pet peeves

i think the first girl looks dirty and not in a good way
her hair looks greasy
her make up looks trashed from last night
dunno not a good look LOL

second girl is cute

second girl is more pretty, but she has that generic bimbo whore look which is good but also has it's drawbacks, what is she opens her mouth and speaks ?
first girl is no beauty queen but she looks "real" she is someone the average dude might get to fuck, and that counts lol
i think the first girl looks dirty and not in a good way
her hair looks greasy
her make up looks trashed from last night
dunno not a good look LOL

second girl is cute
second girl is more pretty, but she has that generic bimbo whore look which is good but also has it's drawbacks, what is she opens her mouth and speaks ?
first girl is no beauty queen but she looks "real" she is someone the average dude might get to fuck, and that counts lol
doesnt mean her hair isnt greasy looking :p :D
i think the first girl looks dirty and not in a good way
her hair looks greasy
her make up looks trashed from last night
dunno not a good look LOL

second girl is cute

You got a point, but ever seen one of those before and after make up from celebrities or models? Its horrific.

The girl on the left is clearly just an everyday girl, very pretty in my eyes, may have a few scuffs but no one is perfect.
The girl on the right however just went under almost 2 hours of makeup for that 1 minute shot of her tits bouncing in slow motion.
She probably looks the same as the first girl, if not worse, with no makeup.
I don't believe the first girl is covered in make up, or she would have removed the blemishes, but you would know that more than I would. (Not in a rude way, just your a female and I know jack about makeup)
how can you be sure its greasy and not sweaty or wet ?
maybe she just had a good fucking before her car ride ?
i like girls who are pretty and a little bit sweaty looking after a workout as long as they are not smelly
You got a point, but ever seen one of those before and after make up from celebrities or models? Its horrific.

The girl on the left is clearly just an everyday girl, very pretty in my eyes, may have a few scuffs but no one is perfect.
The girl on the right however just went under almost 2 hours of makeup for that 1 minute shot of her tits bouncing in slow motion.
She probably looks the same as the first girl, if not worse, with no makeup.
I don't believe the first girl is covered in make up, or she would have removed the blemishes, but you would know that more than I would. (Not in a rude way, just your a female and I know jack about makeup)
first girl has cover up, drawn in eye brows, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush
so does second
one just does it better , or has better quality make up
not saying first girl isnt pretty, she just looks like she didnt shower and rolled out of bed in last nights make up

I can tell its greasy because well i have a dipolma for hairstyling LOL
lol you cant even spell diploma or hair styling
lucky that is not a requirement
hahahah fast typing , often too lazy to correct my mistakes :p

never really enjoyed hairstyling much though, spelling is indeed needed for my next career :p
first girl has cover up, drawn in eye brows, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush
so does second
one just does it better , or has better quality make up
not saying first girl isnt pretty, she just looks like she didnt shower and rolled out of bed in last nights make up

I can tell its greasy because well i have a dipolma for hairstyling LOL

lol she got you there bro, hairstyling degree.
Good points, definitely couldn't tell the first girl was wearing makeup besides the eyes.
The second girls face was way too perfect in complextion to assume she wasn't wearing any.
hahahah fast typing , often too lazy to correct my mistakes :p

never really enjoyed hairstyling much though, spelling is indeed needed for my next career :p

what would your advice be to girl 1 apart from a shampoo and conditioner
do you do nails too ?
what would your advice be to girl 1 apart from a shampoo and conditioner
do you do nails too ?
I am not certified in nails, you dont need to be though, its just an added perk but yes i can do gel, acrylic, regular painting, mani and pedis, eye brows, waxing, eye lash extensions, eye lash tinting.

girl one has thin hair, she needs proper shampoo and small amounts of a light conditioner that doesnt weight her down
alternatively she could start a treatment program called nioxen , which helps people with thinner hair
hard to tell without touching her hair though LOL
lol she got you there bro, hairstyling degree.
Good points, definitely couldn't tell the first girl was wearing makeup besides the eyes.
The second girls face was way too perfect in complextion to assume she wasn't wearing any.

i call bullshit on that mate, you do not need a degree to see weather hair is greasy or wet or sweaty
sunni did not explain how she knows, she just stated she knows because she has a degree

i mean i'm not saying it isn't greasy but it could be sweaty or even wet

i have a degree in physics , i can see that its wet lol
i call bullshit on that mate, you do not need a degree to see weather hair is greasy or wet or sweaty
sunni did not explain how she knows, she just stated she knows because she has a degree

i mean i'm not saying it isn't greasy but it could be sweaty or even wet

i have a degree in physics , i can see that its wet lol

Well you have a point, but she probably knows for a reason.

Also, it could be a wetting product?
They have those for females as well as men, I remember in high school I used to use it.

it's like a gel, but doesn't make your hair hard, just looks wet 24/7.
Maybe she just has one of those shiny or wet products in her hair?
you can tell its greasy because of how the roots are on the left side where her hair is flipped over , you can clearly see her hair strains are "sticking" to eachother in clumpy areas near the scalp , grease comes from the scalp , than when she turns to right side and its more of the same

wet hair literally looks wet , her does not , there are many strains flowing in the wind fromt he car, wet hair doesnt do this its weighted down

anyways im done on the convo of if its greasy or not seems like youre just baiting an argument stupid to argue over this LOL
Well you have a point, but she probably knows for a reason.

Also, it could be a wetting product?
They have those for females as well as men, I remember in high school I used to use it.

it's like a gel, but doesn't make your hair hard, just looks wet 24/7.
Maybe she just has one of those shiny or wet products in her hair?
they have a gel like that which i dont think anyones used since the 1990s LOL