Ph . . Important or just plain anal.


Well-Known Member

1) Water Bong

You will need:
· A piece of hose
· A plastic 'coke' style bottle
· A bowl (You can improvise and use tin-foil or part of an aluminum can, use your imagination)

Melt a hole in the side of the bottle using your lighter, about half way up the bottle. Make it small, as you can always make it larger if you need to. While the plastic is still hot, jam a length of hose (8 inches works well) through the hole, so that the end of the hose sits in the base of the bottle. The plastic should melt around the hose, making it airtight. If not, you may need to get another bottle and try again, or seal it with something (Glue gun, stick tack, even bubble gum).

The 'cone/bowl' piece that you will put your weed in can be bought from a marijuana related head shop, but if you don't have one with you we will need to make one.

· With tinfoil- At the end of the hose, make an inverted cone shape and stick this on the top end of the hose. Make sure there is a small hole at the bottom (roughly 1mm in diameter). This 'cone' will hold your weed while you light it and draw it in.

· With a can: Cut a small piece of aluminum from the can, and fold it into a cone shape. Place it upside-down in the end of the hose. This is (as above) where you will put your weed.

Fill the bottom of the bottle 2 inches deep with some sort of liquid, preferably water, as this will filter the smoke.

While lighting the bowl suck on the mouthpiece part of the bottle. The smoke will be pulled from the cone-piece, through the hose, it will then be filtered through the water and will end up in your lungs.

NOTE: Some people like to add a 'carb'. This is a hole few inches above the water level. It is less than 1cm in diameter and can be made by holding a lighter close until a hole melts open. This is used to quickly clear the smoke contents of the bottle. This is not important, but most bong-users like to use one.

You can also make a removable slide (in this case just by pulling the bowl out) to act as a carb. This is the case with many glass bongs.

This was made out of glass, which I do not recommend. It is not easy to do, it's just much easier to make it out of a plastic bottle.

Image contributed by: Locutus

2) Gravity Bong
You will need:
· A plastic bottle with lid
· A body of water (A swimming pool, a pond or a bucket of water will work fine)
· A bowl/joint

Cut the bottom base off the bottle off.

Remove the lid from the bottle, and place your piece in the top so it sits nicely. If it is too small, you may want to make a hole in the top of the lid, and sit the piece in that. The more airtight, the better.

Submerge the bottle upright in the water, only leaving the very top of the bottle above the water level.

Place your weed in the bowl and hold a lighter to it. Slowly raise the bottle out of the water, creating a vacuum inside the bottle, drawing the smoke into it. Do not lift the bottle completely out of the water!

ALTERNATIVELY: You can just drill a small hole in the lid of the bottle and wedge a joint/blunt into it. Do not place anything (bowl or joint) in the lid BEFORE submerging in the water; otherwise it will be blasted off somewhere (probably the water, hence losing your weed).

Remove the piece from the top of the bottle, and suck the smoke out while slowly pushing the bottle back into the water. This will force all the smoke into your lungs.

NOTE: Do not leave the smoke in the bottle too long, or it will go stale, cause you to cough excessively and taste horrible.

Also, be sure not to suck up any water on the down; it is a definite gag!

Image contributed by: Locutus

3) Waterfall Bong
You will need:
· A plastic bottle
· A bowl/joint

This design is very similar to the gravity bong, but is more portable. Firstly, cut a small hole (or burn one with your lighter) in the base of the bottle. Make sure that this hole can be completely and easily covered with one of your fingers. This needs to be watertight. Find the point where the hole can only just be covered but your finger, but still remain watertight, as the bigger the hole, the better (you will play with this later on).

Fill the bottle with water, while covering the hole with your finger. If you have chewing gum or sticky-tack, use that to cover the hole as an extra hand will come in use in just a moment.

With the lid of the bottle still removed; place your bowl/joint over the mouthpiece (making it as air tight as possible). Pack the bowl if you haven't already done so.

ALTERNATIVELY: You can just drill a small hole in the lid of the bottle and wedge a joint/blunt into it. Do not place anything (bowl or joint) in the lid BEFORE submerging in the water; otherwise it will be blasted off somewhere (probably the water, hence losing your weed).

