Honestly, in the end, so many people will have seen your neither region...you won't even blink about it again. There were so many people in my room when I was giving birth, I yelled for the janitor to come on in too. It was like a big old party but I was the only one stoned and yelling shit out. I tried to pick a fight too. I may be small but I could have taken the big nurse who wouldn't give me more meds fast enough. Good luck girlfriend, the fun has just began
Only peeps besides the doctor and staff , will be my hub, mom, and apparently rainbow.

Mmmhmm lol. You'll see. The nurses they'll walk in and out of your room. Before you push. While you push. A hell of a lot right after you push. They just kind of walk in and out and you won't notice them because your oonie will be bigger than the size of your head and it will freak you out. We all plan perfect labors. I've been in the delivery rooms enough to give this advice: take the epidural.
Only peeps besides the doctor and staff , will be my hub, mom, and apparently rainbow.

Well I thought that too but they just kept coming in, I was starting to think I must have something worth looking at lol. I still to this day don't know who half of them were. Might of been a pack of pervs for all I know.
I had one young woman go into labor and grab my hair lol I bent down next to her bed for the buttons on the side of the bed, and she grabbed me by the top of my hair and squeezed as hard as she could just absolutely screaming bloody murder. She said sorry after. I bought her baby balloons. It was a screaming, beautiful, mess.
Honestly Im probably the best pussy eater on the planet.
Ahem, I , respectably, beg to differ
And Im a passionate caring lover. I dont cum until you do....at least once.
ditto. same here. it's all about the passion love
[video=youtube;0Z8S1vSzgjU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z8S1vSzgjU&playnext=1&list=PLA5B3D96AF39B A260&feature=results_video[/video]
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I want it to be natural. I want my baby to come out wide awake and ready to suckle some colostrum.

I can handle alot of pain. I pulled my back a week before I conceived and was in extreme constant pain for four days. Couldn't lay down without screaming.
Women have been giving birth for thousands of years without pain meds. It is a natural thing.

Oh I know. People also walked for centuries without shoes... But to each their own! You wanna have your baby natural, you go girl. All that matters is that the baby gets out into the world healthy.