yeah purp have you seen the sticky roxistar i think posted about bag appeal? well that is the method i use only my buds are fluffy and i only hung for 4 days and then in to a paper bag for a night and half of today and now i have it in a glass jar and i will open it for an hour daily. i would have preferred to hang for a week in a dark room with a fan blowing not directly on it but to circulate the air in the room and then in to the brown paper bag try not to stack buds cuz they will conpress and this is for bagappeal not shwag lol and the week it is in the paper bag i will move the buds aroung every day for the whole week and then into the glass jars for 2-3 weeks depending on the pot and the first 7 days i burp the jars for 1 hour a day and move the buds around every day and then after that you are done you can leave it in the jars if oyu want make a button out of tinfoil and cottonballs and poke a few holes in it then put a couple of drops of ewater on it and throw it in your jars it will keep them moist but just do it mainly if u are using tuppaware ir pill bottles to store your smoke or a frewhly cut fan leaf