In Regards to women
My heart Drives me more than anything,
My mind second
My penis 3rd
of course I want the nicest of anything I can get.... Im not the nicest a person could get though, so... as long as it all balances out to happiness... Im not alone because ladies couldnt satisfy/make me happy... Im alone because the world dictates my disposition to be undesirable, and because I havent met a woman that I satisfy/make happy enough I guess :/ .... and because Im isolated and full time single pops with either no time Or no money (when I have one I dont have the other). That and my kids throw another Huge curveball in the standards of the person... as well as scenario of meeting and getting together with a person.
We were making a new chore chart with rewards for doing chores, my daughter and I, and when i asked what my daughter wanted for doing her chores during the week she said "I want a new mom, a good one." She asks about it or mentions it a few times a day at least,

.... Breaks my heart. I could/would get anything in the world for her... but am unable to provide this simple yet elemental part of her life.... Many people have it worse than me (Oh yeah this is the point of the post), and many people have it worse than you.
Im grateful for any little joy out of life, and experience it as much as I can.... When I am at my darkest, that is what I come back to.... that and.... My most common growing advice...
"It all depends" And "Its all up to you".
Take a walk sunni you will get laid
