Phosphorous deficiency?


Well-Known Member

Plants are 6 weeks into flowering and there are thousands upon thousands of pistils on the plants but they have very small buds. Stems on fan leaves have turned dark red and now the stalk has got a red stripe on it near the middle of the larger plant, showing that it too is turning yed/purpleish.

Some leaf tips are curling under, leaves darkening before turning necrotic and dying but it isn't that bad yet.

I haven't used nutes at all except some epsom salts and some greenlight tomato bloom spray at the start of flowering about a month ago so most everything that the plant is getting was in the soil when I bought it.

Leaves are uniform dark green except where the aforementioned symptoms exist.

I think I've ruled out everything but N toxicity or phosphorous deficiency. Based on the slowed bud growth rate and the very small size of the buds I am inclined to believe this is a P problem.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
It's that MG shit that says it can last for "up to 3 months". It's not showing signs of other deficiencies though it could be K and P, I guess. I'm afraid to fertilize them in case it's an excess of nitrogen. Additionally, the size of the pot and the amount of soil plays a part in how long nutes will last. I used pots that were WAAAAY bigger than I needed.

You still think thats what it is?


Well-Known Member
honestly, really need pics.
Here are some pics. Image quality leaves alot to be desired. Here you can't see as clearly how the buds are largely pistils and how red the stems are. You can see however, whats happening to the leaves of the smaller plant and such. Overall it is healthy but there is a problem on the horizon and growth is no longer optimum, and it hasn't been for a good 10 days or so. Maybe a little longer.



Well-Known Member
Another image here, shows what I'm talking about in regards to bud size. Some buds have fattened up and the individual buds that are visible even have a bit of frost on them. There is potential here, it's just not being met.



Well-Known Member
besides the spotting, they look good. I would however, start cutting out N. the spotting could be a cal/mag deficiency so some hydrated lime added to the top layer of your soil will help-available at lowes and home depot and cheap as fuck. will also help buffer ur ph.
...speaking of which, what ph r u running?


Well-Known Member
It's usually watered with water around 7. I know thats a little high but the soil is very acidic so I have needed to offset that a bit. Cut out the nitrogen? The only nitrogen I've given it was already in the soil. I couldn't possibly cut it out any more than it is. Do you think the small buds that are mostly pistils and the purple/red stems are from Nitrogen toxicity? Or a P deficiency? Or all of the above?

I mean it's progressing really slowly compared to what it should be doing.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a mag def for sure though. I ruled that out because leaf tips are curling under rather than up like a mag deficiency would do. Also, the problem with spotting has moved from the bottom upwards, which I'm told doesn't happen with micro-nutrient deficiencies but I dunno if there are exceptions to this rule at times. The problem with this whole situation is that without correctly diagnosing the problem I stand to screw things up even more if I make a wrong move toward fixing it.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
with little to no nutes those buds are about the right size for about 1 month. I did the same thing on my first plant. I used a very very small amount of nutes in the first couple of weeks of flowering and then none at all.
The bud was great but the yield was low. I only got 29 grams off my 2 foot tall lady
I started using nutes on the second go and the difference is insane. If you dont like to use nutes then at least give them some mollasses. you will be amazed how much of a difference it will make

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
oh and there are mobile and immobile nutrients. Some micro nutrients are mobile from my understanding. I dont think its mag, It may be cal def though Im not sure


Well-Known Member
Thanks man that sounds plausible. So basically just fix by adding some 10-10-5 to the water would be suffiecient eh? Those pistils are still pretty white so it seems like there is a chance to fix this to a degree.

You're right, the bud is FIRE though man. I cut a bottom branch and dried some of the bud for a week (quick dried some that day too but it wasn't as good) and this premature bud is FIRE! I can't wait to see the finished product. Has a nice citrus taste too. I can only remember having weed that tasted like this twice in my life.


Well-Known Member
yeah you know it's good shit when you take a couple hits off a pin joint and start hearing kids laughing and phones ringing 20 minutes later when no one is around and you feel like you're having an out of body experience when you walk LOL

Now if it'd just hurry up and finish already. I was gonna say something else and I think it was important but I just totally forgot what it was haha

Edit: Oh yeah now I remember, they say that weed that is widely circulated often doesn't compare to the shit you grow. I only had some experience before with seed that I ordered from bcbuddepot years back. I always suspected that I could get some seeds out of some okay mid and grow them and end up with WAY better product. There is just no way something is as good when it's mass produced. People who are in it for the money will cut corners to save on expenses and turn out more product in a shorter amount of time. The end result is almost always a product that doesn't meet it's potential. At least that was and still is my theory.

I said all that and I'm stoned out of my mind lamo

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I get bag seed from cheap ass brick weed. The first stuff I grew(only stuff so far) was better then the $350 an once shit thats around here. I let a few buddies try it out and they thought so as well
I agree though, almost any seed has the potential to be great(if its not retarded or a hermy). Just needs a little TLC


New Member
sorry to jump in on ur thread but imnew on here and just wanted to know how to start a new thread?? thanx


Well-Known Member
If you go here, you'll see a button in the top right corner that says "New thread". Just click that and you're on your way.

On another note, I have begun adding some Schultz Nutrigel (10-10-5) to waterings as of today and will be monitoring closely for results. I also adjusted the PH to be a little more acidic. The PH on the water I was using was kinda high. It seems like the tap water PH fluctuates. This morning it was about 8! This is the shit I've been giving them and I had only been checking the PH every so often. With the right balance, I'm siure I can triple or even quadruple the yield.