Hold a lighter to the weed or light the joint and take your finger off the hole. You will notice, as the water runs out, the smoke is drawn into the bottle, displacing the water. The larger the hole, the faster the smoke is drawn into it and vice-versa. Play with this, as you will find the perfect hole size for your situation.

NOTE: This can be messy, do this outside, or over a sink/bucket.

This picture shows a waterfall bong with a joint fitted in the lid. For this to be a gravity bong, the bottom would be cut off at about 2 inches up. Otherwise, it is totally similar.

Image contributed by: Stoner133


Well-Known Member
4) Joint
You will need:
· These are useful as most shops will sell them, and they are not hard to carry around discretely. There is an FAQ on them in the archives, follow the link below to check it out.

5) Apple Pipe
Contributed by: disgyzdfrmdaskyz
Submitted: July 12th, 2004

Everything is good about the apple pipe. They're cheap (under a dollar for a couple at the store), easy to make, smokes VERY WELL along with a cool, smooth, appley taste (yup!), and they conserve weed because you are forced to pack little bowls rather then a joint.

Items needed:

-- Apple. I prefer a nicely shaped apple that can stand up on its own without falling over. That?s unless you like holes burnt in your carpet.

-- A is the cheap Bic ones. Any pen is fine just as long as it doesn?t have a pocket-clip-thing. If there is no pen around, you can use anything that?s shaped like one, just as long as the sides are parallel.

-- If you don?t use a pen with the ink thing on the inside you will need a nail or something of that size.

The trickiest part about making the pipe is pulling off the stem on top. The trick is to pull out the entire stem. Do this by gripping it as close to the base of the stem as possible. You DONT want to rip half the stem off, or your pipe is already ruined. Its not hard, just give it a twist before/while you are pulling.

Use the pen to penetrate a hole HORIZONTALLY ALL THE WAY THROUGH the middle of the apple. Make sure it lines up with the hole on top where the stem was.

Pull out the pen and then penetrate the apple again with the opposite side of the pen...this will push out all the gunk in the middle of the apple. What I do after is blow out any seeds or extra crap inside the apple (you dont wanna be smoking seeds, or choking on them).

Take out the inside of the pen, the ink cartridge. Use that smaller diameter cartridge to poke another hole, this time VERTICALLY, HALF WAY THROUGH the apple. This is your toke hole.

Push down until it meets up with the horizontal fat hole. Its real important to make sure you DON?T make a fat hole or your weed will suck through when your are toking. After that, once again, I blow out any extra gunk....Its all really important to make sure all the holes are nice n clean so the airflow between them are not clogged up....You don?t want a pipe that takes all your strength just to pull in some smoke.

BOOM! theres your apple pipe. Put your marijuana in the bowl on top. Use one hole as a clearhole/carb and suck from the other. The pipe will last a whole day until its starts to go brown n rot. Best thing about the apple pipe is YOU CAN EAT THE EVIDENCE!

Image contributed by: Locutus

Not depicted as written

6) Paper Roll Pipe
You will need:
· A paper role (paper towel, toilet paper, wrapping paper tube)
· I recommend using a bowl for this, as it isn't nice to smoke cardboard

Make a small hole about 2 inches from one of the ends. This hole will be where your weed will be burned. You can place a bowl in this hole, or make a slightly larger hole and place some aluminum foil over it, and poke a couple of holes into the center of the foil.

Press the opposite end firmly on your mouth, with the other hand on the 'weed' end of the roll. Your hand should make an airtight seal over the roll, while pressing the roll firmly to your face.

Place the weed in the bowl, or sprinkle it over the aluminum foil sheet. You can also make a hole the size of a blunt/joint to use it with.

Light the weed, and suck on the end that is in your mouth. Toke as needed.

NOTE: Make sure you don't set the cardboard on fire, as it's not good to be inhaling burnt cardboard!

Image contributed by: C. Eastwoods Cigar

7) Vaporizer

Design by: TentacleGuy
Text by: Burramys Parvus
Image contributed by: TentacleGuy

Vaporizing is the healthiest way to smoke marijuana. So how can you build your own vaporizer for your own personal use?

