Pinworm announces his campaign for Mayor

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@UncleBuck will of course be appointed my Vice Mayor. He will be in charge of everything troll, and the one running everything from the inside. I only plan on being a figurehead. He will be in charge of my public relations, too. I am still trying to think of an official title for him...
Yeah someone's got to put the PUBIC back into Public Relations. I'd volunteer but I have too many skeletons in my closet.
Yeah someone's got to put the PUBIC back into Public Relations. I'd volunteer but I have too many skeletons in my closet.
You can be our "Joe Biden". The goofy, sexy guy everyone loves to have a drink with. You can help us out by explaining all issues pertaining to penis. You will made Vice Chancellor of Wieners, and my main Mistress. Everyone will know we are sleeping together, but we will pretend we aren't just to make sure people are still talking about my campaign. It will be weird at first, but then we will wind up figuring out we were meant for each other...
People want real solutions for long-standing problems. I believe this mayoral election offers an opportunity to bring a fresh new approach to the things that ail us while holding onto the things that make Pioneer so special. Like being allowed to have sex with your own livestock, and second cousins. If I am elected Mayor, I will make sure your freedoms will not be encroached upon.

People want real solutions for long-standing problems. I believe this mayoral election offers an opportunity to bring a fresh new approach to the things that ail us while holding onto the things that make Pioneer so special. Like being allowed to have sex with your own livestock, and second cousins. If I am elected Mayor, I will make sure your freedoms will not be encroached upon.

View attachment 3803720

A truly moooooooving speech!
View attachment 3803722 I have come here to make it as clear as possible why I am endorsing @.Pinworm. and why he must become our next mayor.

We are joining forces to defeat Donald Trumpshine!" "I can't help but say how much more enjoyable this election is going to be when we are on the same side. You know what? We are stronger together- sunni Clinton
He is an arrogant cunt, and come november 28th we will destroy him in the polls.
A truly moooooooving speech!
Thank you, citizen.
We, here at Pinworm headquarters, would like to publicly thank Guy on a Buffalo for his donation to our campaign. The beef jerky was lovely and I am sure we can find someone who could use that sweater you made out of your pubes.

-Mayor Parasite

We, here at Pinworm headquarters, would like to publicly thank Guy on a Buffalo for his donation to our campaign. The beef jerky was lovely and I am sure we can find someone who could use that sweater you made out of your pubes.

-Mayor Parasite

Mmm. Pube sweater.
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