
Well-Known Member
uh you obviously don't know spanish... mensa does not mean massive or great it means stupid. I lived in mexico for 3 yrs and I grew up with the language, yes estupido means stupid and idiota means idiot... get it right guy...

Interestingly, the Spanish use of the word mensa (female) or menso (male)generally denotes someone who is crazy or stupid.
"No seas menso".... Don't be crazy. Or, "mensa, yo te dije que no lo hicieras"... stupid, I told you not to do it.

stay high dude...

Lo siento amigo, pero esta palabra se usa sólo en México, no en los demás 18 países de habla castellana.


New Member
uh you obviously don't know spanish... mensa does not mean massive or great it means stupid. I lived in mexico for 3 yrs and I grew up with the language, yes estupido means stupid and idiota means idiot... get it right guy...

Interestingly, the Spanish use of the word mensa (female) or menso (male)generally denotes someone who is crazy or stupid.
"No seas menso".... Don't be crazy. Or, "mensa, yo te dije que no lo hicieras"... stupid, I told you not to do it.

stay high dude...

that is correct


Well-Known Member
Lo siento amigo, pero esta palabra se usa sólo en México, no en los demás 18 países de habla castellana.
i agree. i've never heard the word in costa rica, panama, honduras, cuba, or nicaragua where i have spent a lot of time in my life. i've also been to venezuela, spain, argentina, guatemala, el salvador, mexico, and belize. still never heard the word.


Well-Known Member
i agree. i've never heard the word in costa rica, panama, honduras, cuba, or nicaragua where i have spent a lot of time in my life. i've also been to venezuela, spain, argentina, guatemala, el salvador, mexico, and belize. still never heard the word.
trust me it's used my mom used to call me menso all the time LOL... stay high

it's definetly mexican slang.


Ursus marijanus
That reminds me of a comedy routine I saw some years ago. A handsome Latino comic closed his act after rippin on "Anglos this" and "Anglos that" by saying 'actually, you Anglos aren't so bad" and then describing an elevator scene in LA. He was between floors when he heard "nga nga nga", looked around and saw nobody. "Nga nga nga". He looked lower, and found he was surrounded by tiny people sharing monosyllables from half a world away. Finally he lost it and roared at them:
"You're in AMERICA now!! Speak SPANISH!"
~massive applause~


Well-Known Member
Now that we've established that she is retarded and a liar, can we revert back to english? :D
I'm not in Mexico anymore, I should be able to understand what's going on now...

In Mexico I would just stare at something interesting, until I heard a word like "Muerta". Then I had to pretend I was paying attention, so I could crack skulls if I saw anyone do anything.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
@ Mysunnyboy,
Wow I did not know you were a chick. I even called you a "dude" one day. Sorry.
Dude you should have corrected me, lol. -Gyro
I always thought sunnyboy was a joint acct. hubby and wife. sometimes it seems as if your talking to a chick, then other times your talking to a dude.