There is is options, Look up Drug detoxifying products that fit your needs, I'd only use them if they have good reviews and that 200% money back guarentee, Detoxify,etc.. You still gotta drink a lot of water and quite for at leat a week, and clean up your diet.
Or have someone clean piss in a cup, before your test, get them warmers to keep the temp at least 92-98 or so and sneak them in your pant's, but hopefully they don't strip you and keep you in a Gown,,,Me! once but, for randoms and a responsable position. only at one out of like 7 times that happened!
and if you aint' sure before your test your clean get a drug test at your local pharmacy to test it it all costs cash,,,or quite for free,, Good luck and damn,,I wish i could retire.