Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I felt so bad at the rescue shelter I wanted to take like 5 dogs with me but that little guy got to be the lucky one.


Well-Known Member
^ lol he really is... he doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body!! (Which is actually really annoying... his metabolism is so high he eats almost twice as much as the other horses)

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I felt so bad at the rescue shelter I wanted to take like 5 dogs with me but that little guy got to be the lucky one.
I'd say you're pretty lucky yourself because you wont find many that will love you forever like he will. The natural bond & mutual support is fascinating!!

Major props for saving & sustaining the life of another.


Well-Known Member
hahaha man you are fuckin nuts
I had trouble with a saddle at 1;00 in the arvo , straight as a die and on a small horse (just to mention 1 time )
The bastards don't like me
something that big that can think for its self
not for me
It's only going to end in tears

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
oh, they were so nice. all curious and stuff. They were like...what's this guy doing in my pasture...?

they were all rubbing on me and leaning against me.

I thought. hmmmm this ones kinda short so I grabbed his mane, and promptly slid off the other side. I tried getting on him like four times and he stood perfectly still, just waiting....like come on dumbass get on.

as soon as I actually stayed on him he took off like a fucking rocket. No bridle or reins to hold onto, nothing but mane...

fuck...this was a bad idea...he ran all out. straight for the pastures edge where there were low hanging branches. I seen em coming and bailed. Lucky I didn't break my neck.

I get up and he comes back and was like what's wrong? Go again?

trippin balls on sugarcubes.

good timez

edit: it sounded like a great idea in my mind

dbl edit: and I'm no buffalo bill. I had probably only ridden a half dozen times in my life. never bareback


Well-Known Member
haha thats a great story bro
I have one
When i was only 2 or something the whole family went away on holiday for Christmas for 3 weeks
Cut a long story short
My dad went trail riding in the snowy mountains
He got the biggest horse out of the whole riding school
He took it out and started exploring the surroundings when all of a sudden this horse just bolted on him
He was pulling on the reins , yelling , kicking doing everything he could
This big fucker of a horse would not pull up at all
It headed full speed towards a barbed wire fence at the end of a paddock
Then all of a sudden put the anchores on , hit the brakes and pulled his head straight down
Dad went flying straight off the horse and ended up tangled up and cut up in the barbed wire fence
The owner of the school saw what had happened and rode on over
He jumped off his horse , helped Dad out of the fence , then walked straight up to the horse that bucked dad off
And punched the horse straight in the nose hard
that was the end of that ride


Well-Known Member
IMG_0403.jpg they may be cute, but god damn do they stink there is 7 just shitting like crazy they are out of the kiddy pool as soon as they start to walk it aint long till they get out and shit all over the floor so you need a bigger box but even in a bigger box you clean it daily it still stinks like a bastard.


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Staff member
oh, they were so nice. all curious and stuff. They were like...what's this guy doing in my pasture...?

they were all rubbing on me and leaning against me.

I thought. hmmmm this ones kinda short so I grabbed his mane, and promptly slid off the other side. I tried getting on him like four times and he stood perfectly still, just waiting....like come on dumbass get on.

as soon as I actually stayed on him he took off like a fucking rocket. No bridle or reins to hold onto, nothing but mane...

fuck...this was a bad idea...he ran all out. straight for the pastures edge where there were low hanging branches. I seen em coming and bailed. Lucky I didn't break my neck.

I get up and he comes back and was like what's wrong? Go again?

trippin balls on sugarcubes.

good timez

edit: it sounded like a great idea in my mind

dbl edit: and I'm no buffalo bill. I had probably only ridden a half dozen times in my life. never bareback
When I was around 12 we went on vacay & stopped by my best friends grandparents place in north Fla - boys being boys we were just looking for something to get into & standing in a bean field is an old mule (not a donkey, a big ass mule) and hanging on the fence is a bridle.


So we proceeded to feed the mule grass & shit while putting on the bridle & he flat out didn't care as long as we kept feeding.
We get the bridle on, climb on the fence & hop on, the mule starts walking around looking back at us like "WTF are you doin back there", and then he tears ass across this field.
We're screaming at him & my buddy is dragging back on the reins to no avail when the fucker spits out the bridle.
And now we have zero control over this beast.
I remember eating my share of dirt that day. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Puppies are awesome! Honestly I got lucky with this 3 month old pup. It's already potty trained and knows to go outside to pee and take a dump.
Now I just gotta get my other dog to see how awesome he is, even when he wants her toys.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Puppies are awesome! Honestly I got lucky with this 3 month old pup. It's already potty trained and knows to go outside to pee and take a dump.
Now I just gotta get my other dog to see how awesome he is, even when he wants her toys.
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My big boy was soooo jealous when I brought my last puppy home. Then they turned into best friends. She used to lick the drool off his jowls. Man I miss that dog. :(