Picking Swollen Individual Calyx


Well-Known Member
The dark time between veg and flowering is pretty common. However, just because that is a form of stress does not mean that all types of stress affect the plant the same.
Dude it's not stress! A longer dark period at the start of flower gives the plant more time to build up "flowering hormones", as these are built up at night.

People just "presume" far too much, it's getting beyond a joke.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All of these things are anecdotal. There are no items of proof either way, take a read around, half the people are saying it works and they are saying this through experience. The other half are saying it does not work and are saying it through experience. If it were so factually true then there wouldn't be so much unfounded discussion on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Dude... let the plant grow to FULL maturity! When it starts to get cloudy triches and the calyxes start to swell, feed 1tsp of ORGANIC, BLACKSTRIP MOLASSES per gallon, every feeding (every time the pot gets DRY! I actually do this throughout the entire grow, use molasses.). Then AT LIGHTS OUT (ADD a 4 hr lights out if you're at 24/7 light) start cooling the soil with ice water/ice cubes. Just fill a bowl up with ice water and dump that shit on the soil, let the cubes sit on top of the soil! This will induce the plant (aka SHOCK THE SHIT out of it) to want to reproduce, in it thinking that it's VERY SOON going to die! You're doing nothing but mocking the first frost and or winter by doing this. The plant will push EVERYTHING it's got stored in its roots to the buds, in hopes of reproduction before death occurs!!!

You will notice NOTICEABLE gains in size, denseness and trich production! Also, if side branches finish FIRST, or vice versa - chop at different times! This will give the plant time to focus its "new found energy" on parts of the plant that hasn't fully matured. Works EVERY TIME for me, AND THAT'S WITH SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON!!!

*Also, the icing down and the water that the ice produces will help with FLUSHING the plant of built up salts and other unwanted "things" in your soil - for a GREAT, SMOOTH, COLORFUL smoke!!! Yes, ICE MAKES BUDS CHANGE COLORS! Once my plants leaves have ALL almost "died", that's when it's time to chop chop chop!!!!*