You will need:
· A thin glass test-tube (a hampster water feeder is ideal, or those small test tube gifts found in gas-stations)
· mouthpiece (such as a straw)
· a rubber stopper for the tube
· a piercing (hollow) needle (the rubber tends to

The design of the vaporizer is easily seen in the picture. The hollow needle allows air to enter the test tube as air is drawn out.

Smoking tips:
Chop your weed very finely, and place a small amount in the bottom of the tube. The weed should be very thin across the inner surface of the glass.

Use a lighter (a butane lighter does a better job due to its higher heat) to evenly heat the base of the tube (where the thin layer of weed is) until you see white steam rising from the top of the tube. Suck this away, inhale deeply and hold for about 4-5 seconds. This is the (almost pure) THC.

Dark smoke is leaf material burning - discontinue toking! There is very little THC remaining anyways. Reload the tube with fresh MJ.

Image contributed by: Locutus

Alternatively, you can read the FAQ for constructing a slightly more complex homemade vaporizer. CLICK HERE!

Image contributed by: Gizzmo


Well-Known Member
How do I clean my glass pipe?

Contributed by: HaZe05

Many people like to keep their glass pieces relatively clean, or enjoy reaping the benefits of scraping their bowels for resin to smoke. I can scrape my bowel pretty clean, but there is only so much you can get out. The end result is usually a pipe that wont look right until you get more resin in it to give it back its color. And every time you do this it gets harder to scrape clean because of the old stuff hardening.

If you follow this technique you can get your pipe as clean as it was the day you bought it every time, plus it will always be easier to scrape your pipe the next time.

Scrape your pipe as cleanly as you want, or not at all, some people don't enjoy smoking their resin so they can skip this step.

Fill your pipe with a teaspoon or two of salt, depending on pipe size. You can use regular table salt, sea salt (preferred) or rock salt.

Plug the head of your bowel with your finger or thumb, and pour rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, into the mouthpiece of your pipe.

Cover the mouthpiece with another finger or thumb and shake the pipe up and down vigorously but carefully, for a few minutes.

Dump out the waste and rinse thoroughly with tap water.

Repeat if needed until pipe is sparkling clean.

Photos contributed by : highsuspekt


Well-Known Member
Contributed by: gizzmo
Images archived 2004

[Editor's note: the lightbulb can break during construction - wear gloves! Glass straws are highly advised, as plastics can emit harmful vapors]

There are a lot of really expensive vaporizers available, but there are cheaper ways? This might not work as good as the $200 ones, but it does work well.

Parts list:

Normal light bulb (100 watts if possible; the glass is more heat resistant than 40/60 watters. The bulb should be clear and not frosted)

2 straws or glass tubes (glass tubes are better since they can't melt)
Cap of a 0.5 liter bottle (US: 16 fl. Ounce bottle cap)

First if all, we start off with preparing the buld by cutting off the lower part like this:

You might want to sand off those nasty metal edges since they are really sharp, like this:

Now, in step 2, we need to get the wire and all that out: (Remove them either with a small wrench or break them out with something else like a pair of pliers)

In step three, unscrew the cap of the bottle, and try to fit it on the metal part of the bulb, if it doesn't fit because it's too small, get another cap, it's ok if its too big. Now take a knife and make two holes into the cap, like this:

Now we have to make the straws the right size, take the scissors. If you are using glasstubes, take a wrench to break them at the right point, and take fine sand paper to make the edges smooth.

If the cap is a bit too big, just take the tape and fix it. Even though its easy to do this, every time you want to fill or empty it you have to tape it again. So try to get a cap that fits! There is another way you can tape it, like this, that's easier:

Before you use it for the first time take cold water and wrinse it out, glass and dust might be left inside, and you don't want that in your lungs....DONE!

To use it, unscrew the cap, put whatever you want to smoke inside (careful, you don't need as much as you need in a normal joint), take a lighter or candle and heat it, inhale, and when you taste something, its working.
Don't wait until it smokes, because that will leave stains. In the best case, you will take out the weed, for example, looking just like you put it in, but smelling like hay after you are done.

Here is a version with one glasstube instead of a straw, and how it actually looks when being used. Thanks DoobieScoo.

