Personal Medical Growing Adventure !


Well-Known Member
:) thnx smart.


I just orderd 40 Pots. And I orderd this product :

Ripen .....

For all growing methods: hydroponics and soil
Late flowering nutrient

Ripen is a comprehensive plant nutrient used during the late flowering stage of the plant. It is specifically designed to speed up and enhance the ripening process, while increasing the content in active principles of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants.
This type of formulation is referred to, in the greenhouse industry, as a ‘forcing solution‘.
Ripen is a mix of refined mineral salts and buffers, formulated by our laboratories with the greatest precision. Indeed, at this stage, accuracy is of the utmost importance: the plant, at the end of its life, is generally more fragile and the assimilation process is greatly reduced when compared with the vegetative phase.
Ripen acts at different levels:

  • It gives the plant a strong signal that it is coming to the end of its life. The plant reacts by speeding the ripening process, in a last effort to spread its genes.
  • It forces the plant to reinforce its defences and thus increase its active principles.
  • It brings to the plants all the mineral salts they need, in a form easy to assimilate.
  • In case of a previous accumulation of nitrate or microelements, it helps metabolise these residues, which will improve the taste of the crop.

This nutrient has many properties:

  • Outdoors, it enables you to quickly harvest a crop, before it is spoiled by a cold and humid weather.
  • Indoors, it helps you harmonise the end of the cycle by speeding up the ripening of the slowest plants.
  • In case of a severe infestation of fungi or insects, it allows you to accelerate the natural cycle and get something out of a crop otherwise completely lost.
  • It increases the active principle in medicinal plants. When you are growing a plant for its medicinal properties, this is the nutrient of choice to boost the concentration in the final product.
    The last 10 days of flowering, dilute Ripen in water with adjusted pH (between 5,5 and 6,5)
    In Hydroponics: 4-5 ml/L - EC = 1,8 - 2,2
    In Soil: same concentration, every second watering
    Ripen is an acid, it will lower the pH of your solution. Pour it in the water before adjusting your pH level



Well-Known Member
cancelld order, going to growshop today to get discount and get some bargains :D


Well-Known Member
take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the buds are pretty. ohh dwr, wont u plz take me hoooooome.


Well-Known Member
:) ohhh i will take u home.. and do naughty things to you :P :P

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D


cheers, mother plant is coming down today, a beauty she is... i am gona grab some pics before i chop her, was onl 11 days in flowering.. i just was testing to see if it was some kind of retarded plant.. but she's doing great and smell excellent... :)

the 40 clones are ready to go in the dirt tomorrow :)

uhh i cant wait :D

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nice grow man, interested in that ripen thing. ive been thinking about gravity but it seems to be the more risky product. you ever used any other flower hardeners?


Active Member
sweet grow, can''t wait to see them closer to harvest.

just a quick question, what's the benefit of using a purple light? thanks


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, no pics and such.. but i cant find my cam.... they've been in the pots since last friday..... and they lookd awfull untill tuesday..... I have cut many weak branches and coverd with soil... so that more roots develop.. and it gets stronger... faster....

wednesday they all started growing & Today.... well... they grew a bit more :P

All in all is going good, i broke 2 of my cfls while moving.. i dont know if thats bad or not... heheh...... i mean for my body... as i didnt realize untill unpacking... :S

All Hps lights work great, and the funny thing is.. when i was setting evrything up i hookd the 600w for veg... and well not such a good idea, thats why all my plants hated me on friday.. :D !

rofl, realized it on saturday.. and changed around :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, no pics and such.. but i cant find my cam....

All Hps lights work great, and the funny thing is.. when i was setting evrything up i hookd the 600w for veg... and well not such a good idea, thats why all my plants hated me on friday.. :D !

rofl, realized it on saturday.. and changed around :)
I think it's a wonder any of us potheads actually grow good pot, and remember to write into Rollitup.

I'm glad you got things figured out, and it sounds like the plants are going to be doing great (once they get situated).

Rock on dwr.


Well-Known Member
but i cant find my cam
Have you been chating with fyfe he always forgot his camera lol.
I think someone stole it while i was moving stuff.... :cuss: thnx god only that.


I think it's a wonder any of us potheads actually grow good pot, and remember to write into Rollitup.

I'm glad you got things figured out, and it sounds like the plants are going to be doing great (once they get situated).

Rock on dwr.
Thnx man, the plants are doing perfect today.... Loads of great growth, very tight internode space.... Also my Mother of the clones is in flowering @ day 20... i'd say another 40 days and i can harvest her... so next month i got some personal smoke :D


mr west

Well-Known Member
cool glad to hear ya on top of things. Ive b een really slack lol with my jurnals, too god damn stoned to do anything, my normal wake and bake is sending me loopy lol, ive only had half a joint this morning try some exodus cheese >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
cool glad to hear ya on top of things. Ive b een really slack lol with my jurnals, too god damn stoned to do anything, my normal wake and bake is sending me loopy lol, ive only had half a joint this morning try some exodus cheese >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
^^ sure man.... :) send some oveR :P


yeah, i think i wont be updating untill i get some bud shots... no point otherwise, got allot of things to do now... spring is around the corner...


Well-Known Member
No, your on a more northern latitude than me :)

We allways have this at this time of the year allways freezing... as i said, in a week it will all start to go crazy... flowers are growing.. dont get me wrong... just freezing... :D


Well-Known Member
oh my god you grew rule. i envy you. i love that plant, i want to grow some in a bad way myself. whered you get those seeds?