Peppers are looking sickly - watering and nute question

Mass Medicinals

Well-Known Member
Happy Monday All,

We have 5 pepper plants that survived the winter indoors (Habanero & Ghost) with no fertilizer feeding just tap water. They are in soil (5 gal fabric). We are at a loss for their recent decline in health status. All of them had a little dark green new growth, but are now yellowing and whenever they are moved drop leaves and flowers. We are still bringing them in at night, so each time we see newly fallen leaves.

We think this is a combination of underfeeding and over watering. The pots feel wet near the bottom so we think they could be over watered, but the leaves don't droop. They just turn pale green to yellow and drop. We've been barely feeding them any nutrients, currently using Roots organic buddha Grow (2-0.25-2).

But we have a number of different lines to work from, both liquid & solid.

Roots organic terp tea (7-1-1)
Roots organic uprising (6-1-2)
Lots of the Neptunes products, like their 2-4-2 tomato & veg)
Dr. earth all purpose 5-5-5
Espoma Garden Tone 3-4-4
GH MaxiGrow 10-5-14

And a lot of other grow and or supplemental nutrient lines.

Any thoughts are welcome, also note we are trying to rule out overwatering before initiating more intense feedings.

Try misting the plant they like humidity and some heat they're a tropical plant. Lack of humidity can cause the leaf to curl up same as temperature or a ph indoor tomato plant did the same thing till I raised the humidity