[Editor's note: to see other people's variations, see the original faq thread]

Vlad the Impaler's modifications
Submitted: 04-06-2004

There is, I believe, a way to make it better: While most of the vapor created is kept inside, I was still losing vapor. This was my fault as I did not tape the cap on as suggested. After a bit, I made some modifications, and found that not only was it easier to use, but it worked quite a bit better as well.

I took the bottle that the cap came from (a US 20 oz bottle), and cut it off at the neck, so that the cut end of the upper portion (the part with the thread for the cap) would fit well over the screw part of the lightbulb. I then hot-glued (though duct tape works) the top portion of bottle onto the light bulb do I could screw the cap on and off.

The first pic shows the unit assembled. The duct tape does not actually hold anything on, it is just insulation against the glass; it makes a good handle. You can make out the hot glue I used to put the bottle end onto the cap. It has just been used and is dirty.

The second pic shows the cap unscrewed. You can see the threaded part of the bottle attached to the bulb. You can also see that I used a pen as the intake tube and two straws as a mouth peice. When you end the moutpiece tube as far up as I have, you need a filter to keep particles out. I used a nylon mesh (the kind on a screen door/window). All of this is sealed with hot glue (although duct tape works well too, I just had a glue gun around the house so I used it)

The third pic is a close up of the cap assembly. You can clearly see where the bottle has been attached, on the cut portion of the bulb, on the right of the duct tape, with hot glue.

The fourth pic shows you where I cut the bottle. I cut it larger than needed, and cut it down to size after (much easier that way).


Well-Known Member
How can I easily, cheaply and quickly press a small amount of hash?

Added by: snoofer

Contributed by: ledfether

The focus of this thread is on simple, cheap, and small batch hash production.

This method is geared towards simple, cheap and common materials. Although this method uses some heat, an appliance such as a blender or mixer is not needed, nor is any freezing or straining required. There is no wait for the product to dry out either. You can basically smoke it right away.
I use my $35 Crystal Catcher sifter box from and my ?SweatLeaf? grinder to separate the gland heads (KIF) from the vegetable matter. I work a batch of bud vigorously across the screen with a credit card (instead of sifting). I discarded the vegetable matter once done, but it surely has some potency left in it. Very dry, fluffy bud is my preference.

The real secret to my method is Parchment paper. Parchment paper is wonder-stuff for baking. It?s very strong and durable, heat resistant and the fibers of the paper are very dense, and have a good ?non-stick? quality. The Parchment paper I have is silicone coated for even better release.

Items needed:

Pile of KIF, separated by your favorite screening method (dry)
Parchment paper (look near wax paper, aluminum foil etc. in grocery stores)
Water (enough to finger dip)
Heat source (Heat softens/bursts the gland heads so they will congeal better) Any safe heat source will do (it?s better to have a flat surface for the hand pressing). I used an iron for heat in this example.
Garlic press (Optional, for larger batches)

Hand pressed method:

Cut a piece of parchment paper approximately 6? square. Place your dry KIF in the center of the paper and carefully fold the paper around the KIF, creating as small of a compartment as possible for the KIF within the folded paper.

Place the folded KIF/paper on a heat source, with the most folded side facing up towards you.

Using your fingers or thumb (if you can handle the heat) or another object, press the folded KIF/paper firmly against the heat source. Hold the KIF against the heat source for a half of a minute to a minute, or when the heat transfers through to your fingers through the folded paper. You do not want to over heat the KIF, you just want to soften it and gel it a little - you may feel the KIF ?give way? or otherwise move a little as the heat and pressure work on it.

Remove the KIF/paper from the heat, unfold carefully and carefully remove the flattened KIF from the paper. Cut the ?KIF wafer? (I use a razor blade) and stack the pieces on top of one another. Re-fold the paper and apply to the heat source again very briefly, just to warm it up a little and make it softer and more pliable.

Remove the KIF (now already becoming hash) and begin rolling carefully it between your fingers, trying not to loosen or separate any KIF powder from the pressed product (you?ll see what I mean). Moisten your fingers with water to assist in the rolling/balling of the clump. You can press the clump onto any loose pieces left in the paper (like chewing gum picking up dust) and continue to wet your fingers a little to blend those bits in.

