Pine..where did the pine go?

Already told him about s33ds being big $ now and he didn't say much except it's a family heirloom+they don't need $.
I think it's one of those take it 2 the grave things.

Well he is a piece of shit then... Take an heirloom to the grave, what a selfish son of a bitch. Hope he takes it to the grave much sooner than he thinks.
I can't help but think the same thing! What a shitty promise to make, make sure this excellent pheno dies in clutch?!
Hoarding is a disease lol
It's not like C.Tree is so potent you have to have it...Just bagseed from the 80's!
It has a special flavor and a Sativa up high that most people around here don't want anymore.
Any1 can get plants with a Pine flavor and I'm sure it could be recreated easily with selection over generations along with cloning.
Just select for the most Pine sap smelling plants that are mostly sativa. If the smell transfers to the flavor + has an energizing/headsmacking head high then you got a good C.Tree representation
I've tasted newer strains with the pine sap flavor in the background(undertones) but always with a lemon/fruit/fuely overtone.
Romulan was the most Piney but different type buzz.

The stinky skunk bags from the 80's is where C.Tree came from and I had some plants from those same bags that were dead rotten skunk stench with more body stone to them.
I bet we had 100's of those s33ds back then and a majority never got saved or popped.

Chemdawg was hoarded for years by the family that found it before it was leaked...
Why did he hoard that cut for so long? Probably because of all the people that will/have gotten rich off his selection/labor
Same as Neville hoarding special males/females to breed with.
I've tasted newer strains with the pine sap flavor in the background(undertones) but always with a lemon/fruit/fuely overtone.
Romulan was the most Piney but different type buzz.

The stinky skunk bags from the 80's is where C.Tree came from and I had some plants from those same bags that were dead rotten skunk stench with more body stone to them.
I bet we had 100's of those s33ds back then and a majority never got saved or popped.

Chemdawg was hoarded for years by the family that found it before it was leaked...
Why did he hoard that cut for so long? Probably because of all the people that will/have gotten rich off his selection/labor
Same as Neville hoarding special males/females to breed with.

Well ya, of course.... do I agree with it...... ? what do you think!?!
As stated, hoarding is a disease... mansanto and the like be damned as well
It's a plant, I call foul ;)
I agree all plants should be shared but it's not like we can't find our own special plants.
I'm sure you/me/others have and will find plants much better than what was found in bagseed from the 80's.
If I never had the chance to smoke C.Tree again>It wouldn't bother me in the least.

Dinafem Cloud 9 was so much stronger than C.Tree and tastes like sweet/peppery/skunk
I only got a single s33d of it> now Attitude doesn't sell them anymore and I wanted to buy 10-20 for some selection.
Montsanto has lawyers,and a lot of em.and their super evil genius lawyers that drink infants blood mxzed with angels tears...I'm your undertones were piney,I'm not looking for undertones tho..I want a full slap in the face christmas tree smell and taste..I'm gonna try romulan,just because always loved it,never grew it,but also never got any pine from it..but if I grow it and no pine,no biggie,because I want some rom in my garden anyways...kindnug,I remember what you speak of...I'm in good ole virginny,and I'm sure that xmas. tree was grown in the much around and soooo fresh..anything else we got was sticky mexi or indoor back then...thanks for the responses again guys
Also,yea hording is bad..I did it once with my sharksbreath and karma took it from me...bad mojo allways..never again..I share everything I get if asked to share..if hoarders wernt so,I wouldn't have to ask where the christmas tree went...
Top Dawg has the Star Dawg line, which has some pine-sol in it. I grew out Super StarDawg, Purple StarDawg and one other I can't remember the name of just now and there was smelly pine in some of the phenos........
Another strain I am interested in is the solid red strain.
Back in the late 80's my good friend used to travel to all the Dead shows. He brought back some bags of bud that was solid red.
I dont mean red hairs, I mean leaves/calyxes/hairs/stems/everything was solid red. I have never seen anything like it since. Some of the best bud I have smoked. I am assuming mostly sativa because it gave the sativa type buzz. I felt like a carefree kid full of energy and out wanting to do stuff.
I went to some festi and they had some shit called rooster straight up red hairs! it was fantastic!
One of the first bags of good weed I ever bought (non-brick import) was a 7 gram nug on Grateful Dead lot in Oakland 1994. The whole thing looked like green and red yarn wrapped it sugar. That was a long time ago and I was only 18, I imagine now that I have grown for some time it wouldn't look so much like yarn but those were the thickest red hairs I have ever seen. Probably clusters of hairs but I was young and on a lot of different things that weekend!
anyone ever figure out what Christmas Bud was?

I remember this from the mid 90s in the Chicagoland area, used to come around only around the winter months before Christmas, and by the time Christmas came generally it was gone until the following year.

All those who described it are dead on... it isn't pine with other flavors... it was like chewing on a pine tree or licking sap or something. Straight pine flavor and nothing else....

Man do I miss those Piney tasting strains... anyone have a clue what it was? and if its still around...

I always thought is was some sort of Northern Lights pheno
Rumors said it came from Canada packed with christmas trees,
some said it came sealed in cans...
I only remember it around 1994-1998 or so, after that period I don't remember ever seeing it again.

I would love to find out what this magical strain was...... I remember the high being sort of trippy too, where you would think you would hear someone knocking on the door, or see something out of the corner of your eye...

I also remember it being a true one hit wonder... as just a single one hitter bat would put you back for hours.....
Texada Timewarp claims a piney fruity taste and I though that was the only piney avail. via seed. There was some old school outdoor New England strain that I remember being very piney and a great high and was told had no name.

What's up with the necro-threads? Zombie apocalypse upon us?

Pineapple Express
Lemon Alien x Cherry Lime (La Plata, I think)

The Lemon Cherry Lime was identical to Pineapple Express (maybe even tastier), but was pastel frosted with purple accents. Fat dense colas, but with a penchant for botrytis ("too fat"?), otherwise, would have been a keeper. Can't have a strain that fucks up an entire grow.

Keep 'em small, you're probably good (I finish at 6'-8/9', dependent on strain).