oh, they were so nice. all curious and stuff. They were like...what's this guy doing in my pasture...?
they were all rubbing on me and leaning against me.
I thought. hmmmm this ones kinda short so I grabbed his mane, and promptly slid off the other side. I tried getting on him like four times and he stood perfectly still, just waiting....like come on dumbass get on.
as soon as I actually stayed on him he took off like a fucking rocket. No bridle or reins to hold onto, nothing but mane...
fuck...this was a bad idea...he ran all out. straight for the pastures edge where there were low hanging branches. I seen em coming and bailed. Lucky I didn't break my neck.
I get up and he comes back and was like what's wrong? Go again?
trippin balls on sugarcubes.
good timez
edit: it sounded like a great idea in my mind
dbl edit: and I'm no buffalo bill. I had probably only ridden a half dozen times in my life. never bareback
When I was around 12 we went on vacay & stopped by my best friends grandparents place in north Fla - boys being boys we were just looking for something to get into & standing in a bean field is an old mule (not a donkey, a big ass mule) and hanging on the fence is a bridle.
So we proceeded to feed the mule grass & shit while putting on the bridle & he flat out didn't care as long as we kept feeding.
We get the bridle on, climb on the fence & hop on, the mule starts walking around looking back at us like "WTF are you doin back there", and then he tears ass across this field.
We're screaming at him & my buddy is dragging back on the reins to no avail when the fucker spits out the bridle.
And now we have zero control over this beast.
I remember eating my share of dirt that day.