Pine..where did the pine go?

I started a thread like this a while back looking for the same. Although I havent looked into it more pine tar kush-smells like a christmas tree seed co was the best reply I saw. Serve isnt old enough to know about it. We saw it only in the fall tight buds of xmas tree. I miss it.....
Think it came from Humbolt in the mid 70's. It was some of the first sensimilla buds to show up on the SoCal scene. It is probably the mother of the chem strain line. As the strain was refined it got more intense - pinesol, vapo-rub etc. It was the best smoke in town unless you could get some Hawaiian grown Red. Then the skunky Indica showed up. The size of artichoke flowers and knocked you on your ass.

Buds were so seasonal back then. Had to wait until fall for the good stuff to show up and it was all gone by January. Then you were stuck with dirt-weed or if you were lucky you could find some hash - and rarely you could get some honey oil.

When my family moved to CO in the late 70's it was mostly leaf and dirt-weed. Then when I worked at Elitch gardens I met a fellow nerd that had the shit! My family moved again. This time to NC. Same deal again. All I could find was leaf and dirt-weed. Then one night at a club I was hanging with a musician friend watching a band he knew. At intermission we went out to the car like in Back to the Future and burned a fatty. I was such a lightweight after all of the crappy weed and I got hammered. Could not form a word. I was so embarrassed. I had gone on and on about how crappy NC weed was and now I was belly down in the dirt! The band went on to play for the second half of the show and closed with Freebird of course :) I wish I had a cut of the hillbilly weed :)

Dank..remember cess? Mmmmmmm....oldskool funnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Smoked an 8th at my grandparents house while they were on vacation..smell stayed in the walls for months..and they were heavy ciggarette smokers..I got in back to pine...
My light purple blackwater pheno displays a little pine but mostly lemon(sorry for being sporadic...just got back from harvest:-))...don't know if I can coax more pne out later on with this one but goes to show the earlier post saying the sfv og cut is pine tasting..the blackwater is a hybrid..
Nightmare,pinesol and freshcut pine is a tottaly different spectrum..pinesol is chemmy and burns the senses..freshcut pine is what I'm talking about..cut down a pinetree,hack it up and at the end of the job,smell your hands..that's what I'm looking tree.

The difference I see with Pinesol is that it is like Pine+Kerosene. Which you are refering to chemmy. I have the Chemdawg D cut, so I know what you mean. It's not hard to find that pure pine smell. You can take anything that has Pinesol and S1 it and you'll find pure pine pheno's.

The SFV smells just like pine+kerosene or fuel. Which I consider pinesol. Every good OG has Chem in it.
I wouldn't get your hopes up> I've bought so much already probably atleast 5lb and haven't found a single s33d and some of it was outdoor grown.
The clone exists but the guy who has it won't let the clone out except to a couple of his relatives(one my friend)with a promise that they wouldn't let it out of their possession for anything(including insane $)

The buds are still around every few months and once in December but only for friends of the family.
I don't buy much indoor CT because he doesn't produceas much nowadays(space) and keeps most for them.
Been smoking it atleast once a year for over 15 years and to this day can't get a clone.

The Christmas Tree we have been buying is outdoor mostly; and in the early-mid 80's was when it was found in bagseed and also when they had their largest harvest's was during the 80's-early 90's.
He grows indoor only now and only produces enough for the family and he saves me a small bag every year(probably others 2)

I think it's obvious why it's not found much anymore>because the outdoor is sketchy there now with more Heli looking for shiners.
I visit NC every year for family@Christmas; and that's when I see my buddy from HighSchool+Get me a small bag
If it has fuel or astringent smell/taste then its not even close to Christmas Tree (mostly Sativa)+its not just an undertone like the OG's> its pure Pine

