Personal Medical Growing Adventure !


Well-Known Member
Clones are growing pretty easy, still small.... but there gona get the size i need in about a week..

The Trainwreck is doing great...... :) !!!!!!!!! Allready got some material to clone on her..

The Hijacks are growing great.

The BLZ Bud are starting to get some leaf sets..

The Cheese isnt in the ground yet.. so aint the others.. gona clone 40 Trainwreck, I think i might throw the Hijack outside.... as they take longer to flower.


Well-Known Member
The Trainwreck is amazing !!!!!! its funny... cuz the leafs are huge ! i mean there like the size of my face... ! allready could clone 15 little ones... going to grow her for about 100 clones... i know its allot to take off 1 plant.. most people take 25.. oh well, guess you got to work with small amounts to get big amounts.. :P and then big to get huge !


Well-Known Member
OHHH and amazingly the ams seed i had, is growing just fine, i think i will be taking 40 clones of her soon as possible ! wich is great cuz the A.M.S

Anti mold system weed is fucking gorgous smoke


Well-Known Member
wow nice.

ur gonna have enough clones!!

i still dont know how to clone, but no worries, i have like 50 of ur seeds so ill just use them :p

they are germinating as we speak btw. got my medium and veg light sorted so they will be underway soon as they pop.


Well-Known Member
wow nice.

ur gonna have enough clones!!

i still dont know how to clone, but no worries, i have like 50 of ur seeds so ill just use them :p

they are germinating as we speak btw. got my medium and veg light sorted so they will be underway soon as they pop.

:) Thats good news man ! Cant wait.... :D !

yeah i just switcht'd all my clones on 12/12 :) and the other plant is on day 30 of 12/12 with loads of stress :D


Well-Known Member
:) i put half of the bag of seeds in to germinate. half of those have poped and are under the CFL. rest of them should pop soon. i might put the other half of the bag to germ 2night :)


Well-Known Member
:) i put half of the bag of seeds in to germinate. half of those have poped and are under the CFL. rest of them should pop soon. i might put the other half of the bag to germ 2night :)
lol ^^ thats loads of seeds man, did you count them ?



Well-Known Member
ha, no. there was too many. the other half of the seeds havnt germinated yet and the ones under the light are taking awhile, 4 days and no action. i think its too cold :(


Well-Known Member
ha, no. there was too many. the other half of the seeds havnt germinated yet and the ones under the light are taking awhile, 4 days and no action. i think its too cold :(
hmmmmmmmmm, i dont know give em some nutes man, realy is a hungry plant.. i gave her grow nutes on day 5 :D !!!!!!!!!

hahaaaaa just to give her boost on nutes... just a drop for each plant no allot, but enough to make them awake :D

cheers :D


Well-Known Member
today is day 12 of flowering the clones, allready are starting to form tiny tiny little buds... :) its only going to get bigger day by day now :)


The other plant has been in flowering for about 40 days or more...... should be finishd in some weeks


Well-Known Member
I have done abou 25 plants low stress training today... and i nearly snapd 3 in half...


All cool, the rest will be done in a couple of days to let them become more bendy....

I just checkd on em after 2 hours, heads are all starting to turn upwards :D

haha... this way i will yield way more, and will get more light on my bottom brachens as they are all at the top now :)


Well-Known Member
very nice. pics of the LST would be nice. never actually seen a fully spiralled plant before