Ph question

Ive just checked the run off water to my plants and its coming up as 4.9 on one of them and 6.3 on the other one but they both have the same soil in them ive been ph'ing the water to 6.5 how the fuck is it that much difference between the 2 there the same seeds??


Well-Known Member
Ive just checked the run off water to my plants and its coming up as 4.9 on one of them and 6.3 on the other one but they both have the same soil in them ive been ph'ing the water to 6.5 how the fuck is it that much difference between the 2 there the same seeds??
Soil? Or some peat mix? Why are you checking runoff pH?
Not yet i haven't ive just been ph'ing the water and giving them that there auto's i was told not to give nutes until they start showing they need them


Well-Known Member
As far as nutrients it depends on your plants status.

Maybe some pics and people can let you know what’s going on with them. Is that the only issue your run off ph is too low?
Ive have noticed some holes in the leaves but i posted on here the other day and was told its just leaf tear i will post some pics now


Well-Known Member
Looks quite healthy to me, good on you for finding the ph issue early tho. From what limited knowledge i have, try get a reading for the actual soil. Or just use a PH up or PH down to slowly change the ph of the water .5 or so up and flush the pots with that, should bring the ph back to the required level. Other options are dolomite etc
What’s your plan for nutrients?

They look pretty good to me.
I have bio bizz grow and bloom also got some bio bizz cal mag i dont think im going to have to use the grow i think one of my plants is starting to flower so was going to use the bloom 2 weeks into flowering