Pigs on RIU?


Well-Known Member
This person just sent me a PM asking for my phone number and to help them with growing lol so of course I said no I'm not giving you my number but I will help you through the site and then I get a strange reply back I wouldn't trust this person I smell bacon. Here is there link to the profile he also asked whether it was possible to grow without light lol? https://www.rollitup.org/members/djsounz-327715.html


Well-Known Member
honestly? you want my opinion?? I had the same thing happen to me.. EXACT same thing. I thought the same thing (thought it was the popo).. but then I asked him his age. Dude said he was only 16. That explains all of it.. so I no longer spoke to the kid. I'm not about to teach a kid how to grow cannabis.. kids should be out playing with their friends and playing sports and shit. Not worrying about growing cannabis. Just MO though.

So, common sense.. just be careful. There's a quite a few kids roaming this site, and theyre not hard to pick out. Just a fair warning..



Undercover Mod
lol Took it the wrong way. He was asking if a plant needed direct sun light more than 5 hours a day outdoors.

Oh and I'm a PIG.



Active Member
Maybe we are all police and your the only true stoner here...or maybe we are a community of stoners who's goal is to catch cops doing stings? Have I blown your mind yet? If not the square root of -1 is the imaginary number i.


Well-Known Member
I never thought there were, probably because I live in a state where it's legal to smoke and grow. I don't worry about the police but yeah, if someone emailed and asked for my # I would think something was up. That's weird.


Moderatrix of Journals
i'm prone to doubt that cops and/or the nice folks that dictate their mandate are that blatantly stupid anymore. (which is not to say that there aren't some complete dummkopfs everywhere, of course).
if this guy's a cop, he's either
a) a complete greenhorn on the verge of getting reprimanded for his overzealousness, or
b) a fuckup beatwalker desperate to get some small-time arrests under his belt to escape having to walk the beat, IMO.

+reps for the well-intentioned heads' up.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we are all police and your the only true stoner here...or maybe we are a community of stoners who's goal is to catch cops doing stings? Have I blown your mind yet? If not the square root of -1 is the imaginary number i.
MY MIND IS BLOWN thank you Haha


Well-Known Member
This person just sent me a PM asking for my phone number and to help them with growing lol so of course I said no I'm not giving you my number but I will help you through the site and then I get a strange reply back I wouldn't trust this person I smell bacon. Here is there link to the profile he also asked whether it was possible to grow without light lol? https://www.rollitup.org/members/djsounz-327715.html
i have met 3 people off of here and made hella money with them. geuss I have gotten lucky


Well-Known Member
SOmeone likes something you say they click in that star of david looking thing on the left below your avatar and you get rep points the more rep means the more ppl like what you have to say.;

also as you get higher reps the reading of your reputation changes just hold your curso over the blocks under your name.....