Well-Known Member know what they say; "two bad quarters is a recession"
Lol !! It´s been a few more than that now unfortunately - where´s it gonna end ? Armageddon is upon us !! know what they say; "two bad quarters is a recession"
i knew you were a chic. you told me in a thread a while back. i also remember you talking about it in another thread a while back with KushXOJ.
i wonder if mentalbarbie even knows what 3 standard deviations above the mean is? if that is the case then what percentile of the population do you belong to in terms of intelligence quotient?
99.8th jackass
i do speak spanish and todos mis amigas es Latina y Latino
Or you could just chill out and follow the rules next time.
wrong. you aren't part of the 99.8 percentile jackass. the actual correct percentage would be "less than or equal to 0.13%" come on mensa chic. that's an easy one. i went to arizona state university and they even taught us that.
wrong again. lol. you would only say "todos mis amigos son latinos" you wouldn't use both the masculine and feminine. it's implied.
you mean "son" amigos not "es"... learn your spanish correctly dude... stay high
lol.. I'm not busting your balls. I'm just saying you can chill out.I posted ONE pic of my bare ass compared to the 1000s posted on Lordjins thread. gimme a break. bust somebody else's balls.
this online community is just as nasty as the Mensa one because people say rude shit just because they are hiding behind the safety of cyberspace.
but be careful who you fuck online with because they may just know some people who CAN track you down through cyberspace and make your life hell.
yeah I've heard that before too on the Mensa website. "Mesa" is the Spanish word for table, btw.
You started trolling already? It's only troll o'clock.I'm sorry, still new around here but what's the average age group around here lol?