Pest Questions?

So on in indoor grow what type of pests and pot problems should one be on the look out for? I imagine there is still some type of risk of pest or am I in correct. Trying to protect my crop.


Well-Known Member
Any bug that lives outside in your area can live in your grow room. You've got moisture, light, and a food source. Preventative measures are key, pests can get out of control quick. Spider mites are probably your biggest threat indoors. They come straight from the bowels of hell

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
So on in indoor grow what type of pests and pot problems should one be on the look out for? I imagine there is still some type of risk of pest or am I in correct. Trying to protect my crop.
Most common pests in my exp are fungus gnats and thrips. Active organic soil attracts insects; this is par for the course. Soil mites are common in active soil but these are actually beneficial; nothing to worry about. Never got the dreaded spider mites myself but I’ve heard they are like the Borg.
Prevention is much easier than eradication. A few steps of caution should help keep most bugs away. Fungus gnats are not really detrimental to plants but a swarm is really annoying and the dead ones can stick to the buds. Easily prevented and/or controlled by simply letting the top layer of soil dry off and watering from the bottom if possible. A sprinkle of diatomaceous earth will keep gnats from laying eggs on almost any surface especially the top layer of soil pots. If gnats are already present then sticky traps and/or mosquito dunks/bits will kill them. For leaf eaters like thrips or caterpillars use a spray with spinosad like Monterey Garden Spray; 2-3 treatments will quell them. Look for the telltale vein-like white splotches on the leaves for thrip damage. To prevent leaf eaters use neem seed meal as a soil amendment; have not seen a single thrip (or whitefly) since adding neem seed to the soil directly.
Finally there are these ultra sonic pest repellents you just plug in and it emits a frequency that pests like bugs and rodents supposedly hate. I have two near my grow area. Used to get lotsa gnats coming from outta my worm bin but I found draping a sheer mesh over the top of the bin and using the ultrasonic emitters has eliminated them completely. Works for skeeters too!