Pills Help 1st time!


Well-Known Member
This saturday my mate and i are going to be getting on pills (white diamonds)

It is both are 1st time does anyone have any advice and anyone had white diamonds??



Well-Known Member
my advice, just enjoy it when you feel the pill coming on move around or youl get stuck in a gouge dont think about drinking water too much just drink like you normally would


Well-Known Member
people are making new pills all the time it doesnt take anything to press a new seal onto a pill my suggestion is to just take two and youl be ok if they arent pure (which they wont be)


Well-Known Member
Just enjoy yourselves - don't big it up too much, don't take too many on your first time just cause you shouldn't need to. Are you in the UK? Where are you going to be when you have em? A good nightclub is best in my opinion where you buzz off the tunes.

I haven't had white diamonds but don't really take em anymore - you'll hear this from a million people but "pills aint what they used to be".


Well-Known Member
ive had with diamonds. they were more off white and mad dopey and acutally shaped like a cut diamond that could be put into a ring


Well-Known Member
Yeah pills arnt shit anymore...jsut in the last year they have become nearly nothing anymore. now they have molly which is so easy to make fake...actually i try to stay away from white as it is the easiest to make fakes of as all oyu need is a press of some kind and some white substance ya know. i buy one and lick it and if its zingy its some good shit


Well-Known Member
R Kid was just in Ibiza and he says they've still got loads of good ones over there - best he's ever had (he's only been taking em about 5 years though). Why doesn't some fuck import some decent ones over here?


Active Member
This saturday my mate and i are going to be getting on pills (white diamonds)

It is both are 1st time does anyone have any advice and anyone had white diamonds??

Ive had white diamonds before, there not that strong so its a good ''beginners pill'', the best pills ive had are Lacoste and pink playstations. Also imo a club is not the best place to have your first buzz, at home is, with music etc. Just enjoy it, dont drink too much, or too little, just a normal regular amount, thats what causes most deaths from pills, people think they are dehydrating so they drink loads of water and the body cant regulate it properly so it makes your brain swell. Do not consume alcohol, big no no when your pilling im afraid. The buzz is amazing, like warm tingling waves all over your body, its hard to describe lol. Have alot of chewing gum at the ready for your typewriter jaw, also if your talking to your mate and forget what your saying mid sentence and cannot for the life of you remember it, this is normal lol! Peace :weed:


Active Member
charlie ,

just make sure you have some good tunes and you'll love the whole night , dont get into the habbit of sitting down , best to just dance through it when you feel gouchy !!!

you might feel a little sick when your coming up , really depends on how the hit you ... oh and best take em before you get drunk lol ..

have fun ... there's good batman's kicking about up here in scotland !!!


Well-Known Member
Tbh pills in the UK have taken a real plunge in the last year or so. Had some really nasty ones in the last couple of months. If you can get hold of some MDMA in crystal form. Crush it into powder and make bombs that are about 1/8 of a gram each by wrapping the powder in a bit of rizla. Just down the whole thing. See how u go after half an hour then take another bomb. It's the best way because you can never be sure what pills are cut with. MDMA is a lot safer and in crystal form is very hard to imitate. You will pay more for the MD but is well worth it. Very nice buzz and is so much safer. I've never taken white diamonds so can't comment but if you're going to take them try taking a half first and see how u feel after 30-45 mins. ENjoy!


Well-Known Member
what does the word gouchy mean which you are all using?

And thanks for the advice!
Gouchy is a monged out feeling. It makes you feel like a smack head looks. I've never done smack (heroin) and never would but gouching is how I'd imagine it to feel.

Yeah I've had a bit of MDMA or Mad as its nick named a coupe of times and I think it was pretty good but I was already mullered on a cocktail of other stuff at the time. Most people rate it a lot beter than pills nowadays. You're probably better getting that if you can.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mjgrower i can get MDMA but it is more expensive and i would just like to experiment with pills....

Havent done them yet going to be doing dese pills dis friday! As my mate i was doing them with was ill and didnt come out lol.


Well-Known Member
Well I suppose if you try pills first you might appreciate MDMA more when you do that. Whatever the MDMA costs it can't be that much when you compare it to a night out on the piss or even a big smokey night in.

Enjoy yourselves whatever you end up doing.


Well-Known Member
i love mollecule but the only reason i hate on it is because it dosent last as long.pills always seem to last longer because theyre compressed and dissolve over time unlike molly which is already powdered


Well-Known Member
i love mollecule but the only reason i hate on it is because it dosent last as long.pills always seem to last longer because theyre compressed and dissolve over time unlike molly which is already powdered
I always chomp on my pills anyway to get them in the system quicker. I'm a fuck head when I'm on one - each to their own!


Well-Known Member
Hi, i take quite a lot of pills, have been dropping for the last 3 years. If you've got white diamonds i assume your in the UK as its a there were a bunch around a few weeks/months ago, if your in london and looking for a venue try fabric or crazy larries or even any free house with some sick music.. white diamonds are not strong, should be good for a beginner. though i dont really think it matters on strength because if its stronger u just take less :P .. white diamonds are quite harmless in my experience with them, no nausea, gentle pick up of bout 40-50 mins (even tho i double dropped.. though as i said they arnt strong) pleasant, no visuals (so probs not cut with k or mda)... basically they were fine.. shud make a sick night..
if u r goin for sick pills as mentioned earlier lacostes are very very good.. smurfs if your looking for visuals as well as the rush are awsome as well... mecededes, double stack hearts (double stack means basically very thick though - they wont actually be called double stack but they will be about twice as fat as the diamonds will be), double stack doves, shamrocks and hondas are also good pills.. best pills iv ever had are probably swirlies iv never had genuine Mitsubishis but my brother tells me they were the best pills ever..
finally i would recomend having at least 4, even if you dont plan on taking them all just so you can top up if its not kicking in... if you dont feel (you will know) after an hour and a half take another for sure as may have been a dud.. ;) good luck and happy pilling.. pm me if u want to no anythin else.

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
If your gonna do pills don't be buyin shit that doesn't have a name you can't look up on the internet. If it's a pharmacy drug then they need to know the drug and know the dose. If it's XTC (which it sounds like) make sure to talk to people who know there stuff about XTC. Arrow and Christmas Tree are two forms of Fake XTC. They are just Caffine pills.