Once you have the ball of hash rolled to your liking, you can either let it set for a bit to evaporate any surface water remaining, or slice off a chunk and start smoking!

Garlic pressed hash:

Prepare your KIF as mentioned previously, but you will need quite a bit more to make this worthwhile.

Cut a piece of parchment paper (use your judgment and practice this a few times before trying it with your KIF) and carefully form it to the inside of the garlic press. You have to form it with your finger the best you can and then use the upper part of the press to finish forming the shape prior to adding the KIF.
Slowly close the press together, allowing the paper to be gently pulled in with the plunger part of the press.

The trick here is to be patient and avoid any tearing. The first time I tried it, I got it the first time; the next time I tried it, it took 3 tries to get it right.

Basically you are trying to form a paper cup!

Once you form a nice cup ready for the pressing, drop a few small drops of water in the cup and place your KIF in the paper lined garlic press (I use a business card to kind of funnel it in).

Put a few more small drops of water on top of the KIF as well. You should add another layer of paper on top of the KIF to avoid having the KIF stick to the metal part of the plunger.

Slowly press the plunger into the press dragging the upper paper layer slowly in with it. Do all of this very slowly to allow the paper to slip where it wants to slip and avoid tears.

Once you have compressed the KIF with moderate squeeze pressure, place the garlic press with KIF in it against a heat source. Hold to the heat source until it is hot enough that you cannot not hold it with your bare hand (this takes longer to heat than hand pressing described earlier). Remove the press from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Carefully open the press and remove the paper/hash chunk. Carefully open paper and dislodge the hash wafer from it, being careful in case it didn?t press perfectly. You can use a little water on your fingers to ?dress up? the wafer.

This method can also utilize multiple layers (pressing, adding more and pressing again) similar to OT?s press instructions to create a thicker chunk. The parchment paper is an excellent ?release material? to use when pressing multiple layer hash.

As you can see, an almost full garlic press cup of KIF can be pressed into a wafer a little bigger than a quarter. The wafer shown is about a gram of hash.


Well-Known Member
Hey on that bowl cleaning, fill your bowl, pipe ect with powder dishwasher soap. Put a pot of hot water on to boil and put in the pipe now before it begins to boil. Boil the piece for 5-10 and then turn it off to cool. Be careful not to cool the piece too fast because it will crack and break.

I usually turn on the sink with med-hot water and let it run in the pot and over flow until it is at a decent temp. to remove piece. Then rinse out piece thoroughly with warm water. Brand New!

And mogie, loving all the stuff so far. Get it in the FAQ!!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
That for a glass bowl or will it work on metal too. and what if you used alcohol could yu theoretically make hash?


Well-Known Member
I always heard coffee grounds was meant for a compost, not to be applied directly to plants, coffee grounds are very acidic and prone to mold, they are more suitable for the compost pile.
But whatever works for you.
As far as ph is concerned, ignore it and sooner or later it will bite you in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well I said in the beginning Im doing the grow without it. I have time on my hands and im flowering early for small harvests.


Well-Known Member
How about a DIY way to make money....... don't think you got one of those do ya? you posted like every other DIY though lol


Well-Known Member
Good PH = Perfect Nutrient Highway, It's What Monitors How Easily Your Plant Can Take In Nutrients, Now I Fuck Around When It Comes To PH, But As I've Learned It, It's Veryy Important


Active Member
my sprout is lookin good with coffey too i cannot believe that yall pee in your water tho talk about improvising. im bouts ta try the same thing and see if it works cuz im broke im using cfl's, the sun, faucet water, tin foil reflectors, coffey grounds, wood ash, all pulled from home.pretty much the only thing that costed extra money was the seeds so im lookin for do it yourself type stuff. i even made my own co2 generator! haha!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Seems no one has thrown up this chart in a thread about pH... so here goes. Yes, pH matters, unlike human beings, plants can survive a wide range of pH, but outside a certain range the plants are not able to take up certain nutrients efficiently.



Well-Known Member
Both coffee grounds and urine are very good for plants as is used tea leaves, urine contains essential minerals, i'm not sure what the coffee and tea leaves give it but it certainly does your plants no harm at all......