Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

Wow people are smoking way too much, the brain needs to be sober and respected. I only smoke at night, I get all my shirt sorted out during the day, and then I fell I've earned it ; ). Some1 mentioned smoking with cotton bud roach, sweet I've been doing that for a while, true you don't get quite as caned but it's almost negligable, and it's sooo much smoother and kinder on the throat/lungs.
I've been smoking around 5-10g's a day for about a year now and eventually it was too much, I felt a lot more retarded then high so now I try to do just one smoke session a day
like 10g a week

king size j's or a really ripppin bong are the best :joint:
I smoke anywhere from 1-7 times a day but I use my vaporizer a lot and try to conserve weed. I probably go through a fourth on an average week. Although there are times when I just go all out with my friends and we smoke an 1/2-1 ounce in a night together. And I rolled a 2g joint, not a blunt!, last weekend and smoked it all sunday. But Idk how you can smoke 2 o's every week, you must have a huge as tolerance, be smoking some crappy weed, or just are really high 24/7. Hopefully it's just the last one:peace:
im finding out that i usually double my weekly intake after a harvest and then once i see myself getting low on my supply i tone it down to a qtr. a week.
1/2 by myself,im bout to roll up now

Even during harvest I smoke less than an 1/8 a week. You guys smoking a zip er 2 a week must be puffing some reel schwagy shit, I can only smoke 2 or 3 bowls of my nugs a day and Im set:blsmoke:. I like to test my nugs with my sidecar glass bubbler or my collection of greatfull dead bowls. I got this small glass vaporizer at a harvest festival, its a straight pipe( looks like a colorfull crack pipe) and you put the nug at the end and light the glass around it. Its a pretty kewl piece. Has anyone else seen one? I like the high better and its alot ezier on the lungs. I would like to get a real vapor soon.:peace:
if im working i with no days of i smoke about an oz which is £120 if i have a week of then i smoke 2oz what i started doing is booking the week of the week i get paid and i get like £500 of pot and smoke that in that week i love my weed
:weed:my job only consists of taking care of my Boas, keeping them HAPPY, HEALTHY, and BREEDING!!(bout 6 hrs a day in the snake room) so i smoke pretty much all day long, keeps me mellow while handling them and that inturn reflects on their attitude! makes my job easier since the majority of them are big females!(7'-10' and 30 to 45 lbs) So i usually burn between a .25 to .5 oz a week.
Between my wife and I we smoke on average a half a week. But on the week ends when I do not have to work, we can smoke a half in 2 days. Not so much any more as we have 2 kids in collage and a 4 year old now which is why we started to grow. I have a white collar job and no longer get pissed so we can smoke as much or as little as we want but with a small one around we usually only do it when he is in pre school or in bed at night.

We use a water bong we made from a plastic OJ bottle or we will roll a fat blunt once and a while. WHat are these vaporizers everyone is talking about? Anybody got a link or a pic?
about an ounce give or take a half or so. I also like pizza and laughing in my head at midgets because they have small fingers.
420 Newbie: a vape is a devise that heats the weed so it doesn't burn but cooks the THC off of it. In turn, you inhale the vaporized THC and you get high. It is an excellent way to smoke as it doesn't smell or smoke (only a light smell with a vapor smoke). It is a different high but it is quite enjoyable. If you want to see one it might be a little overwhelming but check: Volcano Vaporizers - Herbal Vaporizers - Tobacco Vaporizers - Herbal Vaporizer - Buy Vaporizer I personally have the Easy Vape Digital Hands Free Vaporizer. It is great. Easy Vape Digital Hands Free Vaporizer on Sale @
:weed:my job only consists of taking care of my Boas, keeping them HAPPY, HEALTHY, and BREEDING!!(bout 6 hrs a day in the snake room) so i smoke pretty much all day long, keeps me mellow while handling them and that inturn reflects on their attitude! makes my job easier since the majority of them are big females!(7'-10' and 30 to 45 lbs) So i usually burn between a .25 to .5 oz a week.

my friend has all kinds of snakes and we always play with them while hittin the bong with his dad haha. Some of the bigger ones I will only hold while I'm stoned haha