HAha, good photo's PC, looks like quite the life, and loving that "top shelf" in the kitchen :D Those boats look a little bit fancier than the kind i'm thinking of getting :D

That's your typical english washing machine, what threw you? that it opens outwards and not upwards? Mine lives to the side of my kitchen sink. Now i'm no longer a grower i should probably think about finding a pic of my own.
Doesn't look cheap :/ Although the wake and the wood in the first pic was enough to tell me it probably wasn't cheap :D I'm thinking something more like this haha, and even that will be totally out of my budget :p
As long as you are on the water man...

I love being out. You can't keep me off my boats. Half the time I'm not even fishing. We're chasing whales around, swimming with sharks, anchored off some deserted island somewhere. I just love being on the water.

This will be the next purchase for my house in Honduras. Need something a little faster.

I'll leave you to swim with all the sharks! :/ First hurdle i need to clear is that i am terrified of open water :lol: I convince myself that there must be a fat fuck off angry bitey shark within spitting distance, in the English channel no less :lol:
I'll leave you to swim with all the sharks! :/ First hurdle i need to clear is that i am terrified of open water :lol: I convince myself that there must be a fat fuck off angry bitey shark within spitting distance, in the English channel no less :lol:

Haha! They don't mess with you. I've swam with tons of them. I'll post some underwater video footage I have with sharks, marlin, whales, etc... Really cool stuff. Only time I get out of the water is for Big Tiger sharks and Killer Whales. Those bastards will chomp you just for the fun of it. I'll post some vids tomorrow. Off to bed. Fishing a tournament right now. Gotta be up early.