I have 1/6 pheno. of OG13 that has a Hashy smell/taste with a piney undertone but it's not even close to the flavor of C.Tree. If you only like OG type high then Christmas Tree might not be for you> It's potent but not a sleepy type of high(str8-2-head/energizing/uplifting)
I'm in Cali and last year I was getting it every couple months when he came for some Westcoast. This year he isn't coming to Cali so it will be December before I get a taste.
I told him they need to find a good piney male to reinvigorate the genes and BX with good selection of piney males from each generation until he finds a male that produces offspring like the original mother.
He says they have been cloned for over 25 years and root just like the first round back in the 80's.
Is he aware he could make big money if he were to S1 one? The amount of seeds he could make in a batch at 10 bucks a seed with demand....
My Malawi landrace that went the longest (and didn't have rot) has a subtle pine smell. Trying to master this strain and see if when finished right has the pine smell :) It does not have the neon green color though.
Already told him about s33ds being big $ now and he didn't say much except it's a family heirloom+they don't need $.
I think it's one of those take it 2 the grave things.
You can believe that if I ever get a clone it will become mother prostitute. He made promises to his relative when he got the clones who is now older+sick. I might ask again a couple years after his relative passes, but it would be a miracle if he let me get it.
Christmas Tree isn't fast flowering > outdoors it goes until first frost and indoors it takes 85-95 days(depending on seasonal temps.)atleast that's what I was told by the originator

Never heard about a strain called Pine before but it would make sense if the flavor/smell is piney.
Christmas Tree was bred and grown in NC only since the mid 80's - now.
I lived nearby before Cali was legal and moved to Cali shortly after prop. 215.
I've shared a doob of C.T. with some neighbor friends here in Cali and they said they've never tasted such a pine flavor without having undertones of other flavors like hash/earthy/lemon/etc.

If I had showed them a bud inside a jar(without them smelling it)>they wouldn't want to smoke it because of how spoiled Cali is now that you need to be growing rocks on your plants and large dense sativa buds are scorned.

The bag appeal isn't like Indica/Hybrids because although the buds are dense+huge>they aren't rock hard. Nowadays people want rocks in their pockets.

With good selection over generations you can potentially create whatever you desire> just remember to keep clones of good specimen until after you find a keeper in the next generation of offspring.

I've already found some great females I want to breed> just have to find some frosty+stinky males that interest me. Good males are much harder to find nowadays...What happened to the STUDS?
Ah yes, the pine we have finishes very quick-september outdoors and 51 days indoors.Very popular in my area of canada.
Yeah in Canada you couldn't finish Christmas Tree outdoors in your climate. Cali however...easily
Pine has a knockout buzz? like stoned sleepy type buzz?
Strains that taste of pine, or have at least a pine undertone/overtone as part of a flavor mix:

Hawaiian Kush
Jacks Cleaner
Super Noff (light pine, hint of citrus)
Mugato Kush
Deep Purple (pine hash taste)
Kings Kush (pine / citrus / fruity)
La Jack (pine / fruity)
Many others that don't immediately click, or new ones that have appeared since I last checked lists for flavors.

Please keep in mind that if you obtain them and they are not true genetics line.. genotypes, phenotypes, and everything surrounding the plant may be quite different. The information posted was known to be good/valid at the time of gathering.
I posted about this in another forum a few weeks ago. Maybe 5 years ago i used to get this amazing pinesap smelling weed that i called 'piney dro' when id place an order. After burning the top, sniffing the bowl had an almost baconish/roasted almond smell to it fused with the pine.

This stuff was overall the best weed ive ever had. Definitely the best tasting. It also expanded alot, and burned very slow.

Just potent mellow deep thinking day dreaming kinda stuff. Time flys by. 2-3 hits and you're pinkeyed. I tried to cheif a whole bowl, and about 1:20-ish later (according to my phone) i had made it to 8 hits.

2-3 small bowls would last me all day.


EDIT: Someone replied to my thread in the other forum describing similar stuff that his dealer called "nirvana".

I then asked him if perhaps it was nirvana seedbank's northern lights strain (because of the x-mass description), to which he replied something to the effect of "Ive had NL before, and it wasnt NL".

Of course, this doesnt rule anything out.

Gl finding it, and be sure to share the name if you ever find it.