Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

kdhc i feel u, n dread i know u rolling up some shit. me myself about 2-3 o's on average a qp on a good week. some of u that call yourself smokers should be ashamed of yourself, anything less than a o a week you aint a smoker. I don't hit a bong(that resembles a crack pipe to much), i don't roll j's(they burn to fast), vaporizer-hell no(that's a waist of herb), vanilla Dutch Master's (2-2.5gr) 4-7 a day. only exotic herb, been blowing kush for the last three months. a 1/8 a week, u should be banned from this site. i'm really disappointed, i will now question a lot of strain reviews from now on. i'm so disappointed, so, so,:confused: disappointed.:confused:
Um you kinda sound like a college frat boy who only talks about putting away more beers than all of his buddies. That is the same guy who threw up all over my bathroom last week by the way =)

We all do what we do, and we all enjoy our herb. 1 gram a month or 200 pounds a day, we are all the same...

I can't wait to taste my first crop omfg...i love this site =)
fratboy, nah. been smoking with the rudeboys for a good 13yrs strong. i don't drink either, nothing but, herb. i feel where you're coming from but, feel where i'm coming from. as a "real" smoker its insulting to me when i roll up something good and invite u to take part in such a wonderful experience, then u take two weak ass hits and say i'm high as a bitch. enjoy the herb by all means but, don't play with it. i feel as though your disrespecting my kraft. its like rappers becoming actors. to make it a little clearer for u its like when they let Billy Crystal bat for the Yankees. a 1/8 a week, disrespectful!:clap:
fratboy, nah. been smoking with the rudeboys for a good 13yrs strong. i don't drink either, nothing but, herb. i feel where you're coming from but, feel where i'm coming from. as a "real" smoker its insulting to me when i roll up something good and invite u to take part in such a wonderful experience, then u take two weak ass hits and say i'm high as a bitch. enjoy the herb by all means but, don't play with it. i feel as though your disrespecting my kraft. its like rappers becoming actors. to make it a little clearer for u its like when they let Billy Crystal bat for the Yankees. a 1/8 a week, disrespectful!:clap:

Ah so true! As long as the bowl is still burning I am down:mrgreen: It is annoying when you roll up a fatty and end up having to finish it on your own...time to get some new smoking buddies...

Haha, i never knew Billy Crystal batted for the yankees...pfft. I hate baseball but still!

Mkay I feel where you are coming from. Bring some of your bad ass buds over and we'll smoke till the sack is empty. Then ill cut it open and lick the insides of the baggie :blsmoke:

problem is if you smoke blunts you can kill an O faster than you think. I limit myself to 1 "O" per month for discipline reasons. if i smoke the whole thing on the 1st fine but i wont get anymore till the 31st. My girl likes that to, shows some control;-) I do a 1/4 per week..........
between and eigth and a quarter a week. Id say that fits pretty well. on a good day i rip my ROOR like 6+ times, those are def quarter weeks.
i smoke all day. i wake up and load my glass piece, but i smoke slow as fuck. if im on my couch, or driven itll take 30 minutes to an hour for me to smoka a bowl or a decent joint. i smoke at least 3 to 5 bowls a day pretty much, 10 grams a week.
Question To My All Day Smokers!!!>
Do Ya'll Have Trouble Gettn Stoned? Some Days I Can Smoke My Balls Off And Not Really Get High. A Strain Change Helps But After A Week Its Usually The Same Issue. Eating It Tho, That Really Fucks Me Up, All Day Too. One Last Thing I Wanted To Mention, Vaps Dont Get Me Stoned At All, And I Spent Almost 300bux On A California Vap.
at some points me and my girlfriend would smoke like 3/4 an ounce or more a week of kind bud...SHITTY BEASTERS HARDLY GET YOU RIPPED...that was a 200 a week habit..altho right now Im on day 4 of soberness due to the sad fact of needing a job...Drug tests plague my life when it comes to shipping receiving jobs..:spew:
Question To My All Day Smokers!!!>
Do Ya'll Have Trouble Gettn Stoned? Some Days I Can Smoke My Balls Off And Not Really Get High. A Strain Change Helps But After A Week Its Usually The Same Issue. Eating It Tho, That Really Fucks Me Up, All Day Too. One Last Thing I Wanted To Mention, Vaps Dont Get Me Stoned At All, And I Spent Almost 300bux On A California Vap.

hell yeah, i posted a thread about this very subject not to long ago...and another one about what strains get you the most high...unfortunatly it's just a tolearnace just smoke alot....even if your not getting high your still smoking....maybe you get so high you dont realize...or you're so used to being high it doesn't phase you....i have the same problems, and i dont want to smoke less. i'd smoke more if i could.
hell yeah, i posted a thread about this very subject not to long ago...and another one about what strains get you the most high...unfortunatly it's just a tolearnace just smoke alot....even if your not getting high your still smoking....maybe you get so high you dont realize...or you're so used to being high it doesn't phase you....i have the same problems, and i dont want to smoke less. i'd smoke more if i could.
fuck smoken less, thats out of the question. its not thtat im so used to being stoned that i dont recognize it anymore, it just doesnt effect me, no matter how much i smoke. i used to get the bomb nugz in CO, but i was smoken so much great chronic (general term, not the strain) like 10g a day, that i couldnt honestly tell anyone that it was super good, couse it wouldnt get me high! new strain every week. Started getten high again after i cut down to once or twice a day, and not smoken in the morning. i smoke constantly again and again im having the same problem. guess its time to cut back, sorry about the long ass diary sounding entry, Later.
today is the first time in a long time where i havent got high as a bitch... been a pretty shitty day to considering i sat on my ass all day doing nothing.. wouldn be so bad if i was occupied but i got a bout 2 bowls left so i think that might get me a buzz at least... but on how much a week... i go throuh 4 boxes of swisher sweet rillos a day bout a gram and a half blunt every time... you do the math