Well-Known Member
Plants are 6 weeks into flowering and there are thousands upon thousands of pistils on the plants but they have very small buds. Stems on fan leaves have turned dark red and now the stalk has got a red stripe on it near the middle of the larger plant, showing that it too is turning yed/purpleish.
Some leaf tips are curling under, leaves darkening before turning necrotic and dying but it isn't that bad yet.
I haven't used nutes at all except some epsom salts and some greenlight tomato bloom spray at the start of flowering about a month ago so most everything that the plant is getting was in the soil when I bought it.
Leaves are uniform dark green except where the aforementioned symptoms exist.
I think I've ruled out everything but N toxicity or phosphorous deficiency. Based on the slowed bud growth rate and the very small size of the buds I am inclined to believe this is a P problem.
Any suggestions?
Plants are 6 weeks into flowering and there are thousands upon thousands of pistils on the plants but they have very small buds. Stems on fan leaves have turned dark red and now the stalk has got a red stripe on it near the middle of the larger plant, showing that it too is turning yed/purpleish.
Some leaf tips are curling under, leaves darkening before turning necrotic and dying but it isn't that bad yet.
I haven't used nutes at all except some epsom salts and some greenlight tomato bloom spray at the start of flowering about a month ago so most everything that the plant is getting was in the soil when I bought it.
Leaves are uniform dark green except where the aforementioned symptoms exist.
I think I've ruled out everything but N toxicity or phosphorous deficiency. Based on the slowed bud growth rate and the very small size of the buds I am inclined to believe this is a P problem.
Any suggestions?