the oregon coast.


HOTTIE ALERT , HOTTIE ALERT , damn UB ur freaking handsome luv :)
Rainbow, I feel spoiled. *right click, save as*

Bunny suit and Jinbei are more recent




With my brother

If this comes off wrong I apologize in advance, but if I wasn't already married I'd certainly want to get to know you. Those eyes, you look into them and can actually see that promise of passion. This is just a compliment, as I said I'm married and not hitting on you.
Aww *blush*

Ori, I know we've had our ups and downs but the compliment means alot to me. It's sincere and nothing crude, so I'm not in the least bit offended and your wife is lucky to have someone so insightful.

Rainbow's hair looks fun to play with and such a cute face in the bald pic; Rainbow you look and sound like such an interesting mix of mischief and sensibility, if that makes any sense
Ah kuroi such class, ori is right you exude personality at first glance someone can tell there's a lot beneath the surface which I love, I hate when people are so cookie cutter and boring. I like you a lot as a person because your so forward and have no shame which is refreshing. I beleive we let other people's opinions of us get entirely too in the way of who we are. Like ori if you lived near me I'd like to get to know you better. I hope you find someone nice for you and I'm sure you will, just put yourself out there <3

Ps nice bunny suit :) got a spare for me?
I have one tat that's bigger than an inch042112223352.jpg But I really want to get a full back piece. I was thinking i'm going to get a tree. Something like this85_ab338e06332e5c1f866a703066fefc871330114320.jpgOnly a little different.
Perfexionist, again I mean it when I say I am flattered and my face is burning over here.. Thanks or commenting on personality. I guess part of why I hate being alone is I have so much love and so many ideas, passions, hobbies and stuff that I want to share with someone else. Lol I'm 'forward' because I have a sociocommunicative disorder; the forwardness gets me into trouble some times but I hate mind games.. I put myself out there so much that I can accept now if someone hates me because there is no complex deciphering involved, it's as simple as that. And if someone likes me, I like to feel they like me for who they've seen me to be, with all my faults, and that they understand the way I think. I need to understand how people work and learn how to respond appropriately
, and I feel the need for someone to understand how I work aswell. Otherwise it's rather shallow affection if you don't at least try, right?

Awesome crucifix, Rainbow. I can imagine your propose tree's branches reaching out across your back and reaching over your shoulders, following the contours of your body more rather than just being stamped on there like the picture.
Wow, u girls are really cute ;-) If the single women in My area looked like that I would be married with a bunch of kids lol