yup, looking good eza. I've been trying to harness hormones(god, I luv it when they moan!), naturally, for some little while now. primarily, ethylene...since it's gaseous, it's easier to manipulate, right at it's source...the plant. also, whenever one hormone is stimulated or increased, the other 4, primary, whoremoans(oops!) will become more active.
I start the process from seed, using several methods\techniques.
first, bag those lil beauties with b'nana peels or apple, melon, cuccumber rinds, for two weeks.
next, just as the true veg stage begins...I gas them with CO, carbon monixide. they get several sessions, several hours each. the room is sealed during...I air it out afterwards.
then, final one, just as I switch the lights to 12\12, I bag them with a large, clear(transparent), plastic bag, which reaches down to the bottom of the planter, placing the veg/fruit rinds, again, just on top of the soil, under the bag, at night only...removing the bag and rinds about an hour or so after lights on/'morning'. (I haven't gotten to this stage in my grow yet)
forgot to add...I'll only do that for several days, to speed up the start of flowering, but...
I'll do the exact same thing, just before harvesting, to assist the final ripening and begin abscission, dropping of fruit/leaves.
if you haven't seen my lights....they're here, pretty kool, if I say so myself!
my journal:
keep tokin!