Thank You Micro, Taking pictutes of my plants got me interested in photograpy.Wavels damn fine close-ups. Mouth-watering! Wanna smoke it all!!! What kind of camera/lens you using.
Eat one or two or three lbs
Wavels is your Olympus Camedia D540 3.2 MP Digital Camera a point and shoot style or can you change lenses? More to the point are you using a macro lens? I use a Cannon rebel xti DSLR (letters an abreviations galore) it's 12 MP and I use a 70-300 zoom lens but damn your pics are up close like trichnome close. Tri-pod also yes?
come on gk, we know you are gonna pick some poon to win hahaha.
come on gk, we know you are gonna pick some poon to win hahaha.
Turtle...I cheated its at the zoo.
did you take that picture?
i just might have some woman pics. and i know you are an independent thinker........who loves poon dare you put me in a box.... YOU DON'T KNOW ME... I am an independent THINKER.. who lives in the moment and can not be predicted!!
You have some nerve!!!!!!!
BTW - Do you have any nice picture of woman that I can consider for this contest.![]()
okay if i must pick a winner.....then it shall be me haha just kidding. damn though pickin a winner would be tough.and furthermore.. JUST because you said that.. I am not going to consider any of your pictures.. BUT I am going to request that YOU pick the winner!
To take the pressure
take that!!!!!
oh, and if I may, I suggest that you seriously consider picking a winner that has some nice looking woman in it...![]()