling thru pm's.

so should you leave? i don't know. should i? wtf? grow up.


Well-Known Member
Im 22 man, and really, I do what I please, so if youve got a problem with it........... I dont know, Deal w/ it!! youre gonna sit here and talk shit then I can talk shit too, wtf?

and plus, youre listenin to a story comin from a 22 yr. old female that needs attention!! so think about it, shes begging for someone to take her side and agree w/ what she says and how she feels, and she has now accomplished finding a person that knows nothing about her to take her side and be a dick, wel great job on listening to a little girl and helping her

round of applause for the couple


Well-Known Member
this was my point exactly......... did you even get the whole story buddy?? i doubt it, but hey she has a pussy, I have to believe it!!