Petition to remove leftist hero bust from ...

I understand black and people who self identify as black, are absolved from any responsibility for their actions because somewhere someone is a racist .
That's how this country was founded. It was LEGAL to discriminate against blacks in this country for 350+ years. It became illegal in 1964 (51 years ago). And you believe that everything is equal now? Do the fucking math.
That's how this country was founded. It was LEGAL to discriminate against blacks in this country for 350+ years. It became illegal in 1964 (51 years ago). And you believe that everything is equal now? Do the fucking math.
So you agree with my statement . Reposted just incase you got lost along the way .
I understand black and people who self identify as black, are absolved from any responsibility for their actions because somewhere someone is a racist .
That's how this country was founded. It was LEGAL to discriminate against blacks in this country for 350+ years. It became illegal in 1964 (51 years ago). And you believe that everything is equal now? Do the fucking math.
Good point. It will take several generations to level the playing field. Giving a group, equal civil liberties after hundreds of years of enslavement and intentional impoverishment, does not make it fair, but it's a start.
Good point. It will take several generations to level the playing field. Giving a group, equal civil liberties after hundreds of years of enslavement and intentional impoverishment, does not make it fair, but it's a start.
It's going to many, many generations. Racism is ingrained into the core of this nation. It permeates every aspect of society. It's literally as American as apple pie.
that's hilarious coming from the guy who spammed us with debunked racist garbage from chimpmania.

whatever buck. Anyone is free to sift through my comments and threads to see the truth for themselves. You are easily angered when people play the devil's advocate. but not once did I lie or say anything racist. You wrongly assume that I am not a minority. Sorry my man, I am educated and can see the bullshit on both sides of the political spectrum. I choose truth over political talking points any day.
So conservatives got all butthurt because people wanted the confederate flag removed from statehouses because of what it represents, it worked and was removed. Then some fake pseudo-scandal from a chop team comes out against planned parenthood, already confirmed nothing illegal took place, and all the conservative panties collectively got twisted so they go do the exact same thing they were originally crying about before...

"Margaret Sanger’s memory ought to be as big an issue as the Confederate battle flag.

Now that the left is demanding no memorializing of those who defended slavery and racism, it is time to turn the spotlight on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who sought to use abortion and birth control to limit the black population as undesirables."

Basically, it's more petty childish political bullshit that amounts to "You take my flag I take your statue! HAH!"

It's going to many, many generations. Racism is ingrained into the core of this nation. It permeates every aspect of society. It's literally as American as apple pie.