Pit bulls


Well-Known Member
I have two Blunt and Canella he'll be 7yrs old on Oct 15th and Canella will be 7 next Jan but don't know the date. Give her a lot of love and she'll give it right back.


Well-Known Member
absolutely, this is a perfect one on one learning time for her. not the same as turning her loose on the property. she needs to listen to you when you speak.
Agreed...I'll see how the 2 act together...we were discussing the cattle and horses near the house...wondering if the 2 would try to take em down together lol....that would be fucked... a leash is a must for starters. I know my Kusky (the shepski) hates when animals get near her humans . Im sure the pit will learn the same behaviors:/


Well-Known Member
Mine is a good dog, I wish I had his energy. I've had pitbulls all my life. 15 acres, get ready for snake bites and skunk sprays.. My last pit died at 14, she had been bit by four copperheads in her life..


Well-Known Member
awww sweet babies... I wanna cuddle em up. I have a huge red kong that my big dog doesnt care for...
well get ready for it to be in little pieces lol she'll love chewing it to shreads. I went through soooo many with Blunt and Canella destroyed a suppose to be indestructible and in 4 days shreads lol and no toys with squeakers in them. This is from my experience.


Well-Known Member
The most loving dogs i have ever been around and rasied would be pit bulls. Extremely common where i live. Like any dog, raise it wrong, you will have problems. However, if sombody attacks you, dont expect your pit bull to not protect your life with his/her's. They are willing to die to protect. Sad when people fight those dogs.


Well-Known Member
I had pit bullbs there smart as a sob and talking about a friend that dog will not leave you at all. Feed it good food. Blue dog food is expensive if you have a tractor supply they sell a brand called 4 health which is super good food. You will love pitbulls. If you train in to be mean it will have that mentality. If.you get nervous it will no and protect you. There usually lap dogs as well a pit is truly your best friend give it attention and get 2 if only 1 it will eat all kinds of shit up like shoes empty flower pots toys anything. I ran like a dog runner cable from 1 tree to another and tied a big dog rope toy thing to it and it would go back and forth playing and attacking it


Well-Known Member
Pitbulls are the most loyal and loving breed of dog I have ever had the pleasure of having.

They are big so you have to teach them young not to play rough. Mine is great around kids and other people. He'll get feisty with other male dogs (he isn't neutered), but beside that he is the most chill dog you could ever meet. They are a strong and thick headed breed; mine ran headfirst through a solid wooden fence after a armadillo when he was about 2 years old... broke the fence boards in half, didn't even slow him down. Used to be able to grab a piece of rope and helicopter him around the yard. I even see him take a few young trees and pull them up lol

He played a lot more as a puppy, but that is to be expected I guess, now at 10 he just sleeps...

IMG_0880.JPG IMG_0883.JPG

And steals all teh pillows... :finger:


Well-Known Member
Im starting a trial period with a pit bull pup to see if she'll be a good fit for us. I have never owned a pitbull before. I was wondering who on RIU has a pit bull or has had one that can share some stories about their characteristics good and bad...thanks

Here she is...
View attachment 3406632

there lovely dogs but you need to be loving for them to be loving in return

there more capable in fucking shit up but the most violent dog is actually a golden retriever they will seriously fuck someone's shit up

most pitbulls however are abused and get violent just like any other dog would and thats why they have such a bad reputation but imho they are great companions and protectors (giving the right training has been implemented) so please keep it because your a nice and caring person and you seem like you'd be a good momma to a dog, oh and if you put it in the pound some jackass will adopt it and might end up putting it in dog fights or abusing it

i grew up with pit bulls and doberman pincers both of which where more chilled out then a damn pug dog (pugs are ferocious little fuckers) so dont be swayed in your opinion because of the breed hell my uncles buddy has a coyote that is so sweet to everyone but it's chompers are scary as fuck!

(thats not it btw lol i just found that on the googles)


Well-Known Member
My pitt loves my babies. He's a good boy. When he was little, he tore EVERYTHING up. I am not kidding. He was the most destructive little shit. DO NOT leave her alone lol. You have to kennel her while you're gone until she learns to not chew because I promise you she will chew anything. Wood. (Think furniture) pillows, dog beds, she'll shred it. It's just the way they are. It's not vicious. I think they just get bored and overly excited. They're super high energy. They need to be walked, they need to be able to run. If you don't socialize her, you'll have a problem child lol. So make sure she gets time around other dogs and learns to be gentle. My boy is an alpha, and he's OK with other boy dogs UNLESS his females are around. He will not let another male dog around "his females". (A chihuahua and puggle. His ladies lol). But he plays with my kids. In fact, my girls enjoy dressing him up and painting his nails. And he just sits there and lets them. He's incredibly smart and very eager to please. Pitts really are great dogs. But you have to stay on them and train them right. And get them fixed young.


Well-Known Member
My pitt loves my babies. He's a good boy. When he was little, he tore EVERYTHING up. I am not kidding. He was the most destructive little shit. DO NOT leave her alone lol. You have to kennel her while you're gone until she learns to not chew because I promise you she will chew anything. Wood. (Think furniture) pillows, dog beds, she'll shred it. It's just the way they are. It's not vicious. I think they just get bored and overly excited. They're super high energy. They need to be walked, they need to be able to run. If you don't socialize her, you'll have a problem child lol. So make sure she gets time around other dogs and learns to be gentle. My boy is an alpha, and he's OK with other boy dogs UNLESS his females are around. He will not let another male dog around "his females". (A chihuahua and puggle. His ladies lol). But he plays with my kids. In fact, my girls enjoy dressing him up and painting his nails. And he just sits there and lets them. He's incredibly smart and very eager to please. Pitts really are great dogs. But you have to stay on them and train them right. And get them fixed young.
great advice ty. I dont leave my house much so she'll be by my side most the time. I hate crating dogs up for long periods. I hear she likes car rides so Im eager for a shopping buddy. My other dog gets motion sickness, pukes 5 min in the car lol. But yeah, I had a dog or 2 chew shit to bits bc they get bored I know;)
So since shes a clean slate pretty much, how do you guys think I should do the punishment? wad of paper? time out in crate...pointers anyone whats best for this type dog?